
so i have vertigo again.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
This is the fourth time within a year!
It's not too bad this time but it still makes me look drunk once in a while when i have an...what should i call it..."episode"..."attack"...whatever. I'm sick of docters not knowing what the F is up so i'm just dealing with it, in fact i'm starting to get used to it.


Jun 10, 2002
my mom thought she had vertigo. at least, that's what the doctors told her multiple times.

till they found it was actually a brain tumor.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
When do the episodes occur? At specefic times, like morning, night, etc? After doing a certain thing... sitting? after standing up fast, etc? Sounds a bit like something I dealt with a few years back.


Jun 10, 2002
as a referance, my mom's episodes would be tripped when she turned to her right quickly. when she first got it, it would hit when she was laying in bed. we thought it was a 24hr bug, 'cause she'd puke a few times. but the nausea would last, and whenever she'd turn to her right, it'd hit. as time progressed, episodes would occur more frequently. no puking, just really, really dizzy.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
HippieKai said:
This is the fourth time within a year!
It's not too bad this time but it still makes me look drunk once in a while when i have an...what should i call it..."episode"..."attack"...whatever. I'm sick of docters not knowing what the F is up so i'm just dealing with it, in fact i'm starting to get used to it.
My mom had some pretty severe episodes of vertigo last year. To the point she would throw up. It was very scary for her and us. It would strike her suddenly and last for a few hours.

Have you had a hearing test? These episodes concided with her hearing going bad in one of her ears. She has worn hearing aids forever but all of a sudden the hearing in one of her ears basically went away completely.

Long story short she ended up going to a doctor that was also a Navy flight surgeon in the Reserves, so vertigo was something he was very familar with. He ran her thru a series of tests He put her on steriods for three weeks and it went away and hasn't come back.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dizzinessandvertigo.html has a ton of information on causes, symptoms and treatments.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
HippieKai said:
This is the fourth time within a year!
It's not too bad this time but it still makes me look drunk once in a while when i have an...what should i call it..."episode"..."attack"...whatever. I'm sick of docters not knowing what the F is up so i'm just dealing with it, in fact i'm starting to get used to it.

My grandfather has exactly that and the docs where useless about it to. However, he did dome research online and found somehting that he had, I think, a physio perform on him. According to him it really helped and he could even walk for along time, now he seems rather normal but still get dizzy spells, not very often though.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
My wife has had "vertigo" for three years now. Sounds simmilar to what you have Kai. No conclusive results from any test, be it MRI, CT, Audio, brainstem activity.... She's had the full-meal-deal of testing and all we know is what it isn't.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
only test i have not had done is an MRI.

I think has been keeping me up lately too. I can't fall asleep because i will start to spin or when i am asleep i spin in my sleep and it wakes me up.

i can turn, sit, lay down, or sometimes just turn my head and it happens.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
DRB said:
Have you had a hearing test? These episodes concided with her hearing going bad in one of her ears. She has worn hearing aids forever but all of a sudden the hearing in one of her ears basically went away completely.

Long story short she ended up going to a doctor that was also a Navy flight surgeon in the Reserves, so vertigo was something he was very familar with. He ran her thru a series of tests He put her on steriods for three weeks and it went away and hasn't come back.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dizzinessandvertigo.html has a ton of information on causes, symptoms and treatments.
Did her hearing come back?