I have it on good authority (Sq-Earl & my sisters) that I brought multi-tasking to an all new level tonight. I didn't have enough time to get out on the road or trail for a ride after my lessons and workout (and before dinner and before I had to feed my little monster), so I decided to hit the weights and spin on the stationary bike instead. I managed to get 3 sets of my arms and legs done and headed upstairs to start dinner. After getting all my veggies chopped and simmering in the pan with my chicken and orzo, I headed back to the basement for 15 minutes of spinning. Just as I got started on the rollers, my little monster was hungry, so I ditched the rollers, sat on the stationary bike and nursed her for 15 minutes, while dinner was cooking and while spinning
So, am I the only one that multi-tasks like this?
So, am I the only one that multi-tasks like this?