
So today in class...


Aug 11, 2005
We had presentations on alternative therapies. As usual, I was sitting in the back playing on the internet/or doing sudoku puzzles, so was only half ass listening to the presentation. One of the presenters passed around a large ziplock bag full of yellow, blue, and green M&M's. We were told to get a handful of them with a about equal mix of the colors. I'm not sure what we were going to do but I decided that picking out all the green m&m's was what I was going to do.

The girl sitting next to me found humor in this. But a girl in the row in front of me asked why there were only yellow and blue ones. I showed her that I had a bunch of green and a few people just rolled their eyes at me.

Why can't people take a joke.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Jokes sometimes just aren't funny.

This one time in class some dude was giving presentation, he had separated his shoulder and it was in a sling. He kept scratching at his arm in the sling and at one point a bag of weed he was storing in his sling fell out. Now that was funny.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Not in class but after a party one of my friends passed out and another friend thought it would be good joke not to draw on him but to spray wasp and hornet killer in his face. That wasn't funny. Two weeks later after the chemical burns went away and blowing the whole incident off as funny, The passed out friend decided to exact his revenge and punch the bug killer spraying friend in the face in front of everyone in the cafeteria, that was pretty funny.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2005
Westy said:
Not in class but after during a party one of my friends passed out and another friend thought it would be good joke not to draw on him but to spray wasp and hornet killer in his face. That wasn't funny. Two weeks later after the chemical burns went away and blowing the whole incident off as funny, The passed out friend decided to exact his revenge and punch the bug killer spraying friend in the face in front of everyone in the cafeteria, that was pretty funny.

you got good stories:p


Aug 11, 2005
the Inbred said:
i'm missing the "joke" part of the first post.
I'm sorry...I'll put it in a traditional joke form to help you out:

"Knock, knock"

"who's there?"

"This was just my way of causing a little chaos"

"This was just my way of causing a little chaos, who?"

"This was just my way of causing a little chaos in a not so fun presentation that was way too serious."

Help? :p

:p :p


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Westy said:
Jokes sometimes just aren't funny.

This one time in class some dude was giving presentation, he had separated his shoulder and it was in a sling. He kept scratching at his arm in the sling and at one point a bag of weed he was storing in his sling fell out. Now that was funny.

that is funny. :)


Mar 14, 2005
personally i would have kept the bag and just starting eating out of it, then offer some to the classmates with a " i had no idea" look on your face
OK, the curmudgeon speaks:

When I go to school, I pay my own way and want a return on the money. I get really pissed when other students disrupt a class for whatever reason.

If you want to come in and learn, do so. If you don't, please take a walk. I want to focus on the material being presented, not some jackanapes acting out in the back row. This applies even if the instructor sucks ass - that just means that I'm working all the harder to get something of worth out of time and money spent.

robdamanii, if and when you finally hang up a shingle, will it say "Slept through class" on your diploma? God help your future patients! :mumble:



Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
johnbryanpeters said:
OK, the curmudgeon speaks:

When I go to school, I pay my own way and want a return on the money. I get really pissed when other students disrupt a class for whatever reason.

If you want to come in and learn, do so. If you don't, please take a walk. I want to focus on the material being presented, not some jackanapes acting out in the back row. This applies even if the instructor sucks ass - that just means that I'm working all the harder to get something of worth out of time and money spent.

robdamanii, if and when you finally hang up a shingle, will it say "Slept through class" on your diploma? God help your future patients! :mumble:

well you can just call me ms. curmudgeon too. i agree with all of the above.

presentations aren't fun or easy. nobody really likes giving them. the least that can be done is show a little respect to the student that is simply completing an assigned task by the professor.

sleeping through a presentation is ridiculous. its nice to know that some people think their presentations are so much more interesting that they could judge someone else's performance with an act of lame disrespect.

presentations make me uncomfortable and nervous. i'm no teacher and don't aspire to be. luckily in my department people realize how bad presentations can be, and are courteous enough to pay attention, ask questions, and make the presentation more interesting for all of us. if you give this a shot next time you are bored, you're bored, you might find that everyone enjoys class and learns a little more.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
johnbryanpeters said:
OK, the curmudgeon speaks:

When I go to school, I pay my own way and want a return on the money. I get really pissed when other students disrupt a class for whatever reason.

