
So, what's next on your shopping list?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I've got a new keyboard (which I'll post a review of when I get a little time, it's nice but not without its quirks), and I'm pretty much at the end of my "need" list.

What's next on everyone else's shopping list? I'll probably pick up a TV tuner card w/ hardware decoder. My game playing has dropped off significantly so I can't really see upgrading my video card. About the only things I'd consider doing right now are upgrading to 2gb of RAM and after that it'd be a processor upgrade.

Part of this is because I've got family requesting a Christmas list and always hate coming up with them, since I don't really need a whole lot. So I'm looking for inspiration.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Pau11y said:
H8R and I were going off on the Opteron dual cores... just a thought.
I'm trying to think cheaper right now. If I put expensive things on my list, my girlfriend spends a small fortune on me ;)

Figure a good TV card can be had for under $100.

BrokenChain... You just won the award for nerdiest Christmas list :p


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I am currently trying to strethc my old technology as far as I can. Sometime next year it's going to be 4 new BIG HDD's for the RAID system on the file server. I need a new PC, the Wife needs a new PC (Though she'll likely get my hand-me-downs), and we both want new laptops. The Mom gave me a video camera so I'd like to try my hand at makin movies. And I want an entertainment type system.... some kind of PC hooked to the TV and big stereo and all that. I'm also thinking of running a network with a domain.

Methinks we'll be spending too much money next year.


Turbo Monkey
binary visions said:
I'm trying to think cheaper right now. If I put expensive things on my list, my girlfriend spends a small fortune on me ;)
That's good right :D
Well, maybe some bay coolers w/ glowing fans? A stack of DVD so you can Ciaran burn you all the porn he'll be making w/ his new camera...:blah:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am going to get one of those fancy ppp (or is p3) music players and a camera which doesn't use film.

Won't that be fun when I spend months researching which is the best...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 27, 2005
mine is a new frame that will be nice wiht a 36, i', either thinking about a switch,nitrous 10, intense 6.6, 7.9 from ironhorse or sx trail. I need help on chosing so if you can pick one and tell me why that will br greatly apreciated


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Adam Novatt said:
mine is a new frame that will be nice wiht a 36, i', either thinking about a switch,nitrous 10, intense 6.6, 7.9 from ironhorse or sx trail. I need help on chosing so if you can pick one and tell me why that will br greatly apreciated
did you notice that this is the tech forum on ridemonkey? notice that other people are talking about electronics? :D use the search or ask in the freeride forum about those frames. this is not the place.

anyway, i want this :drool:


WiFi, Bluetooth, 800x480, runs linux (gentoo iirc, and you can use vnc clients and all that junk, too!), $350ish.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Toshi said:
anyway, i want this :drool:
WiFi, Bluetooth, 800x480, runs linux (gentoo iirc, and you can use vnc clients and all that junk, too!), $350ish.

Needs development. It's too big, and even with all of that size you've got a max of 3 hours of browsing time, and a piddling 128mb of RAM.

They say it will accept RS MMC cards but it says 64MB? Does that mean it'll only handle up to 64MB cards?

The size would be acceptable if it came with 512mb (that's a bare minimum, too) and doubled the browsing time.

Looks promising, though.