
So im freaking out wondering if i got the job.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Yesterday, I had a 3 hour interview with 4 seperate individuals that are executives for a major clothing company (one that is in every mall), it is worth mentioning that this was my second interview after a phone session was conducted. I was applying for a job as "supply chain systems manager", basically a new IT position they are opening. I was nervous as hell all day, went in and feel that i totally crushed the interview...spoke well, talked about my experience as it related to their needs and felt that i just had good conversations with my interviewers.

I dont even know why I am posting this in the lounge i guess just looking for some comments from people that have conducted interviews before? I am fresh out of school but am currently working a job for a major chemical company (Bayer) did 2 internships and am now employed. What do you think executive views are in regards to hiring college grads (with good experience) keep in mind this is a very "young" type of company, wear jeans and t's to work type of thing.

Basically i am freaking out about this! So am i gonna get the job, give a monkey a little encouragement. :thumb:


Nam I am
manhattanprjkt83 said:
I am fresh out of school but am currently working a job for a major chemical company (Bayer) did 2 internships and am now employed.

I used to work for Bayer (Bayer Diagnostics ) every week they asked me if I wanted to move to Pittsburg. it was either that or they encouraged us to Leave , I did the later :D

good luck with the Job. and there is nothing to fret over as long as you stll have your job.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Good luck.

+'s Sounds like you had some good interviews meeting with a number of people

-'s In my experience if you are the right candidate for the job you will either be asked to take some tests (personality/qualification) and or schedule you for another interview while you are there.

general bs.. Dont be too concerned if it didnt happen, you could have been 1 of the first people they interviewed and they will call you back after they see a few more people.

Again good luck


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Good luck man! I hate the wait. I was flown to VT for a day of interviews with a major defense contractor. I talked with everyone from the peons all the way up to the operations manager (who led me to believe the job was mine). I had to call them to find out that they filled the position from within. :angry:

It being your second interview is a good sign. They liked something they saw that got you past the first cut. :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Waiting sure does suck. Companies are never too fast about it, so expect to wait. I was fortunate with my current job in that I went through a real pushy recruiter and got a job offer the day after my 2nd set of interviews.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
BikeGeek said:
It being your second interview is a good sign. They liked something they saw that got you past the first cut. :thumb:
I'm thinking that, i mean they sat me down and told me about my benefits and days off, things like that, and the "next step" which is a department meeting today where i guess they will talk about me...

all was cool until the last lady, who isnt that much of a higher up, saying stuff like "im not a good interviewer", this is one of my firsts...

i just got the feeling the 3 others thought i was perfect for the job not sure what she thought

god damnit i am so stressed :mumble:

on that note i am indeed very qualified for the position!


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I just want to be like "LOOK, im a perfect fit for the job, im excited about it, and i'll work my ass off!" you know...just give me the position!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I had posted this before but this could be an alternate reason for the multiple discussions.

A few months ago I was at our New York offices and they were interviewing a guy for a job similar to mine. My boss comes and says I would really like you to talk to this guy a few minutes so he can get a feel for what's entailed in your job. Strange but why not, I had been surfing the internet at the time killing time for lunch. Literally the guy comes in reeking of a major league colonge bath, in a shiny suit with completely slicked back hair, and a shade of tan that looked more orange than tan. He gives me the major league hand and arm shake (I almost lost my balance). And starts talking about himself and didn't stop until my boss knocks on the door and says that he has a few more people for him to meet....... I literally got maybe 3 sentences in in about 15 minutes.

About 5 minutes later my boss comes back shuts the door and practically falls on the floor laughing.

I know its completely unprofessional BUT he was such a tool that my boss (who is usually a borderline peckerhead) just felt like he wanted to share the experience with everyone he could. I think that all total he met with 5 or 6 people.

So maybe they just thought you were a tool and it would be funny to run you around. OR it could they liked you.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
DRB said:
So maybe they just thought you were a tool and it would be funny to run you around. OR it could they liked you.
I hate you, i didnt wear any cologne, i have a good handshake firm but not too much, and my hair is not unusual.

Now i can talk, but i really let them talk and waited for my turn...

dont do this to me dude...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
manhattanprjkt83 said:
I hate you, i didnt wear any cologne, i have a good handshake firm but not too much, and my hair is not unusual.

Now i can talk, but i really let them talk and waited for my turn...

dont do this to me dude...
Maybe you had some food in your teeth or maybe a big booger hanging out of your nose..... OR it could be that they liked you.


Jul 20, 2004
manhattanprjkt83 said:
I hate you, i didnt wear any cologne, i have a good handshake firm but not too much, and my hair is not unusual.

