
Snowshoe...NOT IMPRESSED!!


Apr 21, 2004
First off, let me start by saying that I realize Snowshoe had no control over the mud situation...

But what the hell was with that long flat section? Why would you build a course for a national that had a section like then when you KNOW that your mountain is prone to wet conditions? This course was lacking big time....Where was the maintenance? Where was the thought? Coming from the U.S. Open event I expected alot more out of Snowshoe..The course at Diablo Freeride Park was near World Cup conditions, if not better..Needless to say the course at Snowshoe was a huge huge letdown...

On another note? They really need to stop hyping up their alleged "freeride park'.....Whats the deal with all those really wide bridges that dont serve any purpose? I mean come on! I think they really need to develop a solid DH trail network before they start building these useless stunts. BRIDGES THAT SERVE NO PURPOSE ARE LAME!!!!! Isnt snowshoe owned by the same people that own diablo? How is that Diablo could be sooo sick and Snowshoe could be an overhyped jungle gym?


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
well the reason why everything is so wide in the freeride park is for legal reasons, like insurance, and if you were so dissapointed in snowshoe quit bitching about it and offer to help and volunteer or something. Seems like your just pissed because you had to get dirty, and pedal a little bit, GET OVER IT!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
if you don't like it you can do two things!!!!

a. don't come!!! and shut up!

b. give positive feedback as to how things could be different, instead of posting them on this forum you could've hit the email link on www.ride.snowshoemtn.com with your criticism's...... I for one had complaints from the first weekend of riding up there. I didn't come back here and post it, I went to the people building the trails and asked about their plans and made suggestions..... you are handling this the wrong way...

They are willing to work with the riders, and they themselves are riders.... the trails will be made for riders by riders, this means in the end it will be the way the riders wanted it.

I for one see that the "Whistler of the East" is nothing more than marketing, you know that, they obviously didn't take whistler and put it here.

If you don't like to ride ladders/stunts, don't ride the freeride park...

If you don't like mud, Snowshoe is the wrong place for you and quite possibly may not be the sport for you either......

The Stunts are put in place for fun!!!! I don't remember seeing any rivers on the trail or mud swamps at Whistler!!!!! What's up with that Fun Box it's just stupid, it's just a box in the trail, c'mon man, obviously stunts are put in place for fun, personally I hope they open up a slopestyle coarse with wallrides, fun boxes, and so on!!!!! Stunts are for fun!!!!! They (the stunts and snowshoe) don't need an excuse!!!! FUN!!!!!

on another note, loosen up, ride for fun!!! do you always complain like this? You were on your bike riding, and it should've rocked if you were just riding wheelies down the street..... if you didn't feel like you got your money's worth just consider not going back

sorry so long.... I just can't believe he took up space in two forums for this.....


Jun 18, 2002
The race last weekend was a national race, so I can see where some people might have gripes about the course and organization. However, the fact that it was a new course and that it would be muddy was no secret. I can't believe how surprised so many people were with its condition...it's Snowshoe.

As for the Freeride stuff, I don't see any basis for your gripes. First of all, Intrawest owns both Snowshoe and Whistler, hence their desire to call it the Whistler of the East. Secondly, say what you will about other mountains, but it doesn't change the fact that Snowshoe is a forerunner in the resort based Freeride/DH movement on the east coast. They have been inviting people to help build and offer their opinions since the first stunt went up last year. Before I even got back from the ER on opening weekend, Hulk had already posted asking people to post their thoughts, gripes, opinions and suggestions. On top of that, they've made it clear of their intentions to continue their expansion. If you're so unhappy with it you should consider offering a helping hand rather than sitting on your ass complaining.

I've been riding Snowshoe since before the NORBA courses were put in, back when Rough and Tumble was the most technical trail on the mountain. I've watched the place grow with our sport, and slowly develope into the program it is today. They've turned that mountain around in a matter of a couple of years, mostly on the backs of a few dedicated riders who've put their hearts and asses on the line so that they and we can have a place to ride.


