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White House gun suspect obsessed with Obama

White House gun suspect obsessed with Obama - CBS News

Authorities are investigating his mental health and say there are indications he believed his attack on the White House was part of a personal mission from God, according to a law enforcement official. There also are indications the man had become obsessed with Obama and the White House, according to two officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was continuing.
Something about that antichrist bit.......man that sounds familiar.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
We were downtown that night at the Vietnam Memorial when we heard the screeching tires and all of a sudden cops were everywhere. Never heard the gunshots. That's a heck of a shot for a AK from a moving car.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
We were downtown that night at the Vietnam Memorial when we heard the screeching tires and all of a sudden cops were everywhere. Never heard the gunshots. That's a heck of a shot for a AK from a moving car.
Seated Weaver stance variant, clearly


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
He's from Idaho.

Bedroom full of hannity, beck and limbaugh books soon to be uncovered.
Actually seems like they'll find his "I am the 99%" sign, bong resin, and shards of his gums from where he tried to pull out his CIA-implanted-microchip tooth from the reports I've read.

And yeah, chances of hitting a window at 750 yards with an AK?? That's just dumb luck. I'm guessing he didn't even aim. Gun would have had to have been pointed way up in the air to loft a 7.62x39 that far and hit a target that high up.
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