
So, I got fVCked by Delta today....BUT...


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons

I am flying FIRST CLASS round trip because of it!!!

(Yeah, I am a schmoozy lil' bastard...)
So, I fly out of SLC at 10:10, on my way to Atlanta and then Lima...plane Taxis out, and everyone is holding their ears, in borderline pain...we go to taxi back to the terminal, but terminal is full...so we sit on the tarmac for 25 mins. or so until some tech's come out and fix it. Only took an hour or so, but it pushed me back to where I missed my connector to Lima by 5 minutes or something. I don't know why, but I somehow bro'ed down with Eric, the BIG ticket dude at the international counter whils't sorting out my next move. I told them that they didn't even offer free drinks on the broken plane, and lo and behold, the gates opened...They handed me vouchers for breakfast, Lunch, dinner, hotel, and six free drink vouchers....yes!
I did lose a day of my vacation/business, and was chatting with them about this, and asked if I could *maybe* bump up to business for the next days flight...well, it ain't that easy. We had to go appeal our case to the supervisor, and write a brief synopsis as to why I deserved such treatment,etc (things have changed!)...bottom line, The guy hands me a new ticket for tomorrows flight, and it is in seat 2A, zone one, baby, and he changed my return for the same. STOKEAGE.
I lost a day of vaca, BUT, I am in a sweet hotel, I am gonna go party in Atlanta, I really lost no meaningful time, and I'm gonna be one of those people up front for once.
Who say's simply being nice can't make things better!!!
(TR so far, sorry, no pics!!!)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
good stuff. I have always had good luck with ticket agents as long as you are a nice guy. Don't act like a dick, and they usually take care of you.

I remember once I was stuck in Utah on the way to Sacramento from denver on Frontier. A roof panel ont he plane came loose, huge racket, decompression etc. So while we waited for a new plane at 1am in Utah, the awesome flight attendant dude came by to ask us to please stop skateboarding in the terminal, as security guys looked angry. We did, and he brought us POCKET FULLS of jack daniels bottles. It was awesome. All the way to Sacramento we drank like fish.

Besides that I somehow almost always manage to talk my way into business class when i have my laptop and camera gear, due to the size of the camera bag. Always wear a shirt and tie...that's my method!


I took my worst ever flight f**king in SLC on the way to Missoula for my honeymoon. Delayed in Dallas, missed connector, lost bags. Got a whopping $20 in Delta bucks for the SLC restaurant. It was decent I guess, and I was married, and still a little drunk from the delay in Dallas so it was ok.