
Snowboarding pics from Breckenridge


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I went up to Breckenridge today for some snowboarding. With the lack of snow that Colorado has had the past few weeks I was itching to hit some powder. Apparently a few days ago they had 4-5" of snow, so I looked up and saw that some areas of the upper bowls were still untracked. Decided to take the 45minute hike up to the top and go towards the cornace that's pictured below. Absolutely amazing, the side that I went off had seriously less than a dozen tracks on it. Definitely my new favorite run. Obviously the pics are from a camera phone but some of them came out kinda cool. After doing the hike I realized that I was in extremely poor shape, but watching some of the more experienced hikers helped. I can always say its the altitude too being that its almost at 13000feet and I live at 6000feet, haha.:p

Mountain that I'm hiking up.

Pic of the peak

This is where I'm going

View of Copper from the top

Here's Peak8 to the south of me. Hiked up that last year and rode down the bowl on the opposite side.

Here's the cornace and cirque that I ride in. I traversed over to about 2/3 of the way towards Peak8.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
dh girlie said:
Whats all that brown stuff in your snow? :D

4-5 INCHES? BAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding...cool pics...I guess the Sierras got all the snow this season...hell we've had storms that have yielded 4-5 FEET! Woohoo!
Those are the boulders that are on top of the mountain. walking on top of the mountain you pretty much have to walk on the rocks or you'll fall knee deep in snow. :p

Yea our snowfall has been pitiful so far this year, which is why such little snow was a big deal to me. :D

dh girlie

COmtbiker12 said:
Those are the boulders that are on top of the mountain. walking on top of the mountain you pretty much have to walk on the rocks or you'll fall knee deep in snow. :p

Yea our snowfall has been pitiful so far this year, which is why such little snow was a big deal to me. :D
hahaha! Well this was mostly for SS...he's soooo catty about the sierras and all the snow we've gotten...:D


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
dh girlie said:
hahaha! Well this was mostly for SS...he's soooo catty about the sierras and all the snow we've gotten...:D
Understood, lol
It's pissing me off how little snow we've gotten so far this season. Half the resorts only have 40" bases it seems like...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
dh girlie said:
Honestly, I feel bad for you...there is nothing worse than getting no snow when you like to snowboard. :(
Thanks. :D
Here's my local resorts info...
Vail....41" base
Beaver Creek....43" base
Breckenridge....34" base :(
Keystone...36" base

Oh well, I'm trying to convince my dad to take me to Silverton for Spring Break. :D And I have less than 2 years of high school left and I"m gonna try to go to UBC, if I get in there I'll have tons of nice snow. :)


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Waa Waa Waaa!

washington state has ONE ski resort open. and I think it only has TWO partial runs open.

there is NO SNOW in washington.

summers gunna suck.

dh girlie

COmtbiker12 said:
Thanks. :D
Here's my local resorts info...
Vail....41" base
Beaver Creek....43" base
Breckenridge....34" base :(
Keystone...36" base

Oh well, I'm trying to convince my dad to take me to Silverton for Spring Break. :D And I have less than 2 years of high school left and I"m gonna try to go to UBC, if I get in there I'll have tons of nice snow. :)
BC as in British Columbia? I hear they have no snow either...try UNR...then you're close to Tahoe and at least a dozen resorts!


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
COmtbiker12 said:
Thanks. :D
Here's my local resorts info...
Vail....41" base
Beaver Creek....43" base
Breckenridge....34" base :(
Keystone...36" base

Sounds like Midwest base

I hope you guys get some snow soon. I am going to winter park the last week in March.


dh girlie said:
BC as in British Columbia? I hear they have no snow either...try UNR...then you're close to Tahoe and at least a dozen resorts!
Are you hitting on him??? He's a kid for krissakes.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
BC as in British Columbia? I hear they have no snow either...try UNR...then you're close to Tahoe and at least a dozen resorts!
Goto UBC, it's a good school and you'll be w/ Canadians instead of snotty little Cali monkey girls :blah: who likes to rub your face in the fact that we've got NOT SNOW! Plus, Whistler/Blackcomb, summer and winter.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
Canadians...the inferiority complex is getting a bit old...hehehehe...juuuust kidding!
Yup. And even tho I've been in the US longer than I've been in Canada, I'm still not giving up my Canadian citizenship 'cause I don't want to be kidnapped when I travel abroad later. Ppl don't kidnap Canadians 'cause 1) they're (we're) cool, 2) just like the Swiss, no one cares about us. We wave our little red and white maple leaf flag and everyone just smiles and waves back :D Hell, I think we (Canada) could be invaded by a forign nation and we'll just take 'em out for a beer, ehy :thumb:

Edit: Canada, a nation that welcomes everyone, except US citizens....BBAAAHAHAHA.

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
Yup. And even tho I've been in the US longer than I've been in Canada, I'm still not giving up my Canadian citizenship 'cause I don't want to be kidnapped when I travel abroad later. Ppl don't kidnap Canadians 'cause 1) they're (we're) cool, 2) just like the Swiss, no one cares about us. We wave our little red and white maple leaf flag and everyone just smiles and waves back :D Hell, I think we (Canada) could be invaded by a forign nation and we'll just take 'em out for a beer, ehy :thumb:

Edit: Canada, a nation that welcomes everyone, except US citizens....BBAAAHAHAHA.
People don't kidnap canadians cuz they aren't WORTH anything! HAHAHAHA!

dh girlie

KonaJosh said:
It's true. My local ski area is a landfill covered in man-made snow. Click and have a good laugh at my expense. When you need a fix...

Yes, 250 ft vertical.

