
So I been reading about SCIENTOLOGY all day today....


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
And from the stuff on the internet, these guys just sound like a bunch of whackos. Im sure that if i did a search on Christians though, there'd be a bunch of negative stuff through, and it'd be hard to find the real gouge without knowing anything first hand.

So tell me, what do you guys know about the scientologist theory and 'L Ron' and Xenu and all that Scientology stuff?

Are the crazy or logical or what?


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
I don't know much about it, but me and my best friend and his brother and brothers GF were out one night, and my friend starts railing on his brothers new gf becasue scientology was such a scam and cult, he had read up on much as you did, and was just laying into her ( first time he had met his brothers new gf), and after about ten minutes, she just smiled and said, I'm a christian scientist, not a scientologist. I know this means nothing to your question, it was just funny.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Wahahahahhaha - that was funny.

Originally posted by brenth
I don't know much about it, but me and my best friend and his brother and brothers GF were out one night, and my friend starts railing on his brothers new gf becasue scientology was such a scam and cult, he had read up on much as you did, and was just laying into her ( first time he had met his brothers new gf), and after about ten minutes, she just smiled and said, I'm a christian scientist, not a scientologist. I know this means nothing to your question, it was just funny.


Jun 10, 2002
there's a scientology place right by campus. every night, there's a guy outside offering free stress tests. one night he hooked me. i took the test (which was quite easy to screw with). he told me all about how Scientology could help me get over a girl, 'cause that is what was causing the most stress for me. wow!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by the Inbred
there's a scientology place right by campus. every night, there's a guy outside offering free stress tests. one night he hooked me. i took the test (which was quite easy to screw with). he told me all about how Scientology could help me get over a girl, 'cause that is what was causing the most stress for me. wow!

they seem to target college kids. There's one of the little places right by the HPU campus where i used to go here.
Fundamentally, it's another scam in which they take all your money, attempt to control your entire life and thought. You pay to take courses or threatments that are supposed to advance you in their hierarchy.

Cults like this seem to attract people who are terrified of taking responsibility for their own lives.

Burly Surly, I think you ought to join right up! ;) :D :monkey:


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I forget who it was that wrote it, maybe L Ron himself, but I read an accounting of the life of his soul, I think they call them Thains or Thetas or something, and it was like reading a science fiction story. Apparently, he was kidnapped from his home planet and sold into slavery at a mining colony. Somehow that body died but his soul was released and then recaptured and imprisoned in a robot body. that's all I remember, but WTF!?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by SkaredShtles
Hmmmmm.... sounds like a description of every organized religion to me......


Ya know...I thought the same thing for probably 25 years. It's all about finding the right "fit", i.e. group that most closely reflects your own beliefs. If you find the right church, it's not a social club, it's not a con job and it's not something "joiners" do just because they suddenly lose their appreciation for independence. I know personally that my family could not have made it through the first difficult year of my daughter's life without the tireless support of my church, both emotionally and financially. We have taken way more than we have given, but we have given what we could and were never herded like sheep for a fleecing. We are just ordinary people from various races, backgrounds, social strata, political bents and walks of life who happen to think fairly similarly about mans relationship with the divine.

I'm not trying to sound like I'm getting into you personally or that I can't laugh at a joke, but you just happened to most recently post what I believe to be a common misconception about organized religion. :)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Originally posted by SkaredShtles
Hmmmmm.... sounds like a description of every organized religion to me......
Hmmmmmmmmmm...sounds like a statement from someone demonstrating their ignorance of said organized religion to me.....

Originally posted by llkoolkeg
but you just happened to most recently post what I believe to be a common misconception about organized religion.
Amen brother.................:thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Originally posted by llkoolkeg

<snip> who happen to think fairly similarly about mans relationship with the divine.

I'm not trying to sound like I'm getting into you personally or that I can't laugh at a joke, but you just happened to most recently post what I believe to be a common misconception about organized religion. :)
No worries. I just happen to personally think that once you *organize* "man's relationship with the divine" you're asking for trouble........ but that's me. :)
