
Some idiot just killed her dog by keeping it locked in her car...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
She left her dalmatian locked in her car with all the windows up on a hot sunny afternoon... Just outside my office. :redhot: The police are all over it already, too bad they can't slowly roast her to death.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Well the owner just showed up and it sounds like she was more upset that her window was broken than anything...


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
When I was in Moab last week we saw countless examples of stupid asshats who think it's perfectly ok to leave their "best friends" inside cars without water on a brutally hot day while they went and stuffed their fat faces in some air conditioned restaurant.

People like that should be killed.


Wumpus said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JRB again. :mumble:
You don't like dalmations either, huh???

*Can you ride Sunday morning???


Nice - I got bad rep for a joke. What do you want from me? Confirmation that people are stupid? How much need it be said?


Nam I am
around here the morons use AR-15's :nope:


They believe someone led the dogs onto the path, where they then headed into the woods, away from the road.

With the dogs about 30 feet ahead, the shooter allegedly pumped them with 29 bullets. The casings were found in the same area.

JRB said:
Nice - I got bad rep for a joke. What do you want from me? Confirmation that people are stupid? How much need it be said?

You deserved Neg rep for that , I would have givien you some but I got the same message as wumpus


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Tenchiro said:
Well the owner just showed up and it sounds like she was more upset that her window was broken than anything...
Please tell me you used her skull to smash in her windshield for her....

Dartman said:
I've started seeing reminder stickers in store fronts to not leave your children locked in the car. :think:
I'd consider animals to be pretty much on the same level as kids most of the time. No goddamned way I'd leave my pets in a car in the summer, water or not.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Saw a similar thing at a mall in Renton....or federal Way...or something. Dog was howling. A bunch of people gathered. My wife was freaking. I went into the store...just remembered...it was a grocery store....I went into the store and tried to get the people paged to resuce their damn dog. The store guy just looked at me like I was nuts. Someone called 911....911 wasn't interested, but gave the caller the number for animal control. so animal control was called. By this time the owner comes out and yells at everyone that they should mind their own business....after all, they DID crack the window (through which people were giving the dog water)

People are so stupid.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
robdamanii said:
I'd consider animals to be pretty much on the same level as kids most of the time. No goddamned way I'd leave my pets in a car in the summer, water or not.
Well, not quite; you can't take a dog everywhere you can take a kid, so sometimes you have to leave them in the car. But, you can at least have the common sense to crack open the windows and leave them with plenty of water, and let them relieve themselves first (mostly for your sake). This reminds me of Anchorman :rolleyes: It's all subjective though, you have to use good judgment.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Wumpus said:
Then you should just leave them at home.
Maybe, but like I said, it's subjective. If you're coming home from a ride with your dog and need to pop into the store for less than 15 minutes, then I would leave the dog in the car, just crack the windows and leave some water, no problem. I wouldn't do the same thing with a kid.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Uhhmmmm...cracking your window is not going do sh!t for your dogs health on a hot day.


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
kinghami3 said:
Maybe, but like I said, it's subjective. If you're coming home from a ride with your dog and need to pop into the store for less than 15 minutes, then I would leave the dog in the car, just crack the windows and leave some water, no problem. I wouldn't do the same thing with a kid.
Can a dog survive better in 115 heat than a child can?


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Uh, in Seattle? It doesn't get that hot here, and only on the hottest days would it get that hot in the car. Dogs are not children; a dog can fend for itself in the wild, a child cannot. Like I keep saying, it's subjective; it it's going to be 115 in the car, don't be a dumbass and leave your dog in the car. If it's going too be 70 or something, I wouldn't worry about it if it's only for a short bit. Just use good judgment, analyze the situation, and don't be a dumbass.


For those that thought I was serious, please read the whole thread. Jesus. It was a joke.

Way too uptight. The humor has long since faded from this place. BTW - nice to see who all was offended.

Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 01:02 PM You are incapable of not being a dumb****.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:47 PM
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:45 PM too far
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:08 AM Joke NOT FUNNY.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:00 AM

And how was it too far??? It was a friggin' joke. What kind of dog would have been ok??? What about those of us that like people??? Some people said that the person should be bludgened and other things. Are you all some kind of great people since you love dogs, but wish ill will on people??? Stupid.


Nam I am
JRB said:
For those that thought I was serious, please read the whole thread. Jesus. It was a joke.

And how was it too far??? It was a friggin' joke. What kind of dog would have been ok??? What about those of us that like people??? Some people said that the person should be bludgened and other things. Are you all some kind of great people since you love dogs, but wish ill will on people??? Stupid.
Loco , It is well Known I am any thing but a Dog/Animal lover. But there are some things that just have no humor in them, no matter what spin you put on it. and something this wrong is high up on the list.


splat said:
Loco , It is well Known I am any thing but a Dog/Animal lover. But there are some things that just have no humor in them, no matter what spin you put on it. and something this wrong is high up on the list.


Jan 20, 2006
SoCal Supermarket Shelves
JokeRaunchBoy said:
For those that thought I was serious, please read the whole thread. Jesus. It was a joke.

Way too uptight. The humor has long since faded from this place. BTW - nice to see who all was offended.

Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 01:02 PM You are incapable of not being a dumb****.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:47 PM
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:45 PM too far
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:08 AM Joke NOT FUNNY.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:00 AM

And how was it too far??? It was a friggin' joke. What kind of dog would have been ok??? What about those of us that like people??? Some people said that the person should be bludgened and other things. Are you all some kind of great people since you love dogs, but wish ill will on people??? Stupid.
Keep dancin, fool.

JRB said:
For those that thought I was serious, please read the whole thread. Jesus. It was a joke.

Way too uptight. The humor has long since faded from this place. BTW - nice to see who all was offended.

Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 01:02 PM You are incapable of not being a dumb****.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:47 PM
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 12:45 PM too far
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:08 AM Joke NOT FUNNY.
Some idiot just killed h... 06-10-2006 08:00 AM

And how was it too far??? It was a friggin' joke. What kind of dog would have been ok??? What about those of us that like people??? Some people said that the person should be bludgened and other things. Are you all some kind of great people since you love dogs, but wish ill will on people??? Stupid.
how about just apologizing for being such an a$$?


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
kinghami3 said:
Maybe, but like I said, it's subjective. If you're coming home from a ride with your dog and need to pop into the store for less than 15 minutes, then I would leave the dog in the car, just crack the windows and leave some water, no problem. I wouldn't do the same thing with a kid.
A better option is to tie them up somewhere near the store in the shade with a bowl of water. If you plan on being more than a few minutes drop the dog off at home and come back. Like you said, you wouldn't do that to a kid. Living animals are living animals, even if they aren't human at the very least they deserve a peaceful death.

I see dogs on a leash outside of grocery stores all the time during the warm days in Santa Barbara. There is usually someone on break who is happy to watch over the dog while customers are inside.

The Ito


MtnBikerChk said:
how about just apologizing for being such an a$$?
I still say I was being funny, but I am sorry that some were offended. That was not my intention.