
So, i was gonna sit this election out until...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
.. i thought about the Courts.

I hate McCain.. hate hate hate McCain.. can't stomach obama.. kinda like Pailen.. hate McCain... no way i can ever ever support a Polosi/Reid/obama dictatorship..


The next president will tip the courts, one way or another.

Supreme Court openings are all but guaranteed, and that's just the start: 44 trial and appellate federal judicial vacancies already await filling. There will be more.

Either candidate is bound to put his standards into practice. By next September, six of the nine Supreme Court justices will be at least 70 years old. Justice John Paul Stevens turns 89 in April.
so i will slouch into my local polling place, hold my nose and push McCain.



Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
in the last 40 years, only 2 justices have have been nominated by Dems.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
With compounding interest, my guess is he could hit that mid term!

I can see 2011 now....

"Excuse me...Ms. President....China is calling. They want their money."

"Well...you see...there's positives and negatives to the tertiary allotment that went to disabled veterans from the Crimean War....What we need to do is call for a ...."

"Ms. President, they sound angry....and there's been some reference to "a button"...I'm not sure what that is..."


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
If everybody hates the options so much, why is nobody voting for the other candidates? I"m voting libertarian because I want my vote to go to a person who mirrors the majority of my conerns/ideals.
I'd vote for McCain because Obama's socialist tendencies scare me, but Palin being one stroke away from president is scarier.
I know of probably 100 people off hand that are voting one way or another to prevent the other from getting elected. We need to vote on the issues that are important to us.
Screw the parties, vote on merit and issues.
If you are fiscally conservative, but not a bible thumper, you're libertarian.
If you feel that the govt needs to be smaller, you are libertaritan.
Open your eyes and look of answers to problems, not counters to bigger ones!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Obama's socialist tendencies scare me
what socialist tendencies?

It is also a matter of pragmatism, I'm a lot closer to Brian Moore or Cynthia McKinney, but they don't have a chance of winning. The system is set up to block 3rd parties.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
If everybody hates the options so much, why is nobody voting for the other candidates? I"m voting libertarian because I want my vote to go to a person who mirrors the majority of my conerns/ideals.
I'd vote for McCain because Obama's socialist tendencies scare me, but Palin being one stroke away from president is scarier.
I know of probably 100 people off hand that are voting one way or another to prevent the other from getting elected. We need to vote on the issues that are important to us.
Screw the parties, vote on merit and issues.
If you are fiscally conservative, but not a bible thumper, you're libertarian.
If you feel that the govt needs to be smaller, you are libertaritan.
Open your eyes and look of answers to problems, not counters to bigger ones!
Look at this states voting record. Even if we voted "other", the 7 points gained are trumped by the toothless chick on the quad Mmike posted.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
.. i thought about the Courts.

I hate McCain.. hate hate hate McCain.. can't stomach obama.. kinda like Pailen.. hate McCain... no way i can ever ever support a Polosi/Reid/obama dictatorship..


so i will slouch into my local polling place, hold my nose and push McCain.

So you dig Alito and Roberts, right? Because there is no question that McCain will follow Bush's lead and nominate NOT conservative judges or strict constitutionalists, but nominate reactionary extremist activist judges.

I'm guessing abortion isn't a hot topic for you, but I would hope illegal search and seizure, right to assembly, and freedom of religion are.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
Exactly! We need MORE social conservatives on the supreme court....


There is this huge potential for progressivism in America, but it is perpetually smothered by conservatives, like a bad weed....

beyond depressing.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
If everybody hates the options so much, why is nobody voting for the other candidates? I"m voting libertarian because I want my vote to go to a person who mirrors the majority of my conerns/ideals.
I'd vote for McCain because Obama's socialist tendencies scare me, but Palin being one stroke away from president is scarier.
I know of probably 100 people off hand that are voting one way or another to prevent the other from getting elected. We need to vote on the issues that are important to us.
Screw the parties, vote on merit and issues.
If you are fiscally conservative, but not a bible thumper, you're libertarian.
If you feel that the govt needs to be smaller, you are libertaritan.
Open your eyes and look of answers to problems, not counters to bigger ones!
I am very happy that Barack is a candidate. He is rather smart, a personal history I can respect, and I think he will do a great job.

One thing about the 3rd party candidates is that I don't think they would be good presidents. I read the profile about Phillies, and he seems more interested in talking about his views than his personal qualifications.

Frankly, anyone who chooses to move to New Hampshire and becomes part of the Libertarian party is probably not very interested in what I do, which is not what I want from a President.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
If everybody hates the options so much, why is nobody voting for the other candidates? I"m voting libertarian because I want my vote to go to a person who mirrors the majority of my conerns/ideals.
I'd vote for McCain because Obama's socialist tendencies scare me, but Palin being one stroke away from president is scarier.
I know of probably 100 people off hand that are voting one way or another to prevent the other from getting elected. We need to vote on the issues that are important to us.
Screw the parties, vote on merit and issues.
If you are fiscally conservative, but not a bible thumper, you're libertarian.
If you feel that the govt needs to be smaller, you are libertaritan.
Open your eyes and look of answers to problems, not counters to bigger ones!
Come on, Obama's socialist tendencies? He's not that far away from McCain. A step in the right direction, yes...but on the grand political spectrum they're pretty fvckin' close together.

And socialism roxorz anyway...what're you complaining about, investment boy? ;)