
So.. how do i ask the GF nicely to dress up better....


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
So, this new years eve am going with the GF to a beach party. its gonna be a trendy club in the most IN beach of the city.

my GF is a notorious bad-dresser, and a worse make-up artist. she dresses up really, really bad. how can i tell her nicely to dress up to the ocassion this time?? and to wear something that matches?

am i too shallow? how can i tell her to dress up, or to make better clothes choices? or better, how can i help her choose-match her clothes without being rude???

anybody with experience on this? female advice? i need some input in dealing with this....


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i always had a thing with the way she dressed up, so i kinda avoided trendy places or socialite stuff, but this is new years and its my chance to her dressing code a little bit.

i know, am a bit too much of a metrosexual, and she is a bit too much of a south-american redneck.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
So, this new years eve am going with the GF to a beach party. its gonna be a trendy club in the most IN beach of the city.

my GF is a notorious bad-dresser, and a worse make-up artist. she dresses up really, really bad. how can i tell her nicely to dress up to the ocassion this time?? and to wear something that matches?

am i too shallow? how can i tell her to dress up, or to make better clothes choices? or better, how can i help her choose-match her clothes without being rude???

anybody with experience on this? female advice? i need some input in dealing with this....

Wearing a cup.

Seriously, has she alway dressed like that? If so you kinda new that going into the realationship. On the first date with my b/f he was wearing Vans, an Intense t-shirt, and some baggy jeans. That is how he feels comfortable. I wouldn't be happy if he felt he couldn't be himself around me.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
johnbryanpeters said:
Quit being an idiot and let her be herself. While you're at it, find someplace real for New Years Eve.

Sheesh... :rolleyes:

i know, i usually do that. we been going since like may. is just that it has always bothered me her dress code a little bit, and now its a good chance to change that a bit.

and change my new years eve place?? dude, its unlimited black label, cuervo, chivas, absolut, etc, etc, 6 zones, foam zone, and cool some brazilllian DJs. its gonna be like the best new years ever. they are sold out since like october.
Read Snacks' comment vis a vis wearing a cup. If you were going to negotiate this, October would have been a better time to start than three days before the event.

One bottle of champagne, some good food, and two people who like each other can kick the hell out of any drink-fall down-puke riot at a bar with a bunch of pretentious snobs.



Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
johnbryanpeters said:
One bottle of champagne, some good food, and two people who like each other can kick the hell out of any drink-fall down-puke riot at a bar with a bunch of pretentious snobs.


i kinda agree.
but am 21, and she is 19. most people at the club is gonna be 17-23. we are, by definition, pretentious snobs.
plus its my first new years back home after 4 horrendous years of college, and having to spend new years travelling or freezing my ass up there.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Your only hope is to buy her something to wear and give it to her as a gift. Of course you have to know her size and all. But I think it's your best chance of getting out alive.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Ciaran said:
Your only hope is to buy her something to wear and give it to her as a gift. Of course you have to know her size and all. But I think it's your best chance of getting out alive.

i guess i´d go for that. but that will only help this time. what about the long run... like for the next nights out and stuff??...

i mean, i dont bitch only because she wears baggy jeans, but most of the time is just pijama-grandma-pregnant-mrs like stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
no, its like i would care if everyone is in prada and dolce and she is baggy jeans and sneakers.
Well how bout you go buy her some D&G, Versace or something good and give it to her a a new years gift. :) That sounds like a win win situation and if she doesn;t wear it to the party dump her.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
your gonna have alot more major relationship problems if you cant get over her clothes. friggin metros. just let her wear what she wants and if you dont think you can be seen in public w/ her then you should seriously reconsider your priorities.


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
lovebunny said:
your gonna have alot more major relationship problems if you cant get over her clothes.
BINGO!!!!! If your already criticizing her clothes ... it's a done deal. Next is the way she eats, then the way she breathes, etc....

[... you must be a roadie :devil: ]


Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
johnbryanpeters said:
Quit being an idiot and let her be herself. While you're at it, find someplace real for New Years Eve.

Sheesh... :rolleyes:

Why the hostility JBP? she's 21 and the GF is 19.........I don't think a cozy night at home on New Year's Eve is really an option for them... Also calling people IDIOTS for what they feel is a pressing enough question to put up on a forum is just not productive....How bout skipping over something that you disagree with purely based on your personal opinion, intstead of putting the girl down.

My GF helped me change my wardrobe, and I asked her for help....I couldn't seem to get it quite right on my own, I always bought stuff too big...I was glad to accept the help. In fact she just brought ECHO shopping not too long ago and now he's a swanky sex monster. :blah:

I don't post much anymore, but I felt the need to on this one since a couple people put you down for what you asked and for what your NYEve plans were. Don't let those comments keep you from getting the good stuff that's on this site....Have fun on Friday and Don't Drink and Drive.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Your only real option for this New Years is to buy her an outfit and give it to her, telling her right up front that you bought her something for the New Year party.

Frankly, if you can't get over her choice in clothes, you most likely should be dating someone else. Quit worrying about what your girlfriend is wearing and worry about what she's talking about, whether you two are having a good time, etc.