Wow...up to a 32 inch base...y'all're living large! Does it smell like a landfill? I would think you'd want more than 32 inches of snow between you and a pile of garbage?


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
A COLD beer? when I went to Canada, you had to go to a special store for COLD beer...I was surprised....I would think that Canadians would want COLD beer at their fingertips...:D

Yes, I do like it...
Cold beers are in the taverns. But the store is own'd by the Man and he don't chill no brews. It might be a stodgy old English thing. No matter, I like taverns since you can get fries w/ gravy there too :D


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
dh girlie said:
I heard in the Chicago area they have to board and ski on a snow covered land fill!


We can go up to WI for some hills with a 400 foot drop. That were made from Glaciers but that's about it.

And your post came out a little snobbish.

Is that what you are a snow snob?

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
Cold beers are in the taverns. But the store is own'd by the Man and he don't chill no brews. It might be a stodgy old English thing. No matter, I like taverns since you can get fries w/ gravy there too :D
Yeah I thought I was losing my mind when I was in liquor store in Whistler...where is the cold beer? I wondered aloud...and the snotty Canadian stock man was all...duuuhhh...in a beer and wine store! and I was like huh? Beer and wine store? No cold beer in a LIQUOR store?...and he was still snotty and goes...no...you have to go to a beer and wine store for cold beer but you will pay more...and I said...how much more...and he said...3 or 4 dollars...by this time I was sick of his rude ass and said...Canadian or US dollars! HAHAHA...he got PISSED!

dh girlie

Hawkeye said:

We can go up to WI for some hills with a 400 foot drop. That were made from Glaciers but that's about it.

And your post came out a little snobbish.

Is that what you are a snow snob?
No, no not at all...it was in disbelief! I mean if you don't have mtn's, you don't have mtn's...I was just kinda shocked that people would ski on a landfill...landfills are kinda smelly...


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
dh girlie said:
No, no not at all...it was in disbelief! I mean if you don't have mtn's, you don't have mtn's...I was just kinda shocked that people would ski on a landfill...landfills are kinda smelly...

Well the 2 places within 30 minutes of me are not landfill. One is in the middle of a singles community calles 4 lakes. basically it is built on the backfill from the construction. They have a nice bar and 4 rope tows. They have a "terrain park" I think it is boxes and rails and some jumps. I haven't been there in years, except to drink.


The other place is a hilly golf course and It has one quad chair and like 5 rope tows.


I am about an hour and 15 from the WI border and there are a couple of places a bit better but everything around here is no more than a 2 minute cruise down.

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
dh girlie said:
Wow...up to a 32 inch base...y'all're living large! Does it smell like a landfill? I would think you'd want more than 32 inches of snow between you and a pile of garbage?
It's not a functioning landfill, but I'm pretty sure it was at one time. Any garbage is buried under lots of dirt. There's probably some construction backfill, too. Another place I snowboard is backfill from a strip mine right next to it. The city of Ann Arbor is closing a landfill and is currently contemplating turning it into a ski area. I've got my fingers crossed.

dh girlie

KonaJosh said:
It's not a functioning landfill, but I'm pretty sure it was at one time. Any garbage is buried under lots of dirt. There's probably some construction backfill, too. Another place I snowboard is backfill from a strip mine right next to it. The city of Ann Arbor is closing a landfill and is currently contemplating turning it into a ski area. I've got my fingers crossed.

That's kinda sad...:(

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
You are lucky, but your local scene is what you make of it. The quality of riding (mostly park riding) is higher than you'd think in Michigan. There are some rippers. I have some family in SF and I really love it there, so who knows, I may move out there before too long.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
hahaha! Well this was mostly for SS...he's soooo catty about the sierras and all the snow we've gotten...:D
The only people who make me envious are the people in Utah.........

Oh yeah, and the people in Wyoming.

And Montana.

And the interior of B.C.


But *surely* not the people in California....... :rolleyes: That's like someone from the East Coast trying to convince me of their great snow.


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
The only people who make me envious are the people in Utah.........

Oh yeah, and the people in Wyoming.

And Montana.

And the interior of B.C.


But *surely* not the people in California....... :rolleyes: That's like someone from the East Coast trying to convince me of their great snow.

You are SO incredibly clueless...but thats ok...we don't want the likes of you out here anyway...however...there WAS indeed some of this Sierra Cement you speak of in the boardercross terrain park yesterday...I feel like I have a concussion! Jeebus! It was fun...just cruising along and WHAM...I was down so hard and so fast...hurt like a beatch. But...that's what happens when you're used to nice soft snow and powder all the time...you hit ONE ice patch...I think I'm still seein stars!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
dh girlie said:
You are SO incredibly clueless...but thats ok...we don't want the likes of you out here anyway...however...there WAS indeed some of this Sierra Cement you speak of in the boardercross terrain park yesterday...I feel like I have a concussion! Jeebus! It was fun...just cruising along and WHAM...I was down so hard and so fast...hurt like a beatch. But...that's what happens when you're used to nice soft snow and powder all the time...you hit ONE ice patch...I think I'm still seein stars!
So far this season other than yesterday and a few other times, the highlight is hitting fresh courderoy runs in the morning when the lifts first open. It's so much fun making it from top to bottom of breckenridge in under 2 minutes making probably less than 15 turns the whole time. :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
You are SO incredibly clueless...but thats ok...we don't want the likes of you out here anyway..<snip>
Are you telling me that you guys have been getting 5-7% water-content powder?

Don't worry - any trip to ski in California would require that I drive through Utah........ and I'd end up skiing there. ;)