Apr 21, 2004
bagtagley said:
First of all, Intrawest owns both Snowshoe and Whistler, hence their desire to call it the Whistler of the East. Secondly, say what you will about other mountains, but it doesn't change the fact that Snowshoe is a forerunner in the resort based Freeride/DH movement on the east coast.
Snowshoe is not the forerunner of east cost FR/DH movement..In order to call yourself a "whister of the east" you would need to claim top ranks. Just becuase snowshoe has built a bunch of commercial looking stunts does NOT mean they claim top ranks in the east...NOT even close. Clearly Diablo freeride park in jersey already has a better trail network and a much bigger customer base, not to mention they have some of the east coasts best pros like Aaron Chase, Jeff Lenosky, Lars Tribus, George Ryan and now Marla Streb that ride and endorse the mountain. Snowshoe does not have the DH/FR trail network that Diablo has established. Here is how the east coast stacks up:

1. Diablo
2. Plattekill
3. Snowshoe


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Say what you want but if you noticed what he said intrawest owns snowshoe so it would be their desire to call it that. But i have never seen the whole whistler from the east thing at all. How come you say they dont claim ranks in the east when you just ranked them 3rd? How many other places are out there to ride on the east? And i'm pretty sure most magazines rate plattekill as the 2nd best in the Americas behind whistler from what i have seen. If you are gonna trash talk the program then don't bother riding there but they are trying to bring riding aroudn the area. I would think most people would be happy more places are opening up for us to ride. I think from what i grabbed from Dave they want more riding places and don't care about whos better. How would you like it if plattekill and diablo and snowshoe shut down. Then what? Quit bitching and help out and spread the places to ride to more places instead of a slim few. Most true people into the lifestyle and love of the sport want more places not just saying HEY MY PLACE IS THE BEST ALL THE OTHER TRAILS SHOULD QUIT AND SHUT DOWN. Just shut up and ride and if you wanna bitch about it don't ride there and go out west where its nice and dry so you don't get your racer boy clothes dirty.


monkey wrestler
Apr 9, 2002
Stowe, VT
Well I definitely owe Shawn an apology. Obviously his work and trails rock and I don't know $hit about what DH has become (frankly I think slogging is for 4 wheelers and jeeps and don't DH at all). I guess that makes 2 good things that have come from Jersey.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
JerseyDave said:
I guess that makes 2 good things that have come from Jersey.
What pollution and stupid people?

JK well not on the pollution.

BTW, what was that post about neway im confused.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
thespackler said:
First off, let me start by saying that I realize Snowshoe had no control over the mud situation...

But what the hell was with that long flat section? Why would you build a course for a national that had a section like then when you KNOW that your mountain is prone to wet conditions? This course was lacking big time....Where was the maintenance? Where was the thought? Coming from the U.S. Open event I expected alot more out of Snowshoe..The course at Diablo Freeride Park was near World Cup conditions, if not better..Needless to say the course at Snowshoe was a huge huge letdown...

On another note? They really need to stop hyping up their alleged "freeride park'.....Whats the deal with all those really wide bridges that dont serve any purpose? I mean come on! I think they really need to develop a solid DH trail network before they start building these useless stunts. BRIDGES THAT SERVE NO PURPOSE ARE LAME!!!!! Isnt snowshoe owned by the same people that own diablo? How is that Diablo could be sooo sick and Snowshoe could be an overhyped jungle gym?

The guys who build the Snowshoe stuff and work there are NOT the same guys who built the [admittedly sucky] NORBA expert course. Go bitch at somebody else.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Me and my bro drove 8 hours to get there,sport practice was cancelled on Friday.It rained,was muddddyyyy and I would defintely do it again :D .It was muddy,so what,the stunts weren't good enough for you,so what,Rome wasn't built in a day my friend.I'm stoked at what they are doin at 'Shoe.If you don't like it DON'T GO.Don't bad mouth the hard work the people there have done.


Jun 18, 2002
thespackler said:
Snowshoe is not the forerunner of east cost FR/DH movement..In order to call yourself a "whister of the east" you would need to claim top ranks. Just becuase snowshoe has built a bunch of commercial looking stunts does NOT mean they claim top ranks in the east...NOT even close. Clearly Diablo freeride park in jersey already has a better trail network and a much bigger customer base, not to mention they have some of the east coasts best pros like Aaron Chase, Jeff Lenosky, Lars Tribus, George Ryan and now Marla Streb that ride and endorse the mountain. Snowshoe does not have the DH/FR trail network that Diablo has established. Here is how the east coast stacks up:
Nobody said anything about rank. I explained why they gave it that name.

