Any of you monkies snowmobile? I've just been cruising around on ebay lately and found that some of the older vintage snowmobiles are pretty freakin cheap. Some of them look like they're in excellent condition and just need to be reuphoulstered (sp?) and of course others have mechanical issues. But, I'm wondering if any of you folks have any recommendations as far as specific things to look out for as well as certain sleds that would be cheaper, faster, and easier to maintain? Right now I owe biker3 $250 so it wont be for a while anyways, but I think it'd be pretty damn fun to pic up a pair of old ones and go trailriding on them. I wouldn't be jumping or anything like that. Right now the old SkiDoos and yamahas look pretty appealing. Especially some of them that have upwards of 350-400cc's They claim they're cranking out ~100hp. Mmmmmm..... :love: