
Snowshoe this weekend


Certified Lift Whore
Sep 16, 2001
Richmond VA
I have a room at spruce lodge and one maybe two empty beds. If anyone is heading that way and needs a place let me know. It will be $35-40 depending on the number of people. Spuce is a no frills place with bunk beds so dont expect the Hilton.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Hehehe...the Plywood Palace.

Note to all it may be fairly chilly up there this weekend. They're calling for low of 56 here in Richmond it could be 36 up at Snowshoe and in the 50's during the day.

Bring your mittens and sweater.



Feb 5, 2003
Louisville, KY
Oh man 50's. :thumb: Its been "Africa hot" here in kentucky for the last few weeks (90-98') Me and some other louisville monkeys will be there this weekend. But we will be dirtbaggin' it at the primitive camp sites. I have got to rmember to bring an extra sleeping bag.........................


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
I just checked NOAA for Snowshoe.

Fri high 61, low 44

Sat high 64, low 52

Sun high 69, low 56

No rain in sight.

A good weekend to be in body armor!!! :sneaky:



Certified Lift Whore
Sep 16, 2001
Richmond VA
Dartman said:
A good weekend to be in body armor!!! :sneaky:

Amen!!!!!!!!!! See you there

It looks like I am driving up by myself. If anyone wants to go I have room in the truck and a spare bed. Let me know 339 9063


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I would hop in with ya but i have no money period so i am going the cheap route and camping out and eating hot dogs on a camp stove. I'll see ya there there.

Say no to body armor.


Certified Lift Whore
Sep 16, 2001
Richmond VA
mobius said:
I would hop in with ya but i have no money period so i am going the cheap route and camping out and eating hot dogs on a camp stove. I'll see ya there there.

Say no to body armor.

Thats cool. I would say just come on and stay with me but I am meeting someone and not sure how they would feel about it.

About the body armor thing. You obviosly havent ping ponged down a trail at high rates of speed yet.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
dennis you forget that he has the bounce factor and foolishness of youth on his side, personally you could not PAY me to ride without armor.

i think he has spent too much time around dan who seems to need a gun put to his head to wear armor.

i hope like hell either one of them never find out the hard way. the last time i was there im certain that had i not been wearing armor i would have gone to the hospital...as it was i just got a mild separation.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
At whistler i came crooked off the first jump on aline came down on my side flew about 5 feet into a ditch just scrapped my arm. Washed out my rear tire since half the knobs are gone and fell about 5 feet onto wood ont he GLC drops. I've wrecked plenty of times and just get scrapes and gnar scars.

And i think me spending time around dan hasn't made me wear my armor less as i was already not wearing it before :p

I wear armor at the times i'm riding dangerous but when im riding simple stunts at snowshoe i'll pass cause i fall about 4 feet if i **** up.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
denjen said:
I need all the security I can get, false or not.

LOL!!!! hahaha

I tend to get in over my head real quick with too much (security) armor on, I find myself wanting to try anything and everything. Without a piece or two of the armor, I feel much more reluctant to go huck myself down the gnar gnar line at mach 10.. so it just keeps me in check

I feel most comfy in shin/knee combo and a full face..... sometimes forearm/elbow armor but normally that's just for lift riding

but really there isn't anything huge huge at snowshoe yet, so really if you have ridden those trails more than a few times, you could probably get away with a skid lid and shin pads. Just don't let yourself get in over your head, KNOW YOUR LIMITS is the most important thing!!

hope you guys have a kick ass weekend at snowshoe!!!! Weather sounds perfect and a hair chilly!!!! I have to work sat. and sun. :mumble:

Oh yeah, I hear there is a new trail in the park (trail K) suppose to have a really nice drop at the end!!! Also word on the hill is that the Racer's Edge Gap got it's tranny updated and is supposedly much more hittable now!!!!

take pictures!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Yeah i heard about the racer's edge gap supposedly its filled in now. It maybe calling me if i head back this season with the bighit.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Castle said:
Oh yeah, I hear there is a new trail in the park (trail K) suppose to have a really nice drop at the end!!! Also word on the hill is that the Racer's Edge Gap got it's tranny updated and is supposedly much more hittable now!!!!

take pictures!!!!!
Trail K is sweet. It just needs to be worn in a bit. The drop at the end was a weekend ender for me on Fri. I hit it too slow and nosedived into the tranny. I rode the wheel all the way down but was pile drived right on top of my head at the bottom. Drove home today and went to the ER for pics. Nothing broken but I'm very sore and can barely move my neck. It sucks cuz it was beautiful up there this weekend. Oh well.



Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Castle said:
damn man sorry to hear! Heal up Quick!
Thanks man.

And I only thought I was sore yesterday. When I tried to get out of bed this morning it felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. Good call driving back yesterday.

Mike - just living up to my avatar.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Hey man heard you got hurt glad to see your ok though. The drop at the end was definetly odd. I at first hitting it kept nosing down but landing fine just nose heavy. I started taking more speed and hoping up a tad but still nosed it sometimes. Mattoid was the only one i saw that hopped up right but he like bhopd upwards and landed way down there.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Thanks guys!

Picked up my meds today. Some real good muscle relaxers. :drool:

I'll be back up there in two weeks. The Super T on my Bullit isn't up to the task of a nose landing. I'll need to beef up the springs. I'll probably avoid that rock for a while though.



Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
Man, i heard about your crash while i was there... sounded nasty, the guy pointed out a dent your head apparently made in the ground :( That drop isnt bad at all. The only thing unsmooth about the whole thing was my dj3.

The weather this weekend was nothing short of amazing, nice and cool with clear blue skies. Not to mention the trails were DRY, except for a mud pit here and there. I got some tight pics coming, but it wont let me post em cuz they are to huge, can i remote link to pinkbike by any chance?

Here is a link to a couple of pics andrew and i took:


Jun 18, 2002
I heard that you took off for the ER on Saturday, Mike. Good to hear that everything is intact. That was just one of those freak things, I'm sure you'll hit it smooth the next time.

Definitely some amazing weather up there this weekend. Perfect temperatures and bone dry (for Snowshoe at least). Can't wait to go back..


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
You Guys OWN!!!!!!! Thanks for the pics

The drop looks real dope!

why the nosin' it in so much on this drop? do you have to hop over the rock?


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Castle said:
You Guys OWN!!!!!!! Thanks for the pics

The drop looks real dope!

why the nosin' it in so much on this drop? do you have to hop over the rock?

For me, I kinda 'dead sailored' it and went off it passively. I think I needed to pop it a bit to keep the front up longer until the rear cleared the rock. It's just something I'm learning to do. I'll probably practice going off the roots to the left for a while until I get it down. Trevin wants to put a wooden kicker about 4 feet back from the lip. :eek:

Damn! The pics sure flatten it out a whole lot. Looks like I could roll that.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
Damn you! :p Nice work.

I started clearing the run up to that when I was there a month ago. By the time I was done clearing I lost my nut sack and wussed out :nuts:

I need to move closer to the mountains! :help: