
So what is so freaking wrong about my Fork setup... !?!?!?


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
MOTODH said:
You just can't leave good enough alone eh? haha jk,
Nope well i Quess Yes

If is one thing I hate is mediocrity, in fact many times i don't even atemp a project because I'm not sure I can make "Just right" actually i'm trying to recover from this illeness since is not exactlly useful in this current world standard..

On a side note many years ago I was ask this question on a bike shop interview by the great Clay mankin (Rip) at City cycle in san francisco... (I think I tell you this already ones, sorry if i repeat my self)
"so Ricardo how much time will take you to build a bike for your girlfriend"

My answer ...

Exactlly the same Time that will take me to build any other bike...

sadlly over the years i see many excredible bike mecanics leaving the Industry since you can not make a decent living and almost nobody respect your work, so is point working for money i much rather do it as a Hobby and the best way i possibly can...

Hey some other people Drink, I spin Campy wrenches all night long..


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2005
patineto said:
Nope well i Quess Yes

If is one thing I hate is mediocrity, in fact many times i don't even atemp a project because I'm not sure I can make "Just right" actually i'm trying to recover from this illeness since is not exactlly useful in this current world standard..

On a side note many years ago I was ask this question on a bike shop interview by the great Clay mankin (Rip) at City cycle in san francisco... (I think I tell you this already ones, sorry if i repeat my self)
"so Ricardo how much time will take you to build a bike for your girlfriend"

My answer ...

Exactlly the same Time that will take me to build any other bike...

sadlly over the years i see many excredible bike mecanics leaving the Industry since you can not make a decent living and almost nobody respect your work, so is point working for money i much rather do it as a Hobby and the best way i possibly can...

Hey some other people Drink, I spin Campy wrenches all night long..

That is a very good trait, I was saying it more as a compliment than a joke, perfection is an addiction and a healthy one at that


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
MOTODH said:
That is a very good trait, I was saying it more as a compliment than a joke, perfection is an addiction and a healthy one at that

MotoDh I totally got that...

I Respect you opinions very much, but sometimes I like to attept my own little jokes.

thanks as ussual for the compliments.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
patineto said:
Hey some other people Drink, I spin Campy wrenches all night long..
That comment right there cracks me up!

Some of the best times I can remember are staying up all night working on some little pet project. Be it bikes, woodworking, cars, whatever.

I will never become addicted to drugs because I have so many other things I would rather do with my time and money. Kinda the same reason I don't watch television.