
Some dick fixie rider vandalized my car

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
This morning on my way to work, I passed a fixie douche courier about 30 yards before an intersection. I had to turn right. I slowed down to take the corner , and had to swerve to the right a bit to avoid a car to my left. I make my right turn and proceed. I stop at the next intersection.

A few seconds later I hear a bang on the car, but the car doesn't move. I thought I got rear ended. I look around and see the dick on the bike riding off after cutting across traffic and giving me the finger. I opened the window and we shouted profanities at each other.

I assesesEd my car for dAmage only once I arrived at work. Turns out he cracked one of my tail light lenses.

What a dickhead. Maybe I scared him, but guess what idiot, traffic is a lot less scary when you have brakes.

I hope you choke, fvcker.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I rarely pass cyclists, especially in sketchy turn situations.

90 feet? And you were doing what speed? And the fixie was going approximately how fast?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
P.S. this is the kind of stuff which comes back to haunt you.

If I was the one driving, I would be on my bicycle the next day, waiting for this guy.

I like a little window tap, scares you but no damage.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
This morning on my way to work, I passed a fixie douche courier about 30 yards before an intersection. I had to turn right. I slowed down to take the corner , and had to swerve to the right a bit to avoid a car to my left. I make my right turn and proceed. I stop at the next intersection.

A few seconds later I hear a bang on the car, but the car doesn't move. I thought I got rear ended. I look around and see the dick on the bike riding off after cutting across traffic and giving me the finger. I opened the window and we shouted profanities at each other.

I assesesEd my car for dAmage only once I arrived at work. Turns out he cracked one of my tail light lenses.

What a dickhead. Maybe I scared him, but guess what idiot, traffic is a lot less scary when you have brakes.

I hope you choke, fvcker.
That's odd. The way I read that, if said fixie douchebag was going faster than ~15mph, you cut him off.

If you think he needed brakes, you're the one in the wrong.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
That's odd. The way I read that, if said fixie douchebag was going faster than ~15mph, you cut him off.

If you think he needed brakes, you're the one in the wrong.

Sounds like you cut him off

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
That's odd. The way I read that, if said fixie douchebag was going faster than ~15mph, you cut him off.

If you think he needed brakes, you're the one in the wrong.
actually, I'd say people who ride around on the streets on bikes meant for closed areas shouldn't flip out when **** goes down in front of them.

As I said, I did have to swerve. The guy inthe middle lane cut me off. Did charge after the guy who cut me off? No. I used the brakes. Clever inventions.

I'm sure the definition of getting cut off changes when you have no brakes.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
actually, I'd say people who ride around on the streets on bikes meant for closed areas shouldn't flip out when **** goes down in front of them.

As I said, I did have to swerve. The guy inthe middle lane cut me off. Did charge after the guy who cut me off? No. I used the brakes. Clever inventions.

I'm sure the definition of getting cut off changes when you have no brakes.
What do you mean for closed areas?

You still cut him off. He's still a fixie douchebag, but don't pretend that you have nothing to do with it...
Last edited:


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Why do you hate bikers so much ?

I bet there is a Sasquatch on the shore that complains all the time about some jerk in a full face helmet interrupting his afternoon berry snack and sacred poo-time moments.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Allow me to clarify. He didn't run into me due to being cut off. There was no impact at all at that point. I had pulled past him. I had to adjust near the corner to avoid another car. At this point, I must have pulled into his path. This likely freaked him out due to an inability to stop, or at least slow down enough like, say, any other vehicle in the road could.

We both made it around the corner. In fact the amount of time between my rounding of the corner and him bashing my car was probably about 20-30 seconds. He just decided to ride up and vandalize my car. Sure, maybe it was a close call. But fer crissakes if was out of my control that the guy to my left swerved toward me. Plus I had my signal on. Why would the fixie douchebag ride into my blindspot at an intersection when I was clearly indicating my intention to turn? Pretty stupid! It certainly is something I've done on my bike in the past, but I never considered vandalizing anyones car....

