
Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
To me it seems like this guy is not quick on his feet and may be open to you leading the interview. These are questions you throw out during the interview not something you want the candidate to study up on.

Take it as in invitation to let the bull**** fly. :thumb:

Well this is no good....

This is part of an email I got today from my potential boss. (As my second interview is tomorrow)

It sounds like he will want results!! I can't work like that! I can't! I WON'T!!
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
At the University of Alberta, they actually had a special half-credit moron level English course for the engineering students to take.

I wish I was making that up, btw.
There is a University in Alberta? I'm impressed that they have settled upon a written language.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
In my interview, the HR woman asked me how I would handle it if a 50 year-old man (that reports to me) were to walk into my office and start crying.

In your case, the answer "apologize for the eye watering stench of failure" is an acceptable answer.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
In my interview, the HR woman asked me how I would handle it if a 50 year-old man (that reports to me) were to walk into my office and start crying.

"I'd send him straight to HR and let the experts handle it. Did I mention one of my strengths is the ability to delegate?"


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Oh yeah....so apparently they only switched to Win XP within the last year or so.

Also, they use Lotus Notes

And my potential boss said that his hard drive crapped out on his laptop. And his laptop is SO old that it's 20GB. And in order to remedy the problem, the crack IT squad tracked down an identical 20 GB hard drive......special order at great expense...to replace the old one. and as everyone here can guess, that was way more expensive that just replacing the laptop with a new one.

So yeah.....I wonder if I can handle dealing with that.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
As vastly superior as you are, its a wonder you work for anyone... :D

Oh yeah....so apparently they only switched to Win XP within the last year or so.

Also, they use Lotus Notes

And my potential boss said that his hard drive crapped out on his laptop. And his laptop is SO old that it's 20GB. And in order to remedy the problem, the crack IT squad tracked down an identical 20 GB hard drive......special order at great expense...to replace the old one. and as everyone here can guess, that was way more expensive that just replacing the laptop with a new one.

So yeah.....I wonder if I can handle dealing with that.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
We have (comparatively) newer and older machines set up for dictation at work. They have special video cards to run dual large, high-res, calibrated grayscale monitors in addition to the normal 17" color jobs, and Dictaphones, of course. Think this, only with actual work being done on the lefthand screen and a slightly different interface.

So far, so good, right? Well, the old ones are apparently of the same generation as your potential boss's laptop, as they have 40 GB HDDs within their guts. (40 GB desktop drives must have been contemporary with 20 GB laptop drives, no?) Hell, one of them was running Win 2k when I first arrived, since reimaged with WinXP.

Cool story, I know.



A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Oh jesus tap dancing christ.....look at the email I just got

Hi Michael,

I hope you had a great weekend.
In the process of evaluation for a management level, you have to go for an psychometric evaluation on your strenghts and development areas at XXXXXXXXX
We will try to have that test done during Dan's vacation if possible for you.

I would like to have your availability to go for a full day evaluation in (far from my house) . What are your favorite days during the next weeks to go for that evaluation??

Let me so I can schedule the test.
Have a great week.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Heh, I'm sure the potential for funny sarcastic responses is high in such a test. Probably not the way to go, of course...

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
Will failure of said psychometric evaluation immediately lead to the special "look I'm hugging myself" sweater and a cushy room?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
son of a bitch

