
snowshoe vid and DVD info

Great video!! Brought back a lot of good snowshoe memories from last summer. Makes me want to go ride up there now - they need to stop blowing snow and let that sh!t melt already!!!

Had a buddy in the ha ha section and it made me laugh pretty hard, but I don't know how amused he was! I enjoyed it though. Something different.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
dude its a joke...

some silly lite hearted fun. its not a real association.
Well, FWIW, screened it for a group (BigMike included) and there weren't many laughs. Otherwise, they seemed to really like the other stuff.

If you want more laughs put in some more Mikey Valach quotes! "I rode like a fag." Classic!!! :rofl:


John M

Mar 17, 2005
S/E Mich (pancake)
ok here is the last tease of stuff that didn't make it in the new dvd.


i will be able to start shipping the dvd on tues the 20th.

$15.00 ea or 2 for $25
$2.50 shipping

if you want to get a copy just send me an email at


please put DVD in the subject line and include name, mailing address, and how many you want. i will send out a email with payment info to you. anyone close to charlottesville can shoot me a pm or email and i'll give you my number to just pick one up from me.

I am having some trouble emailing you. I need two copies maybe if you email me @ jmalin2764@yahoo.com with the payment info I will get it that way. I figure with our team being there, with at least 4 riders at each race and up to 8 at some. We should be in there somewhere. Thanks in advance-JM

John Malinowski