I live 2 hours away from Snowshoe and as little as 8 hours away (under absolutely perfect driving conditions) from Mtn Creek. The choice is very simple. Many people here are glad to have a good, convenient place to ride, and some of us take offense when you come in here and piss on it.

You're entitled to your opinion, "Clearly", but when you make ridiculous claims and talk ****, people are bound to respond.

That is all.

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
You have got a big chip on your shoulder for some reason. :nope:


thespackler said:
Snowshoe is not the forerunner of east cost FR/DH movement..In order to call yourself a "whister of the east" you would need to claim top ranks. Just becuase snowshoe has built a bunch of commercial looking stunts does NOT mean they claim top ranks in the east...NOT even close. Clearly Diablo freeride park in jersey already has a better trail network and a much bigger customer base, not to mention they have some of the east coasts best pros like Aaron Chase, Jeff Lenosky, Lars Tribus, George Ryan and now Marla Streb that ride and endorse the mountain. Snowshoe does not have the DH/FR trail network that Diablo has established. Here is how the east coast stacks up:

1. Diablo
2. Plattekill
3. Snowshoe


"Finger Lickin' Good"
Mar 25, 2003
Charlotte, NC
Not that I'm in to DH or anything. The reason I'm writing is one thing that is killing the bike industry is picky ass people. Shouldn't you be happy that something like that is driving distance. Someone took the time to do build everything, and risked their land. Last time I checked we don't exactly leave no trace.
If you have beef ---volunteer. I know I have a lot of friends that went there, and were happy to have it. So either deal and help, or shut it. Be happy about it.


Oct 10, 2001
Germantown, MD
DßR said:
The guys who build the Snowshoe stuff and work there are NOT the same guys who built the [admittedly sucky] NORBA expert course. Go bitch at somebody else.
Dan, thanks for saying something I have been wanting and meaning to.........


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
mobius said:
Everyone smile and just RIDE SNOWSHOE!

:D Well said.

Also in Snowshoes defense... This is something totally new for them and much of what they built is a first attempt and a beginning of sorts. They are being punished by having to go to Whistler for a week and see what is going on up there and how to do it right. They are also very open to rider input and desire to make this truly the Whistler of the East. No maybe they made the claim early but they are trying to make it the best. Just give 'em a chance.



Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
JskierPX said:
haha ya that weekend was dope and that MX course was amazin, just an hour wasnt enough practice time thats fo sho- heres my crash that kept me out of the Jr. X finals- K/O and 3 loose teeth(look on the right side of my mouth).
:eek: gnar!! If that were me, I'd probably still be splayed out all over the course. Glad to see you're mostly okay though.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
JskierPX said:
haha ya that weekend was dope and that MX course was amazin, just an hour wasnt enough practice time thats fo sho- heres my crash that kept me out of the Jr. X finals- K/O and 3 loose teeth(look on the right side of my mouth).
Sorry about that crash. My son was in the other semi. He didn't transfer. He felt the same. More practice and he's confident he could have pulled second.
I ate it hard on the step table right before sport qualifying. Broke my goggles, again. My left butt cheek is all black and blue. Still managed a 3rd in the final. I think I would have jumped more with more practice, especially after watching you guys and the pros.
Right now I'm trying to put together going up to Mt. Snow tomorrow but it prolly won't happen. Low on funds after last weekend.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
JskierPX said:
haha ya that weekend was dope and that MX course was amazin, just an hour wasnt enough practice time thats fo sho- heres my crash that kept me out of the Jr. X finals- K/O and 3 loose teeth(look on the right side of my mouth).
Holy sh*t dude that was you? :eek: I was pretty scared for you for a bit there, glad you're okay though.

Peete, I'm surprised your ass isn't black and blue from something "else"...


