
So has Comcast tried to install any "enhancemant' software on your computer ?


Nam I am
Today I got home and My wife had tried to get her email , but when she got on any Page she went to popped up a Comcast page, telling her that she needed to install this software to make things work proprerly, well I got home and my Linux box worked fine , and my Kids winblows 98 worked fine .

so I go up to Comcasts Help chat and start asking questions , I am quickly moved up the ladder of superiors and they kept telling me this was need to load that software ! I refused fianlly they said it is needed to load a new Boot file on my cable modem and it would work again .

And I Pointed out if it would n't work with out that file how come My other computers I was on worked fine ? and that I could even have the On line discussion with him. he kept saying it was nessecary to load a new Boot file .

I pointed out the down loadwas 37 MB and I have never seen a boot image that was 37 MB. and then at one point I saw him reset my Cable modem remotely , and Then try to get past my fire wall . so I kept asking him over and over as to what was really in the software bundle and giving him my refusal to install it! fianlly he gave in and told me he would down load the file remotley and all I had to do would be reboot my Cable modem and attach my Computer directly to the Cable modem and reboot , I did this and it worked , I quickly put my firewall back in place and now the network wouldn't work right . they locked the Cable modem to the MAC address in my computer!! welll If they thing something that simple is going to stop me , I just went to my firewall and spoofed my MAC address ! and it all works fine ! I'm not sure what they were tryingto sneak in , but I held My ground!

I didn't tell him I'm Dumping Comcast in a Month and Moving to Verizon FIOS ,,, Mmmmmmmm Fibre Optics right to the house!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I hate Comcast. Anyone whose computer I've ever worked on who had it has a ton of software that Comcast suggested or directed them to install.

This one guy had three virus scanners on his computer all fighting with each other. I asked him why, and he said that his computer came with one, Comcast told him to install another one when he signed up, and when he had trouble a while back, the tech support agent directed him towards a free one online.

Not one asked if he already had some virus protection.

Comcast --> :nuts: <-- Me


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I woudl have dropped my service right then and there, contacted his superiors and also written letters to various news outlets. That will be the day that I let an ISP screw with a machine I make my livelyhood from...


Mar 5, 2002
Carlsbad, CA, USA
i have comcast and have not dled anything from them or anything like ur talking about. its funny tho, almost all my gamer friends who have comcast say its sucks, but i get awesome speed :p


Nam I am
Anders said:
i have comcast and have not dled anything from them or anything like ur talking about. its funny tho, almost all my gamer friends who have comcast say its sucks, but i get awesome speed :p

I must say my Speed has been quite good. But Did you load any initial software from Comcast when you were first set up ? I'll be you did ! I didn't and keep refusing too. They make it sound like you haveto have there programs or it won't work which is not true.


Mar 5, 2002
Carlsbad, CA, USA
splat said:
I must say my Speed has been quite good. But Did you load any initial software from Comcast when you were first set up ? I'll be you did ! I didn't and keep refusing too. They make it sound like you haveto have there programs or it won't work which is not true.
nope, we originally had it setup on a mac. we later got a router so i could be on too


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I put in their "self setup" CD, and thats about it. I've never been bothered about any other software.

And I only did that on one computer, the rest just work


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
I just switched to DSL to save a couple of bucks, but when i upgraded to Win XP Pro SP2 I didn't do anything to get my cable modem to work. I had it set to automaticly detect my IP and DNS.

I fail to see why anything needs to be installed at all from comcast.

They turn the service on at the pole, and your MAC address for your modem is recorded.

Besides their customer service is crap.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Anders said:
really? geesh i guess ive lucked out with comcast. ive had great custumer service with them. a thunderstorm blew out the modem, next day they replaced it for free :cool:

I had billing issues, 7 day waits for connectivity issues at the pole, customer service technicians who tried to tell me I know nothing about computers, and was sick of paying $45 for basic cable.

I'm happy they took care of you though. :dancing:


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
I have Charter cable, and I have never used Comcast. Most level 1 tech support for telecom / cable companies isn't particularly technical. I think they may read off a queue sheet someone created in-house. :think:

You don't have to use their modem, either. Save a few bucks each month on your cable bill and pick up your own D-Link or Linksys cable modem for almost nothing after rebates from NewEgg or just about any other place.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
When we signed up for Comcast, I tried using their self-start cd to no avail. Turns out, there was a problem at the pole. When the tech came out to fix the issue, he went ahead and set up my computer to recognized the connection through my wireless router. I have no idea if anything was installed on my machine or not.

Thing is, that computer is now long gone. When I got my new laptop and booted it up, it instantly recognized my wireless network and my connection has worked fine. Since I have a router I'm pretty sure that no Comcast software has been installed on my laptop without my knowledge.