If she's open to change, you could gently try and modify her wardrobe by buying her or picking out clothes that you like. Go to the store with her. It might help if you scoped it out ahead of time so you aren't poking through the women's racks like you're looking for something for her, and when you walk buy a rack, grab something like it just caught your eye: "Damn, you'd look so good in this!"

Gauge her reaction and if she takes the bait, keep going with it. But if she hasn't asked for help or complained that she doesn't know how to dress, don't be suprised if she tells you it's not her style. If she does that, you could try once or twice more, but give it up in the long run.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Mtbkngrl said:
...........My GF helped me change my wardrobe, and I asked her for help....I couldn't seem to get it quite right on my own, I always bought stuff too big...I was glad to accept the help. In fact she just brought ECHO shopping not too long ago and now he's a swanky sex monster. :blah: .............


ECHO is a swanky sex monster ???



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
1)screw the cozy night at home ides, you can do that any night -

2)like others said, go buy her an outfit!

3)when she wears it, tell her how hot/beautifl/sexy she is

4)later, tell her again how much you liked her dressed up, and how much you would enjoy the two of you getting dressed up like that occasional, and say you'd love to go shopping with her to help pick out those dressier/sexy clothes

good luck & have fun!


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
i guess i´d go for that. but that will only help this time. what about the long run... like for the next nights out and stuff??...

i mean, i dont bitch only because she wears baggy jeans, but most of the time is just pijama-grandma-pregnant-mrs like stuff.
I had a girlfriend once who had no fashion sense. She was hot but would put clothes on that would make her look terrible...

My solution? dump her ass.


Apr 4, 2002
I'm with jbp. Must be the crotchety old Yankee in me.

Oh, and dump her. If you're going to nitpick the way she dresses the relationship isn't going anywhere anyhow. Might as well cut your losses now. More importantly, you might as well cut her losses too.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
i guess i´d go for that. but that will only help this time. what about the long run... like for the next nights out and stuff??...

i mean, i dont bitch only because she wears baggy jeans, but most of the time is just pijama-grandma-pregnant-mrs like stuff.

Guess your going to have to buy a bunch of outfits then...maybe she doesn't dress to nicely because you drag her to this **** too often and she doesn't have the cash for it?


Turbo Monkey
all i can say is GOOD LUCK
youre treading in on very thin ice

unless she is telling you that she doesnt want to look like certain sort of ppl
try to buy her something to wear as mentioned above

otherwise prepare to get blasted

hope you have a good new years
Mtbkngrl said:
Why the hostility JBP? she's 21 and the GF is 19.........I don't think a cozy night at home on New Year's Eve is really an option for them... Also calling people IDIOTS for what they feel is a pressing enough question to put up on a forum is just not productive....How bout skipping over something that you disagree with purely based on your personal opinion, intstead of putting the girl down...
My hostility is towards the culture of poseurs, the assemblages of plastic exteriors that obscure, and eventually suffocate, the being within. I'm also hostile to the idea of mate as showpiece. Endeavoring to impress others by ostentatious display kills the soul.

Nontheless, I could have expresses myself in a less brusque fashion, and for that I apologise.


Echo as S.S.M? :think:


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Honestly, this sounds a lot like my girlfriend sometimes. She has an absolutely GORGEOUS body, but always hides it under mounds of clothes. I keep telling her she needs to wear something to show off her hot-stuff. She's 5' 5" 105 lbs, blonde, tanned, and toned. Hot hot hot. She's always wearing like 3 shirts, a hoody, and baggier jeans.

For christmas I bought her some tight jeans (i know her size), and when she put them on it was like night & day. She looked really good in them. She looked in the mirror, and really liked what she saw. Since then, she has started changing her wardrobe over... ever so slightly... to "nicer" clothes. She'll show her tummy, and wear tight low pants now. I really couldn't believe how good her body was until I got her naked.. ;)

Long Story short... I'd say buy her a nice pair of tighter pants, and a cute shirt... and maybe she'll like what she sees. She's probably insecure with herself, like my gf was. You have to help her get over her hill, and "out of her box" if you will.

Good luck man. I knew there was "treasure under there" with mine, hopefully there is with yours too.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I saw this quote on another forum as some guy's sig and thought it would be good advice for this thread:

"What you need is a girlfriend who's name ends in .jpg"

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
man, peeps like judge up in here!

i agree though that the FIRST step should be picking her out something and/or complimenting her on it to encourage her to dress better.

however, if that doesn't work, you don't necessarily have to break up with her cause you can't get over it. ever considered actually...um, telling her the truth about how you feel? why not just come out and actually say it?

yes, i know women have freaked out on people in this situation but if you are sensitive enough, and you guys have a fab relationship, you'll get over it. if you can't, THEN maybe it's time to break up.

just my 2 cents, etc. good luck!


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Well it has been said already.

Do it big baller style. Take her for a day of beauty...or something. New outfit and a day at the spa or something for a relaxing full overhaul....where she has little control over the final workings.

It is an expensive idea....but if you are to much of a wuss to talk to her about it, this is just about your only choice if you really want to dress your girlfriend....

:think: and why am I typing with a lisp? :D