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
DßR said:
Peete, I'm surprised your ass isn't black and blue from something "else"...
You lost me. You're not talking about kissing the awards girl? I left a dirt stain on her cheek because I went straight from the SuperD to the awards. :evil:
BTW, I got to Wburg @ 2:30am then up at 9 and hit the road for GA at 10.
I'm still kinda ragged out from all of that driving.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
thespackler said:
Snowshoe is not the forerunner of east cost FR/DH movement..In order to call yourself a "whister of the east" you would need to claim top ranks. Just becuase snowshoe has built a bunch of commercial looking stunts does NOT mean they claim top ranks in the east...NOT even close. Clearly Diablo freeride park in jersey already has a better trail network and a much bigger customer base, not to mention they have some of the east coasts best pros like Aaron Chase, Jeff Lenosky, Lars Tribus, George Ryan and now Marla Streb that ride and endorse the mountain. Snowshoe does not have the DH/FR trail network that Diablo has established. Here is how the east coast stacks up:

1. Diablo
2. Plattekill
3. Snowshoe

:nuts: I guarantee you that in 2 years snowshoe will take over the east coast scene there is much ambition, and the proposed plans promise so...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
thespackler said:
First off, let me start by saying that I realize Snowshoe had no control over the mud situation...

But what the hell was with that long flat section? Why would you build a course for a national that had a section like then when you KNOW that your mountain is prone to wet conditions? This course was lacking big time....Where was the maintenance? Where was the thought? Coming from the U.S. Open event I expected alot more out of Snowshoe..The course at Diablo Freeride Park was near World Cup conditions, if not better..Needless to say the course at Snowshoe was a huge huge letdown...

On another note? They really need to stop hyping up their alleged "freeride park'.....Whats the deal with all those really wide bridges that dont serve any purpose? I mean come on! I think they really need to develop a solid DH trail network before they start building these useless stunts. BRIDGES THAT SERVE NO PURPOSE ARE LAME!!!!! Isnt snowshoe owned by the same people that own diablo? How is that Diablo could be sooo sick and Snowshoe could be an overhyped jungle gym?
I am speechless :dead:

how old are you, 7?


Apr 21, 2004
manhattanprjkt83 said:
:nuts: I guarantee you that in 2 years snowshoe will take over the east coast scene there is much ambition, and the proposed plans promise so...
doubt it...you can tell the difference in styles...it seems like diablo is built by good riders that want to challenge themselves while snowshoe seems like it is built by recreational riders that just want to challenge the average rider. not to mention if you check the boards on hcor, it appears that Diablo is building jump lines and trails similar to the lower US Open course. ALso, the difference in course styles also shows that Diablo puts more effort into their trails. THe US OPen course had sick banked turns and you could tell they spent weeks preparing...The snowshoe course looked like it was flagged, raked and thats it. in my opinion there is no comparision...It would be hard for snowshoe to catch up when diablo is so far ahead of them and moving at a faster rate...hmmm. jump lines!!!


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
im getting tired of all this snowshoe whining, well spackler when you decide to take time out of your busy schedule of burying your head in diablos crotch why dont you come to snowshoe and help build instead of crying and whining about it. Bottom line is, if you dont like it, do one of two things: Help and give some constructive critisism, or Stay the hell away and stay in Jersey.


Apr 21, 2004
drt_jumper said:
im getting tired of all this snowshoe whining, well spackler when you decide to take time out of your busy schedule of burying your head in diablos crotch why dont you come to snowshoe and help build instead of crying and whining about it. Bottom line is, if you dont like it, do one of two things: Help and give some constructive critisism, or Stay the hell away and stay in Jersey.
I live closer to snowshoe then Diablo...I choose to ride at Diablo because its challenging. Not because I want to learn how to build trails. If snowshoe stops building 3' wide boardwalks in the woods that they call "stunts" maybe one day i will return. I mean its cool and all for you guys to protect your local riding spot..but you would be ignorant to suggest that Snowshoe is better than diablo or plattekill.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
thespackler said:
I mean its cool and all for you guys to protect your local riding spot..but you would be ignorant to suggest that Snowshoe is better than diablo or plattekill.

No one is being ignorant besides yourself. If you really give a **** about improving the riding at Snowshoe or anywhere else for that matter get off your ****ing computer and help out.

There are two kinds of people. There are people that complain and bitch and don't do **** to help improve the situation and there are people that shut the **** up and get down and dirty and do what needs to be done.

Stop being the first type and help out. If you put half the effort into helping out as you have whining on this forum, Snowshoe WOULD have the most killer trails on the east coast.

End rant :angry:


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
Salami said:
No one is being ignorant besides yourself. If you really give a **** about improving the riding at Snowshoe or anywhere else for that matter get off your ****ing computer and help out.