If you want to come in and learn, do so. If you don't, please take a walk. I want to focus on the material being presented, not some jackanapes acting out in the back row. This applies even if the instructor sucks ass - that just means that I'm working all the harder to get something of worth out of time and money spent.

robdamanii, if and when you finally hang up a shingle, will it say "Slept through class" on your diploma? God help your future patients! :mumble:

Yeah, it will say "slept through a stupid NON DC hindu's class who we can't understand, and who is teaching redundant crap that we covered in GREAT depth already in Neuroscience, Histology, Gross Anatomy and Neuroscience Lab."

There are throwaway classes in every curriculum, and this happens to be one of them, the same way history of the profession was a throwaway last semester. But then again....I guess not knowing who was the first lawyer of the ICA is going to make me a horrible person. :rolleyes:

laura said:
well you can just call me ms. curmudgeon too. i agree with all of the above.

presentations aren't fun or easy. nobody really likes giving them. the least that can be done is show a little respect to the student that is simply completing an assigned task by the professor.

sleeping through a presentation is ridiculous. its nice to know that some people think their presentations are so much more interesting that they could judge someone else's performance with an act of lame disrespect.

presentations make me uncomfortable and nervous. i'm no teacher and don't aspire to be. luckily in my department people realize how bad presentations can be, and are courteous enough to pay attention, ask questions, and make the presentation more interesting for all of us. if you give this a shot next time you are bored, you're bored, you might find that everyone enjoys class and learns a little more.
I don't necessarily agree. I think that they ARE difficult when you're in a class that is competitive enough about grades to be a cutthroat audience that wants you to fail.

When you're talking in front of your colleagues, among your friends, and you're comfortable in front of people.....easy as cake.



Aug 11, 2005
I'll have to agree with Rob. Being in a program that is based on the Medical school's program is not easy. I am in hard ass classes from 7:30am until 4pm. It is even in the same room with the same people. Then I have to go home and study until 10pm-12am at night. I've never fallen asleep in class, but in order to keep my attention all day (besides the caffeine) I must be constantly doing something...studying for another test, puzzles, internet, planning research, reading articles, texting someone. It isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. Vanderbilt is one of the top med schools in the country and we take our gross anatomy by the same teacher in the same lab as them. We have the same expectations. That is why I applied to the program at Belmont...and they have had people drop out to attend a MD program because it is as hard as med school. We even have a few people who chose to go here instead of the med schools they had been accepted to attend.

College is WAY different. Show up for a couple of hours a day...even if it hard classes there is still an immense amount of time otherwise to work, study, or play.

But I don't mind if people talk in the back while I'm presenting. I know how hard school is and if they need to be doing something else while I'm talking about light therapy...then go for it. They have the handout I've made with all the information they need to research it more, if they so choose.

There is my rant....now I have study :p

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I don't know if taking all the green M&M's constitutes "class disruption", but whatever yo. :D Maybe if Kizzi took the green M&M's and started chucking them at people, I could see the disruption there.


Oct 17, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
Maybe if Kizzi took the green M&M's and started chucking them at people...
see, THAT would've been funny.

PS: If Westy ever comes to Colorado, I have to buy that dude a beer.

The Dude abides.


Jun 10, 2002
johnbryanpeters said:
OK, the curmudgeon speaks:

[rant]I get really pissed when other students disrupt a class for whatever reason.

