
So Dan, how was your trip?


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
ahhh.... it was crazy. So I went to Breckenridge and basically spent two weeks partying, drinking my ass off and puttin it to MAD hot chicks by night, and skiing all day in powder up to my neck. I definitely made kharmic amends for the "Whistler hot tub incident/sausagefest" and spent enough cash that I'll probably have to give up bikes for the rest of the year. Oh well.... it was well worth it. :)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
DßR said:
ahhh.... it was crazy. So I went to Breckenridge and basically spent two weeks partying, drinking my ass off and puttin it to MAD hot chicks by night, and skiing all day in powder up to my neck. I definitely made kharmic amends for the "Whistler hot tub incident/sausagefest" and spent enough cash that I'll probably have to give up bikes for the rest of the year. Oh well.... it was well worth it. :)
Duuuuude...I thought you were spoken for! Whoda thunk nice guy Dan to be tha playa! :thumb: :oink: :thumb:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
DßR said:
she broke up with me when she saw the pictures on my digicam.
For real? That sucks. Lord knows I could have been dragged around by the ear had pix from my(or another buddy's) bachelor party ever been leaked. I dunno Dan...you have this wholesome, Opie Taylor image to me. It's almost uncomfortable to think of you being a dog. :D

I think it's the conservative appearance and bright yet reasonably ungregarious personality that both you and D display that may be throwing me off on y'all. Then again, I've never made it out for one of the camp/drink/ride-fests you guys entertain from time to time. I'm probably 100% wrong, but I've always assumed that were a Kansas tornado to ever carry the 'shed crew off to Amsterdam, I would be the evil influence pushing the rest of you into red doorways, coffeshops and tattoo parlors like the sadistic chief of an impressment gang! :evil:


Nov 4, 2003
Columbia, MD
wow, what the heck is going on here? I thought you two were going to get married or something... or something. But puking off a lift and getting punced, that's a good story.

Anyone want to do some snowboarding on saturday?



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
DßR said:
I also puked off a chairlift, and got punched in the face by a girl.
Impressive. Although I have blazed up many cablecars and chairlifts, I've never puked off one or been punched in the face by a girl. It sounds like you are well on your way to a full recovery, as there is no better cure for a breakup than emotion-erasing drunkenness and lots of meaningless boots-knocking. In no time at all, your pursuit of manly fun will transition to focused self-improvement and suddenly you'll have your pick of the litter at the point which you could almost care less about females. Good luck and happy hunting! :thumb:


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Wow Dan, Dude after reading this thread , I don't know weather to send condolinces or congratulations. I am suprised non the less. I hope all is well,

Lift ticket ( so you have a place to hurl) $45
meaningless boot knocking- we all know that cost money- usually in the form of many drinks.-$100 ish
getting punched in the face by a girl - PRICELESS

You are my Hero. :thumb: