
Snowboarding pics from Breckenridge


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
It's not dry powder EVERY day...but it's nice and soft most of the time. It does tend to get a tad slushy at then end of those days we get clear blue skies...sunshine...like this weekend...:drool:
Methinks your idea of "dry powder" and mine would differ greatly....... :rolleyes:

And "tad slushy" is something we don't say around here until mid-March at the *earliest*........ unless, of course, you Californians send some of you damned warm weather. :angry:


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Methinks your idea of "dry powder" and mine would differ greatly....... :rolleyes:

And "tad slushy" is something we don't say around here until mid-March at the *earliest*........ unless, of course, you Californians send some of you damned warm weather. :angry:


Well...doesn't sound like y'all're gittin much out there period...slush, ice, 5-7 or any percent water content anything...Tahoe's got over a 20 foot base...this entire season I have been unable to form a snowball...thats dry enough for us that are boarding every weekend and have been since the weekend before Halloween! :p Talk smack to me when y'all get a good winter out there!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Well...doesn't sound like y'all're gittin much out there period...slush, ice, 5-7 or any percent water content anything...Tahoe's got over a 20 foot base...this entire season I have been unable to form a snowball...thats dry enough for us that are boarding every weekend and have been since the weekend before Halloween! :p Talk smack to me when y'all get a good winter out there!
We've had a good winter everywhere in the central & SW part of the state.

Although with 3 kids (one of which is 7 weeks old) I have been up exactly *ZERO* times this winter.........

You're probably right - I'm probably just mad. :D

Oh - and you're 20 foot base came as a result of 30 feet of snowfall. If we got 30 feet of snowfall, we'd still only have about 75" of base. That's because dry, light snow doesn't take up much space when it's consolidated. :p


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
We've had a good winter everywhere in the central & SW part of the state.

Although with 3 kids (one of which is 7 weeks old) I have been up exactly *ZERO* times this winter.........

You're probably right - I'm probably just mad. :D

Oh - and you're 20 foot base came as a result of 30 feet of snowfall. If we got 30 feet of snowfall, we'd still only have about 75" of base. That's because dry, light snow doesn't take up much space when it's consolidated. :p


Well that's your problem, maybe try some birth control, Trigger...hahaha...just kidding...congrats on the new baby! What is it?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
dh girlie said:
Well...doesn't sound like y'all're gittin much out there period...slush, ice, 5-7 or any percent water content anything...Tahoe's got over a 20 foot base...this entire season I have been unable to form a snowball...thats dry enough for us that are boarding every weekend and have been since the weekend before Halloween! :p Talk smack to me when y'all get a good winter out there!
i hate you!!!

i got one craptastical day at 49 and then wham!!!! it all melts...
if id doesn't snow soon i am gonna cry... :help:

on a side note i have been DHing lots :blah:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Well that's your problem, maybe try some birth control, Trigger...hahaha...just kidding...congrats on the new baby! What is it?
Human, thank God........ <whew>

I was just happy that it came out without cloven hooves. :eek:


P.S. It's a boy - I now have 3 sons! :thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
<snip>Oh...and precisely why I will never have children...I fear that it will be like me!
Probably a good idea...... I can definitely see why that might be a concern for you........ :p

Oh! OH! Now you can tap your foot and whistle that song from My Three Sons!
:think: Hmmmm..... haven't heard *that* one about 400 times in the last 2 months. :rolleyes: :D


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Probably a good idea...... I can definitely see why that might be a concern for you........ :p

:think: Hmmmm..... haven't heard *that* one about 400 times in the last 2 months. :rolleyes: :D


Yeah I don't like babies much...they are ok to look at, especially in pictures, but they smell. I managed to not be in the position where I was required change ONE diaper out of 8 nieces and nephews! YESSS!

