
So this is what I spent over $1 million dollars for.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Boy, someone saw me coming:mumble:

Actually we're just starting the remodeling process on our home before we move in. I refinished the garage already, of course I forgot to take pics of it before and after, come to think, I don't even have after:think: My buddy and I raised our step down living room on sat, then he decided to take a few kitchen cabinets for his garage, then out of nowhere a sledge hammer started to go out of control:blah:

From the family room, we are removing this whole wall, relocating the furnace into the attic and moving the laundry room to another location in the downstairs hall.

Here's the beginning of the tear down

Looking from the kitchen to the family room

Looking into the kitchen

old laundry/furnace area, this will be a solid wall with a new opening in front of the downstairs bedroom.

The raised living room, need to bring out a wall then I'll have the carpet reinstalled.

We have a dumpster coming on Thursday and it will be completely gutted. It's always fun to break stuff:blah: :cool:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
narlus said:
so i take it you haven't closed on yr existing home?

or are you camping in H8R's yard?

good luck w/ the renovation. :thumb:
It's a long story, but the sale our our house fell through, however we scored the $10K deposit, so this allows us to be able to keep 2 houses for a few more months, we're going to relist it around Feb 1, just waiting for the market to pick up a bit. It always slows down around thanksgiving through mid-late Jan. I'm sure it won't be finished by the time we need to move in, however we'll have a good head start.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i can't imagine paying 10K to walk away from a house sale...that's a stiff penalty.

but everyone's a zillionaire in NorCal, right? ;)

good luck w/ the Sale pt II.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
SkaredShtles said:
Jeezus Keerist. More power to you, man.

A million bucks, eh?

It really *is* a different world out there. :D
Worth it? No flippen way. But it's a great location and that's basically what the houses in our area go for (Actually talking to several Realtors in our area say we actually paid $50-75K under market value so I feel we got a good deal) The same size house totally fixed up in our area sold this summer for over 1.3, still worth it? No F'n way, but it is what it is. In my opinion the house should only be worth $350K-$400K max, but as they say, location, location, location.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
narlus said:
i can't imagine paying 10K to walk away from a house sale...that's a stiff penalty.

but everyone's a zillionaire in NorCal, right? ;)

good luck w/ the Sale pt II.
The buyers of my property didn't pay, thire agent did. Here's the Cliff notes version:

They were supposed to sign off on the contingencies Nov 12, my agent didn't hear anything from them, so he called his agent to see what the deal is. He told my agent that the husband maybe loosing his job and need to back out of the property. So my agent says fine, fax over the necessary paper work. His agent does and it's for another address, about 1/4 mile from my house. So my agent calls the agent for this address (saying he has clients interested in seeing the property to see what that story is) She told him they were kinda pending, the people interested in her property needed to back out of their current deal. So my agent starts putting 2 + 2 together, thinking that our current buyers have found another house.

Anyways the next day the agent of the other property (the one we think they're now going after) calls my agent and says is your property still pending? He said yes, she said, but I have signed papers by your clients releasing the property from my new buyers. My agent says that's interesting, could you fax that document to me, and she does.

Their buyers agent forged Julie & my signatures so they can lock into this new house. So basically my agent gets a hold of the buyers agents boss and explains the situation. Basically he asks what we can do to make this go away. He said release the 10K deposit to my sellers and we'll forget it ever happened.

Come to find out a few weeks later this agent is practicing with a suspended license. Some friends said I should sue for forgery and try to get way more money, but we didn't want to take the risk of loosing all the money or having to wait several years to maybe get it, so we took the 10K and ran.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
narlus said:
i can't imagine paying 10K to walk away from a house sale...that's a stiff penalty.

but everyone's a zillionaire in NorCal, right? ;)

good luck w/ the Sale pt II.
i think i m the only zillionaire, but there are heaps of rich people out the apparently :)

fark, seriously, i d live in a shoebox to board tahoe everyday (plus i ll prolly have to)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
Damn, you could cash out and move to dallas and never work again. not that you have to work now ... probably. They come down faster than they go up, kinda like riding bikes. good luck and have fun.

This is what you get in Dallas for a million.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Jimmy_Pop said:
Damn, you could cash out and move to dallas and never work again. not that you have to work now ... probably. They come down faster than they go up, kinda like riding bikes. good luck and have fun.

This is what you get in Dallas for a million.
Yeah. But who wants to live in Hell?

"Hey look guys - I don't have to work anymore. But I live in Hell."



Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
johnbryanpeters said:
You didn't spend over $1M, the bank spent most of it; god willing, you will over time pay the bank much more.
for sure.. as i said, the bank thanks him... him and everyone else with home loans...


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
I can't believe no matter where the location is...anyone would pay $1 million for that crappy home...no offense, sure it'll look nice when you're done...but WTF???

ok...I'd consider a million if it was beachfront in so cal...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
goodtobeIrie said:
I can't believe no matter where the location is...anyone would pay $1 million for that crappy home...no offense, sure it'll look nice when you're done...but WTF???

ok...I'd consider a million if it was beachfront in so cal...
are you another local zillionaire??? what part of norcal do you live in ???

i have to agree tho'... where i come from i expect (much) more for my 1 million...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
partsbara said:
yeah, but here is the big difference... dallas eats balls...
and yes, i ve been there... on more than one occasion unfortunately... :mumble:
this is true, why did you have to remind me. Damn.

Anyway, paying 1,000,000 in interest payments over 30 years doesnt interest me either. I would act like a caucasian version of an illegal alien worker, live in a shack and send my phat paycheck back to sanhco in Texas.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
goodtobeIrie said:
I can't believe no matter where the location is...anyone would pay $1 million for that crappy home...no offense, sure it'll look nice when you're done...but WTF???

ok...I'd consider a million if it was beachfront in so cal...
Actually it has real nice curb appeal, the house was built in 1979 and has never been updated. The inside needs a lot of help to begin with, but we bought it knowing it. It will look great when its done.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Brian HCM#1 said:
Actually it has real nice curb appeal, the house was built in 1979 and has never been updated. The inside needs a lot of help to begin with, but we bought it knowing it. It will look great when its done.
Sounds great. 1 mill is alot, but if you fix it up the nice way, you can make it seem like 1 mill.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

That's a lotta cabbage for a house in that condition. But I guess its all good cuz you are in Cali...

Good luck with the renovations. At least you don't have to live in it while you get it up to snuff.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Jimmy_Pop said:
Damn, you could cash out and move to dallas and never work again. not that you have to work now ... probably. They come down faster than they go up, kinda like riding bikes. good luck and have fun.

This is what you get in Dallas for a million.

Damn... I bet you could get a hella nice place in Colorado or NM for $1M... and you wouldn't even have to live in CA.



Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
but jimmy_pop lives in TX. and he's not as old as brian.

nice place old man...


Mar 14, 2005
nice house!! i recently move into a house we bought. it didnt need as much work as you it seems but i know where your coming from.. if i may offer advicce, take it slow and in the end when you have it just the way you want it.. it will all be worth it.... have fun!!!!