
So... I have become a 2nd class citizen in my own house....


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
Rant On

Well, my sister got engaged a last weekend. That's cool, I'm glad she is happy. But now, my whole family is in wedding mode.

Much to my amusement they ask me questions about what I think it should be like... My standard answer is take the cash and go to court...

I was going to hit the bromont cup race... but I can't I have to help set up her engagement dinner and take the freggin` pictures (Which I will have to later process and print on my own dime). My mom has also asked me not to go the US Open so I can help pick out the Brother In-laws Tux....

Should I feel (insert feeling) about being asked to help?

Rant off


Feb 6, 2004
Weddings are the biggest inconvenience. Seems like everybody and their friggin dog has to get involved, like it or not. When I get married I am running away to some crazy island in the ______. I am not about to rent chairs and buy flowers and make invitations and pay for booze so that everyone can get drunk. Screw tradition. Sorry Andy, you got me ranting too.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
bigshred said:
Weddings are the biggest inconvenience. Seems like everybody and their friggin dog has to get involved, like it or not.

We didn't ask for help from anyone. Her mom insisted on helping, but since she floated most of the bill, she could have planned the whole thing as far I was concerned.

"Help picking out tuxes"? Come on. The groom should be able to pick out a tux ,then tell the ushers where and when to get them.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Granted I was only in one wedding. But that was hella fun!! :)

Weddings are fun especially when it's close family! IMO weddings are just one big party whats the big deal.....

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
This one wedding MBC was in, the bride-to-be asked us to cancel our planned Disney World vacation just in case MBC was needed for any wedding-related chores (this was a month before the wedding). Are you friggin kidding me? We are not friends with that psycho hosebag anymore. You don't ask people to cancel trips to assist with wedding planning. THAT is extremely selfish, much more so than the person who does not cancel their plans.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I wish we could get some freakin help for our wedding. It's just the two of us taking care of everything. Both sets of parents are just clueless and have no idea what to do to help. I've been in three weddings already this year, and with each one, I see whole families helping out, taking care of the little details so that the bride and groom don't have to worry about it........My fiance and I just look at each other and go "......lucky f^ckin' pricks." I mean, the wedding is gonna be cool---we're getting married on a converted ferry boat on the Intercoastal Waterway---but it's a pain in the ass when there is nobody to give you a hand. My suggestion, Andy......step up your game and help out. You may be surprised at getting your shot to ride if you buckle down and help get things taken care of.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
You don't ask people to cancel trips to assist with wedding planning. THAT is extremely selfish, much more so than the person who does not cancel their plans.

They should be appreciative if you volunteer times you could help. They should be planning around the people who are helping, you should not have to plan around them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't help out as much as you can, just that they shouldn't be asking you to cancel two sets of weekend plans just because they won't do it on a Friday afternoon or something.

As far as the photography goes, frankly, I would tell them to hire their own photographer. I would be more than willing to bring my camera along and take pictures, but I wouldn't undertake the cost or the stress of being the sole photographer for the occasion. That's why professional photographers get paid.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
yep, don't do anything but show up, not your effing wedding. I'd go to the US Open and tell em to break it off in their collective asses. weddings are stupid marketing ceremonies for diamond ring manufacturers and napkin makers anyway


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
stosh said:
Granted I was only in one wedding. But that was hella fun!! :)

Weddings are fun especially when it's close family! IMO weddings are just one big party whats the big deal.....
I have been in 4 weddings in 6 months... My friends are dropping like flies. I have been the Best man in 3 of them Stood up in the 4th one. Yes they are fun, and its a good time. I just don't like being asked give input that I know is not going to be taken in to consideration. I have a very different taste and budget than my sister does.

I never said that I didn't care, But I dont like wasting my time. Because, I dont have that much freetime in the 1st place.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I'm a big advocate of going to Vegas to get hitched. It cost my wife an I a total of $600 for the whole deal, and was the first of many great adventures we've had together - neither of us would have done it differently.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Andy_B said:
Rant On

Well, my sister got engaged a last weekend. That's cool, I'm glad she is happy. But now, my whole family is in wedding mode.

Much to my amusement they ask me questions about what I think it should be like... My standard answer is take the cash and go to court...

I was going to hit the bromont cup race... but I can't I have to help set up her engagement dinner and take the freggin` pictures (Which I will have to later process and print on my own dime). My mom has also asked me not to go the US Open so I can help pick out the Brother In-laws Tux....

Should I feel (insert feeling) about being asked to help?

Rant off

ok the canceling your plans to help pick out a tux sounds very :stosh:

But the rest... Its your sister, family, uh I am pretty sure that trumps MTB.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Weddings make people do craaaazy things! But I definitely think it's unfair that your parents are expecting you to give up this much of your time in helping with the preparations....let alone missing races for it!!!! My first trip down the isle was a fairly big party and only one of my brothers got roped into anything, and that wasn't until the day of the wedding, and because he volunteered.

So is your mother or sister driving you helping? If it's your mom maybe you can enlist your sister as an ally to help her get your mom to see the light. Or just politely tell you mom that although you love your sister and want to help, you still want to do the things you've had planned and can't let her wedding consume your life. Be prepared for some backlash and then just lay low....good luck!


Aug 14, 2001
Andy_B said:
I was going to hit the bromont cup race... but I can't I have to help set up her engagement dinner and take the freggin` pictures (Which I will have to later process and print on my own dime).
Make that their wedding present. Then you don't have to shop or worry about that issue.