If you want to come in and learn, do so. If you don't, please take a walk. I want to focus on the material being presented, not some jackanapes acting out in the back row. This applies even if the instructor sucks ass - that just means that I'm working all the harder to get something of worth out of time and money spent.


laura said:
presentations aren't fun or easy. nobody really likes giving them. the least that can be done is show a little respect to the student that is simply completing an assigned task by the professor.

sleeping through a presentation is ridiculous. its nice to know that some people think their presentations are so much more interesting that they could judge someone else's performance with an act of lame disrespect.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I just surf RM in class if it sucks. But I spend time in the Political Debate forum because I'm in POL215 (and it sucks ass), so it's like I'm paying attention.

I finished all my core courses last year, but have 3 lower division classes that didn't transfer and it SUCKS.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Weird. It is precisely because school is hard that you should shut up and not screw around when people are trying to get something done. The people around you have it just as hard if not harder (in most cases anyway), and I agree that it is disrespectful to mess up an exercise for your own kicks. It's not high school where you can't leave - if you don't want to be there, don't.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I skip a singing course my school makes me take. Now we have a stupid afternoon studyhall I am in right now. It's ****ING singing. I couldn't sing well even if I worked at it all the damn time. I'm good in all my other classes, but my head was hurting so I bailed out of the singing class. How lame is that?

Ummm... Funny story...
A friend cracked a joke, teacher got red in his face, laughed for about 10 minutes, and made us leave.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
robdamanii said:
Usually, when the presentation sucks, I put my feet up, head back, and I snore.

I've gotten water gunned by one professor and had another throw wadded up papers at me.

We have document cameras here. If my students fall asleep I turn the camera on and point it at them and display it for all to see. The other students get a pretty big kick out of that. Every once and I while I'll make them all get up and do jumping jacks if too many people fall asleep but that usually doesn't happen.


Aug 11, 2005
OGRipper said:
Weird. It is precisely because school is hard that you should shut up and not screw around when people are trying to get something done. The people around you have it just as hard if not harder (in most cases anyway), and I agree that it is disrespectful to mess up an exercise for your own kicks. It's not high school where you can't leave - if you don't want to be there, don't.
You've never been exposed to a doctorate program like this then, huh? I actually can't leave. Unless I just quite, which I could of done in high school and still be where I'm am now. And I could miss days in high school AND college and been fine. Here I must be super attentive at all times. And if I want to do things to make me...and most the people in class, really, laugh, then that is what I will do. Because actually I've had people thank me for making class so fun. A friend of mine and me have started a social deviance club and play practicle jokes all the time. If you were in our class...we would pick on you the most because you have no clue on how to have fun.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
kizzi77 said:
You've never been exposed to a doctorate program like this then, huh? I actually can't leave. Unless I just quite, which I could of done in high school and still be where I'm am now. And I could miss days in high school AND college and been fine. Here I must be super attentive at all times. And if I want to do things to make me...and most the people in class, really, laugh, then that is what I will do. Because actually I've had people thank me for making class so fun. A friend of mine and me have started a social deviance club and play practicle jokes all the time. If you were in our class...we would pick on you the most because you have no clue on how to have fun.
Hahaha, that is funny. It is true that I have never been in a doctorate program where I had to pick M&M's out of a bag. The rest of what you say about me is wrong. Bringing a little levity to a serious situation and making people laugh now and then is fine. (In fact I do it at work all the time and sometimes get accused of not being serious.) But screwing up an exercise because you are not paying attention is not cool. Most of us got over being the class clown in high school.

Boo friggin' hoo, your doctorate program is hard. Do you think it should be easy?


Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
OGRipper said:
Hahaha, that is funny. It is true that I have never been in a doctorate program where I had to pick M&M's out of a bag. The rest of what you say about me is wrong. Bringing a little levity to a serious situation and making people laugh now and then is fine. (In fact I do it at work all the time and sometimes get accused of not being serious.) But screwing up an exercise because you are not paying attention is not cool. Most of us got over being the class clown in high school.

