
SO I went for a nightride last thursday...

May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
...And ended up having a great time. "Why do I care?" you might ask, well, this story lends a view that some of the rangers have towards us Mnt bikers.

You see, we were riding around on some singletrack that runs along the top of the ridge, tight twisty stuff thats slow and fun. We see some lights, and I assume they are other bikes. Then I hear one of them say, "Oh, lookout, mountain bikers!"
We keep going and run into a Search and rescue team practicing in the woods at night.

Guy in Jacket with SHERIFF printed on the badge; "Did you guys see a body with some candy? or just some candy?"
Us; "Uhhh, no."
Sheriff guy; "Great night isn't it?"
Us; "Beautiful."
Sheriff, "Have a good ride!"


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
I wouldn't go too far with this. Probably just means that the sheriffs wanted to do their exercise and go home. doesn't mean that they might not mention it to the rangers. sort of like when you see folks passing a police, not CHP, car on the freeway... it just means the cops can't be bothered at that moment


Aug 18, 2004
Santa cruz
Thats what they want you to think, but really they're stalking you. Moving silently throught the bushes waiting for the optune moment to grab you, hold you down and :nuts:


B_LOWrider said:
Thats what they want you to think, but really they're stalking you. Moving silently throught the bushes waiting for the optune moment to grab you, hold you down and :nuts:
The search and rescue people have been out their lately training with their dogs. They have all been very nice, polite, and talkative.