
So Scwarzenegger did it...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by -BB-

Our political system has been terminated.

I think its great.

Truely, the people have spoken and its great to see that they want common sense. Schwarzanegger will do a good job.:)


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Very interesting situation. I think that a lot of people are just tired of politics and figured they weren't getting AS MUCH of a politician with Arnold.

My 2 cents.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by MMike
"Ooooh! It's that big guy with the muscles from the TV! He can travel through time, and take a shot gun blast without getting hurt! I'm votin' fer him!!"

...but you can't cuz you are canadian... :p:p:p


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Didn't people get to vote no to the recall or for a new candidate??

So Ahnold got 48% of the 54% of votes that wanted a recall, thats 26% of all the votes. While Davis got 46% of votes.

With a president who lost the popular vote and the Governor of the most populous state getting 26% of votes I guess second place is no longer the first loser. Brian should no longer feel bad about the Raiders losing the Superbowl.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
...what is going on in California is what the framers of our Constitution actually had in mind for our representative government. Instead of an entitled class of professional deceivers who have never earned an honest dollar in their life, they envisioned a government where the people would elect from their own citizens to represent them who were not immune to the everyday struggles that face the populace at large. After a term or two, they would return to their former jobs and others would replace them, thereby keeping the blood fresh and the corruption to a minimum. The argument that career leaches(cough)politicians use to justify their continued existence is that by virtue of their time-earned mastery of the ****stem(cough)system, they are able to do more for their voters than some new guy could. The problem is that they invariably grow drunk off the power they wield and like addicts, can't go back to their humdrum lives of ambulance-chasing or inheritence-wasting. Term limits was the best idea ever to get shot down. CA is full of actors and wannabe actors. Who, like Ronnie before him, better to represent the people of CA than a successful actor?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Watching the congratulatory speech from Bustamante just made me realize what a jackass that guy is. I can't stand him.


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by Westy
Didn't people get to vote no to the recall or for a new candidate??

So Ahnold got 48% of the 54% of votes that wanted a recall, thats 26% of all the votes. While Davis got 46% of votes.

With a president who lost the popular vote and the Governor of the most populous state getting 26% of votes I guess second place is no longer the first loser. Brian should no longer feel bad about the Raiders losing the Superbowl.
2 separate questions-----1st question to vote on was do you want the recall. 2nd question was if the recall goes through then who would you want.
Even those who voted no on the recall could vote for another candidate in the second question....so the numbers aren't quite as easy to figure out.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
I'm devastated that Mary Carey didn't win ;) :D . I was SO looking forward to writing off all those lap dances :devil: as business expenses on my next trip to CA. :rolleyes: :D


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by Heidi
Watching the congratulatory speech from Bustamante just made me realize what a jackass that guy is. I can't stand him.
Totally agree. "We had a big win tonight!" What a jackass...that's like celebrating the fact that you found a penny in the road while your house is burning down.

Thankfully, he should be dead politically after he serves his term out.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
Originally posted by Westy
So Ahnold got 48% of the 54% of votes that wanted a recall, thats 26% of all the votes. While Davis got 46% of votes.

With a president who lost the popular vote and the Governor of the most populous state getting 26% of votes I guess second place is no longer the first loser. Brian should no longer feel bad about the Raiders losing the Superbowl.
Nice Try, But Thank You For Playing!! Your knowlege of the issue reminds me of the skit Leno does where he goes out on the street and asks people very simple questions and gets these outrageous answers. Kind of like the people who know who won American Idol, but not who the Vice President is, or the words to the Star Bangled Banner. Things you should know before you whine about complex political issues without knowing the facts.

This was the largest turnout for any election in California in many years. People got to choose BOTH whether to recall AND their choice for replacement if it passed. So Arnold got 48% of ALL votes, which for the record is a higher percentage of a larger turnout than when Davis was last elected = more raw votes period. This while not even including the McClintock votes that would have gone to Arnold if we had gone through the normal primary process that would have eliminated McClintock. So conceivably, you could throw another 13% on top of Arnold's numbers. There are 1 million more democrats registered in CA than republicans, so the crossover vote was huge. It is nothing short of a CRUSHING defeat for chief panderer Davis!
And I didn't even vote for Arnold!

Oh, and regarding the presidential election, we don't live in a pure democracy! It's a representative democracy, ever hear of the electoral college?

Westy's comment shows the typical lack of knowlege known to be a recurring symptom of WHINERITIS!!


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
hmm, thats not a unique situation.
italy had the cicciolina elected (an 80s huge porn star, for the porn iliterate), peru had an exotic dancer elected as congresswoman (she had a 7 inch drawing of her ballot number stamped on her buttcheek, she showed it off all the time while rallying).
so i guess its a matter of the world. maybe there are way to many jokers who vote. or maybe thats the way people show how unpleased they r with they current leaders (ironically, they will be the ones suffering the most for their choices, not the politician).

weird, they gave the boot to the governor, to get arnold. how good of a change can that be??

anyway, people deserve the leaders they choose.


