
So we got a dog....


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Sorry to hear about him :(

I too had a cattle dog, though she was mixed with some other randoms. She was incredibly smart, yet some dumb about certain things it was hilarious.

I don't know if its related to what Bruzer had, but mine too had a rear end that stopped to function. It was a pretty sudden thing, happening over about a month or two. Eventually we had to start carrying her around and lift her outside to goto the washroom. Always hard to let them go, even when you know it is the very best thing for them.

BadDNA - Mine looks similar to your guy on the left, minus some of the colours

My next pup will definitely be an Australian Cattle Dog.
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Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Last night was the night...... still in shock but somewhat relieved. He was suffering..... so sad....


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I still see and hear Chacko around the house...I think. It just isnt right how those furry moochers burrow into your heart and never let go. You did the right thing Stosh, you gave him a great life and I know he is thankful for you and your family.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Ohhh man that sucks, really sorry to hear.

I am currently looking after a Red Setter and it is a ****ing moron, people that buy dogs just based on the looks are morons too, a 2wk old cattle dog would be more intelligent than this stupid thing!

Will you be looking for another dog down the line, different breed?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ohhh man that sucks, really sorry to hear.

I am currently looking after a Red Setter and it is a ****ing moron, people that buy dogs just based on the looks are morons too, a 2wk old cattle dog would be more intelligent than this stupid thing!

Will you be looking for another dog down the line, different breed?

Thanks JohnE!!! Amazingly you guys and some of my parents/in-laws have been the most helpful through all of this.

HH - We still have Ned Flanders, seen here with Bruzer a few years back.

He's a good gentle dog who was always out-shined by Bruzer. He's not as bright or dedicated to me but he's great with the kids. He has a tendancy to run away but I think that's only because Bruzer thought it was his job to reverse herd him off the property.....


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Le Suck.

You did the right thing though. We've got a Lab that I'm relatively sure doesn't have much more than a year left, and it's going to be rough. But as JohnE says, you give them a great life for the time they are here and do the merciful thing when it's time. We should all be so lucky.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Damn, sorry for your loss Stosh. Like squeeb said above, at least Bruzer had the benefit of a humane exit, which will likely elude the vast majority of people.

As George Carlin said - when you get a puppy, you're getting a little tragedy.

Still absolutely worth it IMO, tears and all.
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PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Thanks JohnE!!! Amazingly you guys and some of my parents/in-laws have been the most helpful through all of this.

HH - We still have Ned Flanders, seen here with Bruzer a few years back.

He's a good gentle dog who was always out-shined by Bruzer. He's not as bright or dedicated to me but he's great with the kids. He has a tendancy to run away but I think that's only because Bruzer thought it was his job to reverse herd him off the property.....

The reverse herding and Ned Flanders for a dog name are priceless. I'm sorry about your pooch- I can't imagine :(


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Damn, sorry for your loss Stosh. Like squeeb said above, at least Bruzer had the benefit of a humane exit, which will likely elude the vast majority of people.

As George Carlin said - when you get a puppy, you're getting a little tragedy.

Still absolutely worth it IMO, tears and all.

Why was George Carlin so on point always.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
The reverse herding and Ned Flanders for a dog name are priceless. I'm sorry about your pooch- I can't imagine :(
As soon as the 2 would be let out together Bruzer would run the F' out of Ned right into the woods. Bruzer was fast but Ned is really fast. Bruzer was way better and nipping at his heels obviously......


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sorry about your pup stosh. Y'all were lucky to have each other. In a strange way of blurring the lines between the internet and reality, whenever I saw a good looking cattle dog I would think, "that looks like the pics of Stosh's pup!"
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Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Sorry about your pup stosh. Y'all were lucky to have each other. In a strange way of blurring the lines between the internet and reality, whenever I saw a good looking cattle dog I would think, "that looks like the pics of Stosh's pup!"
Yeah, I do the same thing with Greyhound's. I always think of IRB and MBC..... fuggin weird.... I feel like I need to get another ACD because I can't imagine life without one.....then I look at my clean hairless rug and full bowl of food (Ned Flanders eats about 10% of what Bruzer ate) and think to myself, I can get used to this......


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
I had to put my Whippet of 16 years to sleep a few weeks before moving to Germany. We chose to bury her in the mountains behind my parents house and that was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. The house just felt empty without her always around. Strange how I felt more attached to that dog than maybe anyone but my immediate family. I've been wanting to get another, but at the same time don't want to make my move back to the USA too complicated. As soon as I'm back though, I'm getting another Whippet.