I am surprised they let YOU reproduce...I do hope you do the right thing when it comes time, and put them on snowboards...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
I am surprised they let YOU reproduce...I do hope you do the right thing when it comes time, and put them on snowboards...
No *FU#*%(G* way I'm gonna put 'em on snowboards. I wouldn't want to limit them that way. :p

Of course, karma being what it is, I'm pretty sure that all of them will be snowboarding anyways when they're 10..... <sigh>


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
No *FU#*%(G* way I'm gonna put 'em on snowboards. I wouldn't want to limit them that way. :p

Of course, karma being what it is, I'm pretty sure that all of them will be snowboarding anyways when they're 10..... <sigh>

I have some friends that have a tough little guy...when he was 4 he was racing bmx...anyway, he told his mom he wanted to snowboard when he was about 5...and she told him that she thought he would have to ski first...(I think they won't start a little kid on snowboard lessons till they are like 7 or 8 or something like that) Anyway...she said he was like NOOOOOO! Skiing's not cool! HAHAHAHA! Not sure where a 5 year old would pick that up...his parents don't board or ski...nonetheless it was funny...and so TRUE! :p

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
No *FU#*%(G* way I'm gonna put 'em on snowboards. I wouldn't want to limit them that way. :p

Of course, karma being what it is, I'm pretty sure that all of them will be snowboarding anyways when they're 10..... <sigh>


On another note, it cracks me up seeing the little kids learning how to ski...french fries...pizza...french fries...pizza...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
nahhh...that was before the reality tv hype got going...fortunately for him, he is now a knuckle dragging snowboarder, rather than a tight aspen suit wearing two planker...do you have any pics of yourself in your tight, fur collared aspen suit? HAHAHAH!
Check it and *weep* bish!


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
:confused: WTF? Sometimes you make *no* sense whatsoever....... :think:


Umm...we were talking about what people wear when they ski or snowboard...I said I love seeing people learn to snowboard in jeans...I guess this is where I can safely assume you have never tried to snowboard? When you are learning you fall...A LOT...and if you are wearing jeans...you get soaked and cold...it's just kinda funny...nevermind, SkaredClueless...:D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Umm...we were talking about what people wear when they ski or snowboard...I said I love seeing people learn to snowboard in jeans...I guess this is where I can safely assume you have never tried to snowboard? When you are learning you fall...A LOT...and if you are wearing jeans...you get soaked and cold...it's just kinda funny...nevermind, SkaredClueless...:D
Well, if you hadn't put it as a direct response to that picture of the retarded snowboarder..........

I thought that *you* thought he was wearing jeans. You need to go back to Interpersonal Communications 101. :p



Turbo Monkey
I'm w/ SS on the two plankin'. My specialty is the bumps and deeeeeeep pow. However, as you so like rubbing our faces in doo doo, we currently have none. What we have been getting is the same kind of mushy dense stuff you guys get on a regular basis. That stuff is GREAT for the bumps! So when we don't get the super deep, I go bumpin'. But trust me on this, the stuff in CO is NOT the same as your coastal mash potatoes. In '96 when we got 139" in 2 weeks, It packed down to less than 1/2 that for our base. On good days I clear off my car windshield by blowing across it. 2 – 3 breaths are about all you need. My home area is especially weird in that we can get some of the lightest snow known, and tons of it w/ the right conditions. But unless there’s like 24+” of it, it’s kinda strange to ski it as you’ll feel EVERY death cookie under that fluff (referred to as dust on crust) and froggin’ dangerous at times.
As for clothing, I’m really bum’d that Oakley stopped making their older stuff like the Lab Pant v2.0. It’s sooo nice and baggy w/ fleece lined inside. :(


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
I'm w/ SS on the two plankin'. My specialty is the bumps and deeeeeeep pow.
:stupid: I like deeeeeeeep pow.

I had a buddy that said "Dude, you *really* need to try snowboarding. It's *soooooo* easy to stay up on top of the powder"

I looked straight in his eye and said "Why in the f*#k would I want to do that???" :confused:

Here is a pretty good illustration of why I ski:



Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
SkaredShtles said:
:stupid: I like deeeeeeeep pow.

I had a buddy that said "Dude, you *really* need to try snowboarding. It's *soooooo* easy to stay up on top of the powder"

I looked straight in his eye and said "Why in the f*#k would I want to do that???" :confused:

Here is a pretty good illustration of why I ski:

That's so cool! Even bustin' out the snorkel too. :thumb: