
So how did '04 treat you?


I Love Cheap Beer!
Overall, a durned good year:
  • Though my race season wasn't what I hoped (broken bike), I did do my 1st 24-hour race @ Dalton
  • Got my 1st house
  • Took some great mtb trips like Snowshoe, Diablo, Bromont, Whiteface, etc.
  • Monkeyfest II
  • Managed to go to Plattekill about as often as I wanted
  • Got a new job as a direct employee
On the flip side,
  • Bush won the election
  • Our favorite riding spot isn't what it was
  • I got more riding-related injuries than previous years
Looking very forward to '05 -- already saving time & $$ for Whistler. :thumb:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
'04 was the best yet. i cant wait to see what '05 has in store.
'04 highlights-
-new bike
-officially rode DH & got hooked.
-raced DH & met cool peeps.
-awesome road trips (pisgah, out west, nummerous trips to AR)
-made lots of cool friends I still ride with.
-skills progressed.
-travelled to europe for the 1st time.
-got hitched.
-realized i need a career change.
-1st ever white christmas.
-no longer living in a studio apartment.
-met some cool monkees (Biggins, cooter & TTGF, DNA, Peete, Big Cheese, joel h., :think: )
-parents moved to South Florida.

bad moments.
-parents moved to South Florida.
-close family member died.
-brother got engaged to a skank.
-boss at work turns psycho-evil.
Decent year.
- The Lemming Run
- Monkeyfest '04
- 24 Hours of the Adirondacks
- Built a bunch of new trail
- No injuries to speak of, no major bike breakage
- Lots of riding in general
- Got a little better at jumping

- Could have ridden more.
- Stress at work continues to be high. Nice people, interesting, but continual stress.



Sep 22, 2004
Well I am happy Bush won. Mad the end of the year awesome.

I finished building my VT only to find that Giant introduces the even cooler Reign. Oh well.

I moved to Southern Utah for school so I can ride on my favorite trails all the time.

I met a ton of really cool people at school and found some really nice riding buddies.

I didn't have any serious injuries at all. No huge amounts of skin missing, no broken bones or concussions. First time in a long time that has happened. Not complaining.

Got to ski western powder for the first time.

Bought a new truck and paid cash for it. No repossesion.

I started coming to Ridemonkey on a regular basis.

Lots of other stuff it was pretty cool.

Bad Stuff-

parents got divorced

Drunk hit my new truck

The mormons at school trying to convert me

Rode and skiied to much so I lost my scholarship.