
So, this is where our money goes...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'd rather have them spend the money on $500 toilet seats

An example is Heritage Community Services in Charleston, S.C. A decade ago, Heritage was a tiny organization with deeply conservative social philosophy but not much muscle to promote it. An offshoot of an antiabortion pregnancy crisis center, Heritage promoted abstinence education at the county fair, local schools and the local Navy base. The budget was $51,288.

By 2004, Heritage Community Services had become a major player in the booming business of abstinence education. Its budget passed $3 million -- much of it in federal grants distributed by Bush's Department of Health and Human Services -- supporting programs for students in middle school and high school in South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky.
I'm sure the same schools that get the abstinance training have to hold bake sales to buy math text books.

The more I find out, the sicker/angrier I get.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Westy said:
I'd rather have them spend the money on $500 toilet seats

I'm sure the same schools that get the abstinance training have to hold bake sales to buy math text books.

The more I find out, the sicker/angrier I get.
Biology text books too (especially Biology texts).


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Not ours! Our biology books come equipped with nice evolution disclaimer stickers. :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Actually this whole thing happened long after I graduated.
It's not as backward as it may seem.
It's just an ULTRA conservative suburb of Atlanta.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
kidwoo said:
Not cobb county again?:rolleyes:
yeah it was either that or Pat Robertson. :P

Beneficiaries of more than $2 million each from the compassion fund include five organizations run by black and Hispanic leaders who endorsed Bush and Operation Blessing, a charity run by television evangelist Pat Robertson. It has received $23.5 million, which includes $1.5 million from the Compassion Capital Fund and $22 million in surplus dry milk from the Agriculture Department.