�� This document was created to give you a better idea of what is
involved in the competency assessment process. We suggest that you
take the time to familiarize yourself with the information in the
following pages to prepare for the activity.
�� It is important that you be relaxed and well rested for the potential
assessment session. It can be a long and intense process for many
candidates. Please bring your résumé with you if you have one.
�� Our main objective is to describe as accurately as possible what
characterises you as a person. Our goal is to get to know you. And
please remember that there is no such thing as a “good” or “bad”
�� We also wish to help the person who requested the potential appraisal
process reach a decision concerning your candidacy, if you are here
for a selection or a promotion, or to assist you in your career, whether
your goal be to explore your options or to develop professionally.
�� Consequently, we will use the potential appraisal process to identify
strengths that you could capitalise on and to underline points that you
could improve. This will allow us to identify the type of coaching or
training that could be pertinent to your professional development.
�� We urge you to be as natural as possible in order to provide us with
information that is as accurate as possible.
�� The day on which you undergo your potential appraisal process may
unfold in different ways depending on the objectives pursued. You will
not necessarily undergo all the steps described below. The choice of
steps and assessment tools will depend on the reason for your
assessment and on other criteria such as the type of position you hold
and your work experience. The order of the steps may vary from one
person to the next.
�� On the day of the appraisal, you will meet the consultant assigned to
you. The duration of an interview may vary from one to three hours
depending on the position to be assessed and the reason that brought
you to us. This interview is a semi-structured one in which certain
specific objectives are pursued. The ultimate goal of the interview is to
get to know you better. Be candid and forthright with your answers.
We will focus on the following aspects: your education and
professional training, your experience, your interests and motivations,
and your personality. The interview will allow us to add nuances and
clarifications to our overall assessment.
�� We will administer various questionnaires to measure your interests,
values and personal characteristics. The questionnaires are not timed
but we will inform you of the amount of time taken by the average
person to complete them. You should answer these questionnaires as
spontaneously as possible and try to stay within the indicated time
limit. There are no correct or incorrect answers since each person is
different and has different interests. The best way to answer the
questions is therefore to be as spontaneous, honest and intuitive as
possible. Do not take too much time to reflect on your answer and
always try to put yourself in a general context.
�� When completing these questionnaires, you may experience a number
of different feelings: you may have the impression that the questions
are repetitive or you may feel that you are contradicting yourself from
one question to the next. Don’t worry. It is altogether normal, for
example, you prefer order at work whereas you might not attach too
much importance to this aspect at home. You will also, without a
doubt find that the answers or statements provided lack subtlety.
Thus, you may feel that the answer you would like to give is not
among the given choices; you must choose the answer or statement
that best approximates reality.
�� It is possible that you will be given one or more tests. By definition, a
test means correct or incorrect answers. The tests are always timed
and the time allotted varies according to the test being administered.
Do your best to offer a solution for as many problems as you can in
the time given. In general, the tests we use are to measure your
ability to solve problems of different types, your quick-mindedness or
your learning ability.
�� We could also administer an in-basket exercise designed to assess
your problem-solving approach and the manner in which you function
in a work context. This exercise is timed and you will have only the
time allotted to finish the exercise. The exercise is a simulation of a
work situation in which different people will react very differently.
There are several correct answers to this type of exercise. You will
have a management position and will be responsible for a number of
people. You will therefore have information documents at your
disposal such as an organisational flowchart, a description of the
organisation and a calendar. You will receive more information on the
procedure and working environment when you actually get to this
stage. In this type of exercise, it is essential that you try to behave
the same way you would in a real-life work situation.
�� Simulations and case studies are all situation-based. You could also be
asked to play the role of a manager or a professional in a simulation.
This person is faced with a certain work situation. Documents will be
given to you explaining the situation to deal with, the role to be
played. More information such as the environment and instructions
will be transmitted when you reach this stage. Be yourself. Try not to
�� The process starts at 8:15 a.m. and should end by 5 or 6 p.m. For
lunchtime, we recommend that you go out for a change of pace. We
will suggest appropriate places for you to go for your breaks.
�� We will analyse your file within the next working days keeping in mind
the specific context of your assessment.
�� We will then produce a report in which we will discuss your strengths
as they relate to the objective of the mandate as well as the points
you could improve or which you would do well to take into account in
your professional development.
�� In general, feedback is given first to the person who requested the
appraisal. Afterwards, you can get the results of the assessment by
scheduling a meeting with the consultant assigned to you, according
to the agreement reached with the person who requested the
appraisal. We will also inform you of avenues that may be opened to
you for your professional development.
�� In order for us to be able to communicate your results, your full
consent is required and you will be requested to sign a document to
this effect. If you wish to keep certain aspects confidential, please let
us know.
�� Your file will be kept for a period of five years during which it may not
be reopened without the consent of the person who requested the
appraisal and of yourself.
�� We recommend to the client that your file be kept for a maximum
period of two years, since your responsibilities, experience or training
could allow you to acquire new skills or cause your profile to change.
�� A competency assessment is a tool for which the results are
scientifically valid. It is nevertheless not the only source of information
to be considered when mapping out your career path. We urge
candidates and organizations alike to bear in mind that a competency
assessment is only one tool of many and that its role is to confirm and
flesh out information from other sources.
�� A potential assessment can yield some significant benefits, both for
the candidate and the client organization. The process makes it
possible to see things from an objective point of view and to examine
certain specific aspects, such as the chances of success of an
individual in a position, the compatibility between a person and a firm,
suggested career paths, etc.
�� In the end, regardless of the results, a potential assessment is
nothing more than a tool. It helps you learn more about yourself,
identify your strengths, pinpoint areas for development and find out
how you compare to your peers in your job market. It allows you to
take stock of your abilities, gain a broader perspective of your career
and make choices.
�� This document was designed to answer questions frequently asked by
candidates who are invited to take part in a competency assessment.
We thank you for having taken the time to read this. We trust that
this information has been helpful and that you have a clearer
understanding of what the exercise entails. Should you require any
additional information, please do not hesitate to ask the psychology
consultants or the testing co-ordinators.
We hope your skills assessment session proves to be a beneficial experience for
The SPB Team

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I bet they check where you go for lunch. If you go where they suggested, there will be notes. Many notes.

But I'm sure there is no WRONG place to eat. Unless you go for shish taouk. Then you're on the watchlist.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
They could have saved a lot of time, money, and effort and just watch you fail to free yourself from a wet paper bag.

Next time, maybe.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
O hmy god this is a nightmare.

5 questionaires.....the first on was 40 mins long. 23 questions-pattern recognition. Looking at pictures...."what logically comes next"

Then two more true false things.....352 questions and 300 questions respectively..... the SAME 4 questions 652 time basically.

Then a 67 question one....very similar to the previous 652

And then a 30-ish question one.

She seemed surprised Iwas done so quickly (2.5 hours?)

I get a break now...but I have to go back.

This is nuts


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
And to think I just passed on a job because they wanted to do a credit check and piss test. :rofl:

If you want me to actually THINK during the hiring process, I best be getting paid for it, too. I would send them a bill for the hours spent (wasted) and charge them for lunch, too.