Now i can talk, but i really let them talk and waited for my turn...

dont do this to me dude...
Maybe they were intimidated by the ridiculousy large sunglasses you had on :sneaky:

Goodluck man, let me know how it goes...

Don't count the east coast out yet :thumb:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good luck. I hope you get the job.

My last job interview process involved: 2 phone interviews w/2 people, 2 interviews with no less than 5 people, including the CFO and President, carried out over 2 days ~ 7 hours, THEN a final meeting negotiating terms and salary.

After the most exhausting interview I'd ever been through, I accepted the offer and got the job!

6 months later, the President sold his company to another major faceless software spewing machine and I was part of a big downsizing.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Palilla said:
Maybe they were intimidated by the ridiculousy large sunglasses you had on :sneaky:

Goodluck man, let me know how it goes...

Don't count the east coast out yet :thumb:

hahahhahahahahahha monster doggles baby...

cant believe you showed up dude, well if i get this i will have 18 days vaca, so whistler/moab it is! keep em crossed for me...


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
it's tough being just out of college. I've been out for a year and still have friends who are looking for jobs. The job market is slowly getting better, but, in the meantime, you just have to hang in there and believe in yourself no matter what.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
bluebug32 said:
it's tough being just out of college. I've been out for a year and still have friends who are looking for jobs. The job market is slowly getting better, but, in the meantime, you just have to hang in there and believe in yourself no matter what.

True but i do have lots of relevant experience with a big company (bigger than the one im applying to) i think that has to count for something.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
manhattanprjkt83 said:
True but i do have lots of relevant experience with a big company (bigger than the one im applying to) i think that has to count for something.

Not really. it is all about who you know and important stuff like that :thumb:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
SkaredShtles said:
I'll bet that's a job that'll suck all of your spare time.

No more ridey for you!

yeah well im at a point where i have to put in some work to get somewhere...beginning of my career, i dont mind it. Besides the office is 10 min from one of my fav ride spots.

that dude in the pic is hippized, not i.


Jul 11, 2004
That dude is the farthest thing from a hippie. What hippies do you know, that wear oakleys? Not me, and certainly no one I know.

I'm always nervous after interviews, but I'm also always confident that I'll get the job. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but when it does, it's that much sweeter.

The best is getting a job, and then finding out that you beat out 60 other people for the same position. :thumb:

good luck


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
manhattan, I think your gonna be okay here.

I'm fairly fresh out of college but managed to get an interview for what was basically my dream job that I was well qualified for, but underexperienced (read: age).

The interviews wen't really well and we basically ended up calling back and forth checking in about once a week for two months before they hired me.

At my first meeting I proceeded to prove that I wasn't just a kid and actually had more practical experience than almost everyone in the room. Needless to say my new boss was extremely thrilled at how I handled everything and confessed that they had interviewed several people who seemed more qualified than me, but hired me becuase I seemed to fit the (small) company well.
Not much later I got a 25% raise, and am now making more money than I should, having fun, choosing my own hours, and advising people who are twice my age.

Basically, once you get your foot in the door and show what can do, age goes out the window.
Also, once you get in there. Question everything. If you can build a better mousetrap, do it, they will be impressed (just make sure you don't put your foot in your mouth too soon).

Good luck.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Not many people send followup thank you's (for their time). It sounds ghey, but I've seen the little things like that really go far.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Biscuit said:
manhattan, I think your gonna be okay here.

I'm fairly fresh out of college but managed to get an interview for what was basically my dream job that I was well qualified for, but underexperienced (read: age).

The interviews wen't really well and we basically ended up calling back and forth checking in about once a week for two months before they hired me.

At my first meeting I proceeded to prove that I wasn't just a kid and actually had more practical experience than almost everyone in the room. Needless to say my new boss was extremely thrilled at how I handled everything and confessed that they had interviewed several people who seemed more qualified than me, but hired me becuase I seemed to fit the (small) company well.
Not much later I got a 25% raise, and am now making more money than I should, having fun, choosing my own hours, and advising people who are twice my age.

Basically, once you get your foot in the door and show what can do, age goes out the window.
Also, once you get in there. Question everything. If you can build a better mousetrap, do it, they will be impressed (just make sure you don't put your foot in your mouth too soon).

Good luck.
Yep IMO all i need to do is get in the door, im one of those people that will work my a$$ off to prove myself. So you did call back frequently? I'm curious as to how i should go about conducting that activity...It seems they are looking to fill the position ASAP...when do you think i should call for some status?