There are two kinds of people. There are people that complain and bitch and don't do **** to help improve the situation and there are people that shut the **** up and get down and dirty and do what needs to be done.

Stop being the first type and help out. If you put half the effort into helping out as you have whining on this forum, Snowshoe WOULD have the most killer trails on the east coast.

End rant :angry:

can i get an AMEN brotha...

this dude just won't let it go

do us all a favor and just don't come back to snowshoe...

or this forum for that matter


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
You keep talking as if the riders that built the freeride park built the dh course. As dan said someone else made the dh course so the FR park people have no deal with it. And the reason the bridges are wide is because they had to accomadate for insurance purchases. I'm pretty sure you didn't do the big side of the racers edge gap and probably didn't ride half the other ones. Quit bitching about the place and do something useful. It's kind of sad when you waste your time bitching about snowshoe when you could be spending it riding your bike or giving snowshoe creative ideas to do with the place.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Arsbars said:
Not that I'm in to DH or anything. The reason I'm writing is one thing that is killing the bike industry is picky ass people. Shouldn't you be happy that something like that is driving distance. Someone took the time to do build everything, and risked their land. Last time I checked we don't exactly leave no trace.
If you have beef ---volunteer. I know I have a lot of friends that went there, and were happy to have it. So either deal and help, or shut it. Be happy about it.

:thumb: well said


Oct 10, 2001
Germantown, MD
thespackler said:
it seems like diablo is built by good riders that want to challenge themselves while snowshoe seems like it is built by recreational riders that just want to challenge the average rider
See, now your just making utterly ridiculous comments to get posters fired up. Are your jabs at specific people necessary? Do you feel the need to slam others to make yourself feel like a better person/rider? If so, sorry for you man, hopefully things will work out for you later on.

Anyways, the part of your post I quoted is pretty funny, as you obviously have never met or ridden with anyone that has built the new trails up here. To be honest, not a day goes by that I am not out on the bike, whether it be my dh bike, street/dj, or my trailbike........I am always riding! Ask 90% of the people on this board, most of whom know me on a first name basis, I would hardly call myself or any other builder up here a "recreational rider". The core group of riders/builders that live and work here not only ride every single day, but we live the lifestyle (eat, sleep, breath, and think about it all day long). In the past couple of weeks I have worked my regular job from 8am to 5pm, gone out and worked a second job until nearly dark (8:30pm), than hurried home only to squeeze in a quick ride in to get my fix for the day.

If your calling into question "our" skills and committment, I can't really help you out there unless you come and ride with us sometime. Seeing as you have something against Snowshoe for some odd reason, I doubt this will ever happen anytime soon. I've been involved with mtb's and racing for nearly 15 years, again I would hardly call that recreational.

As for bermed turns and jump lines, we are moving in that direction. We have concentrated solely on the bike park since the snow melted in hopes to get that open as quickly as possible. What you see or have ridden was built with a limited budget, resources, and volunteers. With the exception of some dedicated people/volunteers (they know who they are!), everything has been built by people that live and work in other jobs up here. With the opening now passed us, you'll see plenty of work being done on both the bike park and dh trails of the Western Territory. Bermed turns and jumps, yep they are coming along with a host of new trails.

As for the dh course used for the Nationals, trust me it will be fixed right. Re-routes, new sections, etc will all be put in place to make that course less muddy and more rider friendly. The people that built the bike park did not build the dh course, many have said that already. Though the course wasn't built in haste, it also wasn't built with enough time allowed for it to be ridden in.........it's a mistake that we will learn from and take into account when we make it back out to more trailwork.

As I responded in to your post on the dh forum, I don't know exactly what trails you rode in the bike park. In reference to your boardwalk/3' wide comments, there are only a two or three features that are what most would consider "wide". I'm sorry that the features built thus far did not challenge you or live up to your standards, but as many have said we must first overbuild for risk management reasons.........once they see what we are going for here and we prove ourselves, then the doors open for bigger, skinnier, risky lines.

If you have something against Snowshoe and don't like to come here and ride, that's fine and it's your personal opinion. However, I think it's a bit immature to consistently slam the place and those who ride here because you don't like it. Plenty of people in the region have enjoyed what we have done so far and support us 100% in our future endeavours. Not only do they ride here and tell others about Snowshoe, but they offer suggestions and constructive criticism because they know they are valued guests and their comments will be taken seriously. They don't go out and complain about it, they try to make things better by helping out in a tactful way.