Boo friggin' hoo, your doctorate program is hard. Do you think it should be easy?

Yes. Then I would make people call me Doctor Jack Mehoff... it would be a perfect world.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
OGRipper said:
Hahaha, that is funny. It is true that I have never been in a doctorate program where I had to pick M&M's out of a bag. The rest of what you say about me is wrong. Bringing a little levity to a serious situation and making people laugh now and then is fine. (In fact I do it at work all the time and sometimes get accused of not being serious.) But screwing up an exercise because you are not paying attention is not cool. Most of us got over being the class clown in high school.

Boo friggin' hoo, your doctorate program is hard. Do you think it should be easy?

Well arent you a whiney little b!tch?


Aug 11, 2005
I'm also the teacher's pet (or one of them). The other three are the girls in my research group. Our advisor is the head of the program. The other girls are class president, secretary and vice president. I'm also the girl who everyone wants to be in a group with because I have the best powerpoint and handout due of my design background. Let's see...what else...I'm the class red head...I'm the shortest and oldest girl. The only one who loves math (help with reading those fun articles). I guess I'm going to blow up the senior year book...thanks for making me the class clown...I'll inform the others in my class.



Aug 11, 2005
OGRipper said:

Funny, I thought Kizzi was the whiny one, complaining about having to go to class. Whatever.
There you go, imagining stuff I've said. The only thing I whine about is that the snow isn't here yet (3 inches in Memphis).

But I'll play along...just to help you out. Here we go:

I hate going to school. I have to learn...and then I'll get paid all this money after I graduate. Woe is me. I can't believe how hard my life is...oh, not to mention I don't have to work right now. Man, that is tough. I sure hope everyone feels sorry for me. Because they should.

There you go...one whine so that you are correct in your "thought"

:p hehehehehe


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
OGRipper said:
Hahaha, that is funny. It is true that I have never been in a doctorate program where I had to pick M&M's out of a bag. The rest of what you say about me is wrong. Bringing a little levity to a serious situation and making people laugh now and then is fine. (In fact I do it at work all the time and sometimes get accused of not being serious.) But screwing up an exercise because you are not paying attention is not cool. Most of us got over being the class clown in high school.

Boo friggin' hoo, your doctorate program is hard. Do you think it should be easy?

I'm not sure what your problem is.

Kizzi had to participate in an inane experiment, which she "ruined" by removing only green M&M's. After what sounds like a very long and difficult week as a doctoral student, it seems like a little levity, not some slacker HS kid who threw a spitball during finals.

But tell us your experiences when you studied for your doctorate, OG:rolleyes: . I suppose you were a joy to your professors and fellow students with your attitude problem.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
do grad programs actually check attendance? i'm not in high school :rolleyes: and when i feel a class is not worthwhile i don't go to it, case in point right now. maybe picking the m&ms out is innocuous, but (faking?) snoring during a presentation is flat out unprofessional.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
jdschall said:
We have document cameras here. If my students fall asleep I turn the camera on and point it at them and display it for all to see. The other students get a pretty big kick out of that. Every once and I while I'll make them all get up and do jumping jacks if too many people fall asleep but that usually doesn't happen.
Yea, but your Uni is different. Think about what would happen if a professor at a regular Uni told their class to do jumping jacks.

In my gov't class full of ****ups and retards, my answer to any question about politics is to nuke 'em. The teacher hates me.


Jun 10, 2002
Toshi said:
do grad programs actually check attendance? i'm not in high school :rolleyes: and when i feel a class is not worthwhile i don't go to it, case in point right now.
your undergrad wasn't like that, as well? the later in my college career i've gotten, the more strict attendence rules have become. in one class, a T/Th class, for every absense after 2, my grade would have dropped a LETTER. that ****in' sucked 'cause it was the most mundane class. it's like professors make up for their lack of teaching ability, and lack of student interest, by forcing students to attend.