
So yeah, Clapton and shit...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
So another idiot "entertainer" has confirmed that he is a full on douchecanoe. Eric Cpalton, notorious for his drug and alcohol fueled racist diatribes against minorities onstage whilst ripping off the licks of other minorities, has confirmed that he is a full on, lifetime douchecanoe by hanging out with Greg Abbott, dueting with Van Morrison (Another letdown...) and riffing about vaccines and "freedom."
While personally I never held any great regard for a guy whos music I felt overly derivative, uninspired and unoriginal (Most of his "good" stuff was either duets or anothers work...Cocaine, Layla, I shot the Sheriff etc. Asd as the blues world speaks of Robt. Johnson making a deal with the Devil, I felt EC made a deal with someone that for every hit he released he had to release 3-5 works of absolutely dreadful dreck)) when I learned of his personal opinions and political leanings I really let him go. I am not even going to get into how cynical he is by sponsoring a rehab center in the damn Bahamas for silver spooned mf-ers to go to meet fellow junkies and trust fundies. I am sure DJT Jr. will be summering there soon, but I digress.

This begs the question. If you like someones works, but despise their social/political leanings, should you repeal your enjoyment of their art? I would cite Nugent, EC, Toby Keith, a gajillion "actors" and a few moron athletes as prime examples (Although I never liked Nugent or Keith...) Your support gives them their platform and voice...I say yeah. Piss on them.

////End rant, back to surfing porn///


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
...moreso, does knowing that you share views/habits/hobbies with some celebrity motivate you to patronize them? Willie Nelson, Snoop Dog, Martha Stewart come to mind...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Seperate the art from the artist… It’s complicated, but it seems to be useful to consider adjacency to me. In this case he is being a douche in ‘real-time’ and in proximity to those he is bagging, so that’s a big middle finger from me.

The trend to cancel people from decades ago for existing in their context is a bit tougher to judge. Egregiousness has to be a factor too.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Only really liked Cream...not to say he's not a talented guitarist...but only really liked his work with Cream, I found the other stuff to be much more boring.

And I think you can appreciate a douchebag artist if their stuff is good, but it's got to be not all about them, if they are a solo artist and trying to ride on just that, then I think it starts to get a lot harder, or if all the people in the bag are total douchebags.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
It's easy for me to dismiss Clapton. I've always thought he was over-rated, and when I don't support the artist, I don't really care what they have to say.

But yeah, it can get super complicated. Political stuff can be annoying, but I can often get past it, depending. But then you get to guys like Michael Jackson and Bill Cosby and it's tougher to navigate.


Artisanal Tweet Curator


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
So another idiot "entertainer" has confirmed that he is a full on douchecanoe. Eric Cpalton, notorious for his drug and alcohol fueled racist diatribes against minorities onstage whilst ripping off the licks of other minorities, has confirmed that he is a full on, lifetime douchecanoe by hanging out with Greg Abbott, dueting with Van Morrison (Another letdown...) and riffing about vaccines and "freedom."
While personally I never held any great regard for a guy whos music I felt overly derivative, uninspired and unoriginal (Most of his "good" stuff was either duets or anothers work...Cocaine, Layla, I shot the Sheriff etc. Asd as the blues world speaks of Robt. Johnson making a deal with the Devil, I felt EC made a deal with someone that for every hit he released he had to release 3-5 works of absolutely dreadful dreck)) when I learned of his personal opinions and political leanings I really let him go. I am not even going to get into how cynical he is by sponsoring a rehab center in the damn Bahamas for silver spooned mf-ers to go to meet fellow junkies and trust fundies. I am sure DJT Jr. will be summering there soon, but I digress.

This begs the question. If you like someones works, but despise their social/political leanings, should you repeal your enjoyment of their art? I would cite Nugent, EC, Toby Keith, a gajillion "actors" and a few moron athletes as prime examples (Although I never liked Nugent or Keith...) Your support gives them their platform and voice...I say yeah. Piss on them.

////End rant, back to surfing porn///
And I dont think I need to add that Nugent sucks whatever his politics. Even if he didnt shit himself to avoid the draft and sing about raping underage girls, his guitar work is unintelligible and unoriginal caterwauling of the worst sort...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Only because you got drunk with Billy Corgan at the Playboy Mansion. :rofl:
My best HS friends HS girlfriends bestie used to date Corgan, he went to our sister school. Never met him that I recall, but heard he was pretty much a douchehole even then. She was (allegedly...) his first, ifyouknowwhatImean...



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
In the morning before my eyes are focusing, thread reads: So yeah, Clinton and shit"...


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
fucking *alice cooper*???

Live in Phoenix, golfs almost non-stop, I didn't know that one specifically, but I'm not surprised and the rest of the list was pretty much already known to me.