
So mad I can't see straight

Sep 18, 2001
Marin County CA
Originally posted by BAH
if you get mad about every atrocity that goes on in this world you will be a hurting unit. go and do some biking, read your bible or just stop reading the news for a day or two. you will feel better. we all know that these are evil things - why continue to rant on and on about these things? News is evil because for the most part it thrives on the pain and suffering of others. People unfortunately are drawn to others suffering. You are just prolonging the magic. stop
Mother F***ing Word!
Uh.....I didn't say I got upset about every little thing....just that every once in a while, something really catches my attention and gets me going, usually in the middle of a busy and tough week, and this just happened to be it.

By the way, I WAS biking yesterday. I had to pick up my wife's car from getting an oil change...just so happens that it was about 15 miles away, so I biked there and drove home.


Aug 1, 2002
Is it any worse when the kid gets shot in the drive by shooting? Or when the mother kills her children? or when a bomb goes astray and kills some poor bastard selling cows? Or when a priest rapes a child and tells him he will go to hell if he tells anyone?

All of them ruin lives. They are all terrible. Just because she happened to be a nun doesnt make someone else's horrible death any less horrible.

I dont know, it aggrivates me when kids get shot all the time on the street, yet some woman a million miles away gets killed and we all heard about it while the family down the street grieves.

Does it make me mad that she was killed, sure.

Not flaming your post, this is just a place to bring it up, i suppose. It is still pretty horrible. I think rapists regardless of if the victim dies, should be put away for life or killed, i dont care about rehabilitation.....the victim lives with it forever, so should the rapist.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
With fourgivn1 being the religious guy that he is, I can understand him getting really pissed at something like this. It's like when someone posts a story about a cyclist getting run down on the road, and we all go apesh*t like monkeys in a cage.

I am glad they caught this SOB. Fry him, I say.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
With fourgivn1 being the religious guy that he is, I can understand him getting really pissed at something like this. It's like when someone posts a story about a cyclist getting run down on the road, and we all go apesh*t like monkeys in a cage.

I am glad they caught this SOB. Fry him, I say.


For the record, I wanted to make something clear.

I think that because it is ridiculously obvious what my religious affiliation is, people sometimes assume that I get much more upset at religious 'infractions' committed, than at anything else.

I can assure you that I get just as upset about some guy on a bike getting mowed down, or other 'noteworthy' (as determined by the media *L*) , as I would about something specifically pertaining to my religious affiliation. Just because it happened to be a nun that was raped, and because I'm Christian, doesn't mean I view ANY crime as any less brutal or traumatic. I'm sorry if it sounded that way, but by the same token, please don't assume that I'm more sympathetic to those who believe in the same God I do, and all others don't deserve my consideration. Such is certainly not the case.

I can say with all honesty that the stuff that has pissed me off the MOST, probably ever, was the entire Catholic priest scandal, because not only did they commit those terrible acts, but they did it in the name of religion. :angry: :angry: :angry: I think it is people like THAT who deserve the WORST punishments.


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
Fourgiven, don't forget where that woman is now. (if she died, I didn't read that far, I too hate the news)

Also, don't forget that the worst attrocity ever commited by man was beating God nearly to death only to take off his clothes (yes he was naked, they put a loin cloth on in the movies but the really crucified naked) and kill Him in the most painful and slow way known at the time. And that turned out all right in the end too, right?

On other note, i don't get worked up by tragedy (9/11 even) because I truly believe the world is in for a time period absolutley riddled with tragedy like no man has ever seen. well, actually, I believe John actually did see it.
Originally posted by SVEN
Fourgiven, don't forget where that woman is now. (if she died, I didn't read that far, I too hate the news)

Also, don't forget that the worst attrocity ever commited by man was beating God nearly to death only to take off his clothes (yes he was naked, they put a loin cloth on in the movies but the really crucified naked) and kill Him in the most painful and slow way known at the time. And that turned out all right in the end too, right?
Well, I wasn't exactly whipping myself into a frenzy. :D

Seriously, though, I haven't forgotten where she is OR the worst atrocity ever committed....that's the entire reason I believe in Him. :)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Any of y 'all hear about this?


I may be Christian but I'm thanking God this guy isn't in front of me right now, because I don't know what I'd do to him if he WAS here. :angry: :angry: :mad: :mad: :mad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :mad: :mad:
my understanding is that a true christian would forgive him and pray for his soul ????? maybe i missed the boat ...

you need heathens like me to want to rip his heart out and feed it to him...

Originally posted by partsbara

my understanding is that a true christian would forgive him and pray for his soul ????? maybe i missed the boat ...

Where do people get the idea that people are suddenly devoid of anger at atrocities committed in today's world, when they become Christians? :) Christians aren't suddenly NOT Christians simply because they get mad...and yes, I DO pray that God gives me understanding and patience for the times when I lose my temper.

I DID in fact pray for him; as far as the forgiveness part goes, that's like saying Jeffrey Dahmer shouldn't have been put in jail; we shoulda just forgiven him. (Side note...if I'm not mistaken, HE got saved before he was, uh, violated to death.) Forgiveness doesn't nullify responsibility for actions taken by one.