And I don't hate bikers. Some of my best friends are bikers... It's azzholes I have a problem with.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
regardless of da peach's lack of driving skill

bikes ridden on the street should have some brakes, period. If you can't stop and you hit something because your bike is a yuppified track bike....DARWIN AWARD
Exactly. Except for the driving skill part. At least I managed to avoid a collision with the car on my left. Excuse me for not yielding to the invisible fasionistas cruising wrecklessly into intersections on bikes with no brakes.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
You still cut him off. He's still a fixie douchebag, but don't pretend that you have nothing to do with it...
Yep, that was my thought as well. I absolutely HATE it when someone passes me only to jam on the brakes and cut me off to turn right. Like they couldn't slow down and wait the 5sec for me to go (straight) through the intersection.


Jun 16, 2004
Malibu, CA
Why someone who rides a bike for a living on dangerous, crowded city streets would ever choose a bike with no brakes is beyond me. That's some serious vanity. The bicycle courier's bike is the tool he uses to earn his livelihood. Choosing style over function and safety of not only the rider but those around him and their property is ridiculous. Would a UPS pilot fly a jet with no flaps because it looked minimalist and sweet? I doubt it. The automotive equivalent might be running big rims, high profile tires and a tiny steering wheel with no brakes, just downshift to decelerate! Sorry to hear about the original poster's light, that sucks. I hope it's easily replaced.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Why would the fixie douchebag ride into my blindspot at an intersection when I was clearly indicating my intention to turn?
You passed HIM.

This morning on my way to work, I passed a fixie douche courier about 30 yards before an intersection. I had to turn right. I slowed down to take the corner , and had to swerve to the right a bit to avoid a car to my left.
You passed him, swerved into his lane, then jammed on your brakes to make the corner. Can you see why he'd be a just a little bit pissed?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Yep, that was my thought as well. I absolutely HATE it when someone passes me only to jam on the brakes and cut me off to turn right. Like they couldn't slow down and wait the 5sec for me to go (straight) through the intersection.
I take the whole lane in those situations. And at lights. Every time.

Mr. Peach would have never thought of passing me, because I would have been right in the middle of the lane in front of him. With my brakes...


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I take the whole lane when there is no shoulder, and at a stoplight when going straight. I don't necessarily take the lane 90' before the intersection...

And although I personally wouldn't damage a car in a situation like this, a friend of mine caved/kicked in a door when someone cut her off. Peach might be lucky that it was only a tail light.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Get a trailer hitch and a wood chipper, drive around with a tranquilizer gun until you find said fixie-hipster. Chop him up in the wood chipper after you torture him, take pics and post them here for us to enjoy. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Can you see why he'd be a just a little bit pissed?
Yes, I can. Just about as pissed as I was with the guy ahead of me who swerved toward me, causing this whole situation. Do I think it would have been justified to damage that guys car? No.

We live in a society!!!!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Why don't you try commuting by bike once in a while. You might gain a new appreciation for people who ride for transportation as opposed to driving somewhere to ride your bike.

Oh, and don't forget to punch your brother in the face.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I was kinda annoyed when I was trudging up a hill in the bike lane, when a d-bag honks at me (while I was in the bike lane), then passes me about two seconds later and turns in front of me.

No contact, no foul, but I did try for the next 10 blocks to chase him down.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Why don't you try commuting by bike once in a while. You might gain a new appreciation for people who ride for transportation as opposed to driving somewhere to ride your bike.

Oh, and don't forget to punch your brother in the face.
Up until recently he'd been commuting to work every day...on a bike with brakes. AND a few years ago he was hit by a car on his bike.
If you were only thirty yards from the intersection, the ideal thing would have been to ease off on the gas and let him turn before you. It's called courtesy. Having to swerve and brake to make the corner sounds like you were going too fast and leaving too little margin for the driving conditions.

That said, the rider's bashing your taillight was bad form.