
solo Buzz

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Today was a good ride to be out there solo. My Achilles Tendon on my right leg is really sore and I had the feeling that turtle pace on climbs and possible frequent stops might piss off any riding partners.

That and after a hard week in the ambulance its nice to not have to deal with anyone else:weee:

Anyhow, the wife has the truck, the Volvo is in the shop so darn it all, I had to use the Clubman S to get to the trail head:rofl:

The ride starts with a nice rutted downhill singletrack, I thought the ride might be over at the bottom as I couldn't ride out of the saddle at all, the Achillies was having none of that nonsense. I stopped at peters creek and did some more stretches

oh and who brought old man winter back, it was 38* on the trail

Then I spun on down a fairly flat section for a few miles and things losened up a bit. I was able to spin up a mile of switchbacks

Topping out from the climb it was cold and windy, you could see the cold front moving in. It's supposed to snow tonight:rant:

Back into the woods for a fun 2 miles single track descent and guess what, the achilles is warm and lubed and I can ride normally:weee:

Another good climb leading up to the Wall. The wall is brutal to climb and sketchy to descend....I went down it.

Ever go bombing down a trail and realize that you have exceeded safe slow down speed and the only thing you can do is pick the best possible line and hope you dont crash? Had the seat dropped all the way hung my ass off the backside and ignored the terrain, I was gonna hit and ride through what ever was there, I had too much speed to try and do anything else, kind of fun though

Pic from a previous ride, lots of loose leaves rocks and ruts about mid way down the wall

Heading back up the final climb of the ride

Back at the car
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