Originally posted by Heidi
Very interesting situation. I think that a lot of people are just tired of politics and figured they weren't getting AS MUCH of a politician with Arnold.

My 2 cents.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
Originally posted by ALEXIS_DH
weird, they gave the boot to the governor, to get arnold. how good of a change can that be??

anyway, people deserve the leaders they choose.

Another person who just doesn't know the history of Gray Davis...
The guy is the eptiome of a political hack and panderer.
The guy is so dirty he reminds me of the Charlie Brown character Pigpen. But the media makes him out to be Linus!
I am not going to write another book about this, but the driver's licenses for illegal aliens bill is the perfect example of what Gray Davis is all about. You people need to research the history on this guy to understand that it would be almost impossible for Arnold to be worse than Gray Davis (though I voted for McClintock). Imagine how hard it is in California to get democrats mad enough to actually vote for a republican. It happened!

I will agree that the people deserve the leaders they elect. Most are way too lazy to try to figure out what is really going on beyond the media spin.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
am not famliar with the history of gray davis. but am quite familiar with the political history of other countries.

there is a murphy law for this i think.

when things cannot get worse, they will get worse.

as bad as davis can be. believe me, i lived thru a government that had a 2 000 000% inflation rate in 5 years (thats right 2 million %),

it can get worse. and arnold is definately not a guarantee of improvement.

am not saying he is worse or anything, but based upon his credentials, he is much more likely to be worse. or at least ridiculous as its now.


Originally posted by DaKahuna
Another person who just doesn't know the history of Gray Davis...
The guy is the eptiome of a political hack and panderer.
The guy is so dirty he reminds me of the Charlie Brown character Pigpen. But the media makes him out to be Linus!
I am not going to write another book about this, but the driver's licenses for illegal aliens bill is the perfect example of what Gray Davis is all about. You people need to research the history on this guy to understand that it would be almost impossible for Arnold to be worse than Gray Davis (though I voted for McClintock). Imagine how hard it is in California to get democrats mad enough to actually vote for a republican. It happened!

I will agree that the people deserve the leaders they elect. Most are way too lazy to try to figure out what is really going on beyond the media spin.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
I preface this with the fact that I didn't even vote for Arnold SchwartzenKennedy, I voted for McClintock. I am not 100% enthusiastic about Arnold, he's too liberal for me.

Alexis -
I am curious about what you are referring to regarding Arnold's credentials. Is it his lack of political experience? As far as I am concerned, that is only a positive thing! I have to admit that I still think that McClintock is the best qualified to fix the state, but when I found out that he (along with Davis and BustaMECHA) took money from the Indian gaming lobby I was very sad. What specifically don't you like about Arnold? I am pretty sure that my list would be different than yours.
Arnold has (and still does) owned many successful businesses including a huge shopping mall. So he isn't totally uneducated business-wise. I think it will come down to who he allows to advise him, and that's one of my areas of concern.

A couple of things I am pretty sure of:
Arnold will promote business more successfully than a democrat would have.
Arnold will not pass any legislation like the illegal alien driver's license bill and will hopefully repeal that.

The only way that the state could get worse is if it went more liberal! ;)

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
and just look what we get with Ahnold
> Message: something you might find interesting [ all the corporate Enron E mails are avalable for public access from the link below]
> Article Title and Link (click on the link below to access the article):
> Enron E-Mail Provides Interesting Reading
> http://www.accountingweb.com/item/98191


"And while much of the database merely satisfies the curious onlookers and provides moments of embarrassment for those who sent or received the messages, information of a more devastating nature lurks there as well. While running for governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger had to confront the public disclosure of a meeting he attended with former Enron president, Kenneth Lay. The incriminating message read: "Last May, Lay convened a meeting of mostly conservative Los Angeles notables in a bid to preserve deregulation in California and quash a nascent public-power movement. Among those in attendance were Arnold Schwarzenegger, former L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan (now the Republican front-runner for governor), and, yes, Riordan's old business buddy, Mike Milken."

> *******************************************
So screwed by Davis or screwed by AHnold
we the people will still get bent over


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by DaKahuna
Nice Try, But Thank You For Playing!! Your knowlege of the issue reminds me of the skit Leno does where he goes out on the street and asks people very simple questions and gets these outrageous answers. Kind of like the people who know who won American Idol, but not who the Vice President is, or the words to the Star Bangled Banner. Things you should know before you whine about complex political issues without knowing the facts.