To everyone else, sorry for writing yet another page in this book of drama. Thanks to all those for your support, comments, and most of all for riding Snowshoe.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge

I never rode last year's DH course, but what I was shown from the lift i.e. Wild Zone, got me pretty excited. I know you are letting that trail 'rest', but is there anyway to improve water flow and bring that course back sooner? A bunch of us want to come up for a weekend and ride everything out there, but we are looking for more DH trails than freeride stuff. How many DH trails (expert level) are available to ride?


Oct 10, 2001
Germantown, MD
I'm not sure what the ETA is on the old pro/ex course underneath the lift. That section is way blown out right now, but I'm hoping we can get in there and do some work on it very soon. The upper section of the old course is still open and you can usually ride the lower section if you know how to get into it, but the middle (underneath the lift) is closed for the time being. The big problem underneath the lift is that it's so steep and a lot of people don't understand braking techniques, which results in them sliding down with the rear locked up.........you know how that goes.

One of my goals in the next few weeks is to get in there and figure out a re-route around the lift line section. It may or may not incorporate the wild-zone drop, only time will tell. Currently, there are a handful of real dh trails on the Western side, but that will soon change. Myself and another rider are doing some scouting runs this weekend and plan to cut new dh only trails (more akin to the old course!) in the coming weeks. I'll keep everyone posted on here as we get new trials cut. I'm super excited about that side, as riding dh trails are really my bread and butter and that area is so perfect for some super tech runs.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Hulkamaniac said:
To everyone else, sorry for writing yet another page in this book of drama. Thanks to all those for your support, comments, and most of all for riding Snowshoe.
Hey man there is no need to be sorry. Its actually great to know that there are people like yourself out there building and supporting the trails and area. Your passion, and the professional (for lack of a better word) way in which you communicate it, is probably bringing more people to SnowShoe than you know.

I find this ironic
Salami said:
There are two kinds of people. There are people that complain and bitch and don't do **** to help improve the situation and there are people that shut the **** up and get down and dirty and do what needs to be done.
Salami and I are from around the same parts and on our local forum rarely do we agree about ANYTHING. From what to build, how to build it, to how and what we should ride. However both of our influences can be felt on our local trails because despite the countless BS on the internet some people back it up their opinions with a shovel in hand.

Great job on all the things you guys are making happen in SnowShoe. I will be there in August.


Jul 31, 2003
Greenville, SC
I have yet to ride Snowshoe, but I would like to say this. As a mountain biker and wannabee freerider and DH'er, I'm thrilled that you guys are doing anything. The ski resorts in North Carolina have not caught on. Last year, we drove six hours one way just to ride Wintergreen and I hear that Snowhshoe is way better. Last weekend me and a buddy drove 12 hours one way to ride Mountain Creek for two days. Hopefully later this summer we are heading to Snowshoe for a run.

I'm too far away to pick up a shovel and build on the trail, but I'm close enough on the internet to tell the complaining-devisive-moron (who whines about being close enough to ride his choice of lift assisted runs) to shut his piehole!!!!

At some point, you have to just wake up, get on your bike, and realize that you should be thankful for what you have. More so, if you don't enjoy riding at a particular location then very simply, you retard, don't ride there. Is that really hard to grasp??? What advantage have you gained or how have you assisted in the riding environment by acting like my two year old when he doesn't get exactly what he wants???

My .02. Hulk (since you seem to have some position at Snowshoe), let me speak for the Southerners who have not even ridden your trails yet. Thanks to you and all the volunteer crews for the trails to be ridden and the pictures of them to make my day here at work a whole helluva lot better!!!!!!
Jun 27, 2002
I like what the guys at Snowshoe have done to make mtnbking great and when I went to their opening day I had a great time even tried the freeride stuff (to scary for me ). I was told that they'll have a "kiddy section" built for me whipeeee!!!!! Those people are doing a great job and I plan to visit there again. Snowshoe has been a great place to ride.I been riding there for the last 4yrs when they had the western plataue xc and the plunge and it was cool and it still is. They have a great dh course for us novices and I would like to see it expand into more trails. They're doing a fine job. If anyone is bitching about it maybe they're just not good enough to be a mtnbker and enjoy the fun and ride with other great people.