
So if anyone recalls this time of year.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Tomorrow marks 9 years my life was torn apart. Now before any of you get all "get over it already", well, that won't happen. Like all children to their parents, Alaina is too special. However..........

I have been shown wonderful support from Compassionate Friends, I keep Alaina's voice alive with my riding, and I try my best to let other parents know they can function, maybe even survive this new normal/nightmare none of us wanted to be a part of. One company I want to thank now, among the many that support my riding, is Voler and the custom jerseys they've made for me, allowing me to show off my daughter. Wait until you see 2012's vision.

And to you, group of friends known as Ridemonkey, THANK YOU!!! for your support and letting me share.......................