This was the largest turnout for any election in California in many years. People got to choose BOTH whether to recall AND their choice for replacement if it passed. So Arnold got 48% of ALL votes, which for the record is a higher percentage of a larger turnout than when Davis was last elected = more raw votes period. This while not even including the McClintock votes that would have gone to Arnold if we had gone through the normal primary process that would have eliminated McClintock. So conceivably, you could throw another 13% on top of Arnold's numbers. There are 1 million more democrats registered in CA than republicans, so the crossover vote was huge. It is nothing short of a CRUSHING defeat for chief panderer Davis!
And I didn't even vote for Arnold!

Oh, and regarding the presidential election, we don't live in a pure democracy! It's a representative democracy, ever hear of the electoral college?

Westy's comment shows the typical lack of knowlege known to be a recurring symptom of WHINERITIS!!
You know, there really are ways to correct someone without being a dickhead.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by DaKahuna
Nice Try, But Thank You For Playing!! Your knowlege of the issue reminds me of the skit Leno does where he goes out on the street and asks people very simple questions and gets these outrageous answers. Kind of like the people who know who won American Idol, but not who the Vice President is, or the words to the Star Bangled Banner. Things you should know before you whine about complex political issues without knowing the facts.

This was the largest turnout for any election in California in many years. People got to choose BOTH whether to recall AND their choice for replacement if it passed. So Arnold got 48% of ALL votes, which for the record is a higher percentage of a larger turnout than when Davis was last elected = more raw votes period. This while not even including the McClintock votes that would have gone to Arnold if we had gone through the normal primary process that would have eliminated McClintock. So conceivably, you could throw another 13% on top of Arnold's numbers. There are 1 million more democrats registered in CA than republicans, so the crossover vote was huge. It is nothing short of a CRUSHING defeat for chief panderer Davis!
And I didn't even vote for Arnold!

Oh, and regarding the presidential election, we don't live in a pure democracy! It's a representative democracy, ever hear of the electoral college?

Westy's comment shows the typical lack of knowlege known to be a recurring symptom of WHINERITIS!!
Thanks for the rant and editing my post when you quoted me. If you go back and read my original post the first sentence is
Didn't people get to vote no to the recall or for a new candidate??
I was trying to find out how the election actually worked. If you feel like attacking me fine. Just quote my complete post and not the portions that suit you.

And by the way, knowledge has a "d" in it.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
ES6 -
All that might show is that Arnold went to a meeting. It doesn't say anything about where he stands on any issue. I have many misgivings about Arnold, but I don't think your reference proves anything. He also has appointed Willy Brown to his transfer team. I don't like that idea, I think it is a mistake, but it doesn't prove anyhting about what Arnold believes either. We will just have to see what happens.

MrB -
If the opinion had been offered in a manner designed to ask an honest question or to raise a legitimite point to debate, I would have responded in like kind. Westy's was only an uninformed whiny remark, in my opinion, and hence my reply. I love the discussion of ideas, I really dislike uninformed emotional rants. And I will NEVER, EVER call anyone a d***head. An uninformed whiner, yes....


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
So the intriguing question put by California's leading consumer advocates last year has yet to be fully answered:

"What was the purpose and substance of the May 11, 2001, meeting with then-Mayor Richard Riordan, former junk-bond king Michael Milken, and Arnold Schwarzenegger?" To that might be added a few other pertinent queries, directed to the campaign of the leading recall contender: Why did Schwarzenegger go to a secret meeting with Ken Lay in the midst of the crisis? Did Schwarzenegger ever have any dealings with Enron? Did he hold Enron equities in his portfolio -- and if so, when did he sell?

If and when he gets around to discussing issues, Schwarzenegger will probably attack Davis for the state's energy fiasco, which cost Californians upward of $70 billion over the past few years. And the governor does deserve his share of the blame for the mishandling of the "crisis." But perhaps then someone will ask Schwarzenegger why he appointed Pete Wilson, the former governor who signed the misbegotten deregulation bill that caused the crisis, as his campaign chairman.

From Joe Conason


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by DaKahuna
MrB -
If the opinion had been offered in a manner designed to ask an honest question or to raise a legitimite point to debate, I would have responded in like kind. Westy's was only an uninformed whiny remark, in my opinion, and hence my reply. I love the discussion of ideas, I really dislike uninformed emotional rants. And I will NEVER, EVER call anyone a d***head. An uninformed whiner, yes....
Actually it was a question and a burn on the Raiders. Sheesh:rolleyes:


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
Originally posted by Westy
With a president who lost the popular vote and the Governor of the most populous state getting 26% of votes I guess second place is no longer the first loser. Brian should no longer feel bad about the Raiders losing the Superbowl.
Westy -
I don't think I took anything out of context. You say that you were asking a question about how it worked. But the way you presented the rest of your opinion was as if you had concluded that you knew the answer. There doesn't seem to be any question as to your opinion in the quote above.
I would not have "attacked" you for asking a question. I made fun of (not attacked, in my opinion) what I felt was a truly uninformed (but believed to be true by you) opinion.