
Some cool pics from last Friday


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
So on Friday we had a great gig at the best stage in Rochester. We had to get there pretty early to soundcheck, then we had a few hours to kill before we actually had to play. There was this thing called the "East End Fest" going on not to far from where we were, so we decided to check it out.

Basically they close off all the streets in a pretty big area, and there's food and beer vendors all over the place, and a bunch of bands playing. Hottie central for the most part. So we were walking around handing little announcements for our gig to all the hotties.

Anyway I was walking along and I hear a familiar sound of a motorcycle engine, except it was above me. I look up and saw what's in these pics. Pics are crappy because I took them with my phone but you get the idea. These guys were GOOD. There was basically no runup and no runout for this monster jump they had set up, and they were going BIG.

Monster whip:

No hander:

Some sort of crazy can-can thing:

Heart attack lookback:

It was pretty much the coolest thing that's ever happened at one of these East End Festivals.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
TreeSaw said:
Nice :thumb: So, how was the gig? We've gotta get out and see you all play soon!
i agree. you never invite us to come see you play...
hope that gig went well, since there was no sign of you at the open.