
So how long will a tool like this last???

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I don't know if he will register as Hello Kitty or Mr. Bill, but he plans to come after he posted some racial slurs on Mojo and I called him on it. I told him to not bother stalking me here, he won't last. I joined him on their crappy Houston forum to give mojo a break, but he doesn't get it. Not to open any drama, but want to give the mods a heads up. It would be easier for RM to keep him from even signing up, but I don't have an IP for him. Below is how he thinks things will be on RM for him.
Mr.Bill said:
Just when I though that the hello kitty haters club had died down on mojo it seems that there are still some hanger-ons.

If I had only know that a so-called racial slur would spark up the flames of the hello kitty haters club I woulda tried harder.

I’m thinking of heading for greener pastures (ridemonkey.com) where I can swing my big “hello kitty”dick around and torment the newbies.


Westy said:
Maybe RM should just ban you to prevent your stalkers from following you here. ;)
Ugh - I was afraid that would come up. I could have a new user name I guess.


Damn True said:
I say we let him register then uniformilly ignore him.

Ooh ooh ooh, better idea:
RM could register him and place him on everyone's ignore list. That'd drive him nutty!
I asked for that on Mojo yesterday. I did sign up on his local board to crap all over it yesterday. Anyone got some spam???


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
loco-gringo said:
Ugh - I was afraid that would come up. I could have a new user name I guess.
I don't think thats exactly what he was talking about.


Westy said:
What do you have against hello kitty anyway??
He's a racist swine. He thought he should use the word gook yesterday. I don't have to tolerate people like that. Nor should the rest of the world.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
loco-gringo said:
If you'll read it out loud, it can be the gheyest thing you've ever heard, too. :think:
No way, then all the other people in the office will make fun of me for hearing the gheyest thing they've ever heard.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
Funny how anything gets set off in your head after it's gotten so much monkey love...
Screw that, monkey jizz keeps the thoughts flowing!!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:

"Is that hair gel?"
People often get grossed out by the amount of ear wax in my ear... or atleast thats what they thing it is.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Hey LG - you do realize that 'Gringo' is actually a term based on ones ethnic apearance, and it is not meant (in many cases) as a nice description...


Slugman said:
Hey LG - you do realize that 'Gringo' is actually a term based on ones ethnic apearance, and it is not meant (in many cases) as a nice description...
How does that matter if I am the gringo??? Rat is an offensive term, but calling a rat is not offensive. This was tried earlier today by people justifying slurs. The logic fails me. :confused:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
loco-gringo said:
How does that matter if I am the gringo??? Rat is an offensive term, but calling a rat is not offensive. This was tried earlier today by people justifying slurs. The logic fails me. :confused:
Logic often fails you!!!


Arsbars said:
I dont get what you are talking about. All I got was that you like hello kitty or something.
This asshat from Houston is always raising a ruckus on MoJo and other local forums. He now states that he is gonna come show us whiny PC monkeys how things are done. It was just a heads up. I am not a fan of Hello Kitty anyway. It's a dumb looking cat.


Aw crap - I guess you all wouldn't know that Mr. Bill and Hello Kitty are the same person. D'oh - I am a dummy. He was using Mr. Bill on the board when he posted that. I hate friggin aliases.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
Thanks for putting out the welcome mat for me Locos-Gringos I knew I could count on you pal. Can I also count on you doing your same old bikemojo.com routine on here too?

Are you gonna call me an “asshat” again?

What about faglame stuff? “your gay”, “you’re a fag”, “you take in the rear”?

Still gonna accuse me of being a “racist”, “bigot”, “homophobe”?

Gonna use the cute change the “Quotes” schtick here too?

Are your gonna use your imaginary friends to scheme that I’m a real jerk?

Approximately how many times per-thread are you gonna call me a “Tool”?

Still going to have issues with my so called “attitude”?

Are you going to be my personal “spelling/grammar Nazi” here too?

You still going dislike my usage of “RoXoR”, “hatoraide” and “pwned” still?

What about the “Houston sucks” rants you go on about?

Gonna still call me a “neo-con”, “red state bible thumper”?

Do you do the same “hypocrite” act on here too just like every other forum?

You still gonna kick my butt when you see me using a bike pump?

Still gonna spout your hatred about me but give no specifics on why?

Do you delete the threads you start after I outwit you making you look like a fool?

Are you gonna start a “Ban Hello Kitty” crusade on here too?

I like how you judge me with out ever meeting me, can I expect the same here?

Going to brag what a awesome rider you are then post a photo of you riding off a curb?

You gonna still make excuses why you don’t have the discipline to race a full season?

Do you think your constant PM’s to the administrator complaining about me will work?

You still gonna get all upset when other people's opinions differ from your own?

Are your going to be the same jealous, whiny, loudmouthed here too?

So far from the few threads I’ve read of yours it’s seems to be status quo for you on here as it is on bikemojo.com and teamsmack.org. So thanks once again for rolling out the red carpet for me Locos-Gringos you little crazy mixed up gook lover your totally RoXoR


Hey RM - looks like he used Hello Kitty. Seems like he is here to flame as expected. The good news is, now you have his IP.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
you all have too much time :D

(me too. but it's thanksgiving break!)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
now the important question, do i jump on the bandwagon or do i let the guy speak and then make my decision? i do think that using the word gook is kinda unacceptable being as how i am half vietnamese.
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