Andy_B said:
My mom has also asked me not to go the US Open so I can help pick out the Brother In-laws Tux....
She asked, you can say "NO". He's an adult, he can deal with it on his own.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The best wedding advice is; Spend $50 for a Justice of the Peace and pocket the hundreds/thousands in cash that you/parents would have shelled out on a wedding.

Besides, with a nearing 60% divorce rate, you'll likely have the opportunity to do it again at least one more time anyways.


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
Velocity Girl said:
So is your mother or sister driving you helping? If it's your mom maybe you can enlist your sister as an ally to help her get your mom to see the light. Or just politely tell you mom that although you love your sister and want to help, you still want to do the things you've had planned and can't let her wedding consume your life. Be prepared for some backlash and then just lay low....good luck!
Both have un-holstered there whips.... and its still 5 months away.

Lay-low is all i can do, Im not home that much as it is. I have been working in Mexico and Tenn. for the past 9 months, So when I do come back, I tend to leave again to go skiing, or ride somewhere. I think I may restort to witty sarcastic remarks when ever they ask aquestion. "Sure blue sneakers look great with a yellow tux"


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
I Are Baboon said:
This one wedding MBC was in, the bride-to-be asked us to cancel our planned Disney World vacation just in case MBC was needed for any wedding-related chores (this was a month before the wedding). Are you friggin kidding me? We are not friends with that psycho hosebag anymore. You don't ask people to cancel trips to assist with wedding planning. THAT is extremely selfish, much more so than the person who does not cancel their plans.

google "bridezilla"



Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
my wedding was in st thomas in 2003, we took a cruise down there with 30 people on royal caribbean. ceremony was at this beach resort and lasted all of an hour, we went back to the boat, changed and did the island thing after that
preparation took all of a few phone calls to a wedding planner, told them what flowers the wife wanted and just showed up.
total cost for ceremony not counting cruise: $1200
no aggrivation, no anxiety, no worries.

destination wedding
end of thread


Mar 14, 2005
Just chill..2 days tops the pressure will be off of you... its your sisters and her futures husbands time to make decisions not you.... :cool:

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Andy_B said:
Both have un-holstered there whips.... and its still 5 months away.

Lay-low is all i can do, Im not home that much as it is. I have been working in Mexico and Tenn. for the past 9 months, So when I do come back, I tend to leave again to go skiing, or ride somewhere. I think I may restort to witty sarcastic remarks when ever they ask aquestion. "Sure blue sneakers look great with a yellow tux"

Uggg...so sorry! If they're like this at 5 months make just wait until the week before :eek:

I just don't get why some people stress out about such small details for weddings and drive themselves crazy.....for one wedding I was in our shoes were redyed 3 times because they didn't perfectly match our floor length dresses....number 1, you couldn't see the damn shoes anyway, number 2, if someone is looking at our shoes they are looking at the wrong damn place!!! I think brides are entitled to obsess over a specific few items....dress, hair, makeup, and making sure the groom looks good as well (but that's her job, not yours). Other than that, **** happens, that's life....no one will probably remember the little details anyway!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Andy_B said:
My mom has also asked me not to go the US Open so I can help pick out the Brother In-laws Tux....
How old is the groom, eight? :think:

Tell your mother in your best voice, "Mom, that's the best man's job." because it is. The best man also takes care of the ushers, handling the money on the wedding day, etc. Unless you've been elected best man, it's not your thing.

As far as the rest of it, tell them that you're willing to help, but you don't want to give up everything you've already planned.

Did you offer to take all the pics AND pay for them? Or were you "given" that opportunity? :rolleyes:
Tell them you won't charge them for the service of taking the pics, but they need to foot the printing money. Then remind them how much a professional would normally charge for this. :devil:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Velocity Girl said:
....for one wedding I was in our shoes were redyed 3 times because they didn't perfectly match our floor length dresses....number 1, you couldn't see the damn shoes anyway, number 2, if someone is looking at our shoes they are looking at the wrong damn place!!!
Better to pic out a dress that produces cleavage and go barefoot. No one would notice the lack of shoes.


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Andy B,
The Wedding is 5 months away, and they want you to miss the US Open so you can pick out a tux that day? Jeez.
You are gonna have to grow a set on this one.
I believe your family can handle pointing to a tux without your assistance.

My sister got married last December, and I helped her as much as possible.
But she was also very respectful of my racing and we worked around it.
Make sure your sister is cool with everything, and then go race.
Sounds like your mom has the typical "the world stops as my daughter gets married" syndrome. Good luck.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
H8R said:
Better to pic out a dress that produces cleavage and go barefoot. No one would notice the lack of shoes.

Too funny!!!! Now that's the type of sense of humor people need to have about weddings!

For my first trip down the isle I let my gals pick their own dresses so it's entirely their fault that they can't ever where them again!!!! (And the shoes did not have to match each other, just the dresses.....one of the gals picked out shoes that were bordering on "stripper shoes", they rocked!!!!!!!)


Jun 25, 2002
Bay Area, Cal. (USA)
I had to put my knee surgery on hold so I could be an usher in my sister's wedding. By doing this I ended up loosing pretty much ALL of this years snowboarding season. I love snowboarding. it's my life. It was not a hard decision to make. My sister god I pray will only get married once.

I can snowboard next year.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
First I was gonna say quit your bitching and be happy for your sis... But now that I see the schedule conflict I understand the issue. Tough one... I say put yourself in charge, and book the wedding on a diff date.