
Some MF'r hit me today!

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
On my way to the Metro this morning. He was tailgating someone, then blasted into my lane...I assume trying to pass whover was in front of him...whacked my left front fender and drove me into a curb. THEN, had the audacity to claim that I didn't have my headlights on! He did give me his drivers license number...AND THEN!!! REFUSED TO GIVE ME HIS PROOF OF INSURANCE AND TOOK OFF!

I called the non-emergency police number only to get a message stating they're closed until 9AM. Called them once I got to work and they can't file a report until I'm back in my home county.

Got a good description of the guy, the SUV, the plates, his accent, his DL#. But despite all my honking, cursing and high beaming, not a single witness pulled over to help. So now, it's my word against his as to who was at fault.

I'm so pissed right now that I'm seeing spots...literally!


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
I see spots some times. I think it's my blood pressure, because it's been high lately. Maybe adrenaline though. You might want to see if you can report it as a hit and run. I'd tell them (since it's you word against his) He hit you. You stopped. He stopped. You tried to call the police to come out and he said he didn't have time and left the scene of the accident with out leaving the needed information. If not hit and run leaving a scene of an accident. I'm all about screwing people that try to screw me. If you try to screw me I'll nail you ars to wall anyway I can. Why can't people except responsibility for their actions. How are your injuries BTW?

Also, if his insurance does in fact pay for it. Try to claim a depreaciation of value claim as well. That's not the term, but it's some thing like that. A buddy of mine did it. The insurance company argued that they fixed it to the way it was. And my friend told them you could tell it had been painted. So they set up a meeting to go over the job, and they said they would fix the problems. My friend said no. He didn't want them repainting it over and over. That it will never be perfect again, and regardless when he goes to sell it, it will be worth less because it was involved in an accident. The gave him another $1800.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
I'm about responsibility of one's actions too. Luckily, I'm not injured and won't be claiming that I was. As it happens, failure to furnish proof of insurance in MD equates to a hit and run. So when I file the police report an a few hours, that's how it'll be written up.


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
I see crap like that everyday on the interstate I take to work. People do stupid things all the time. SUVs are the worst. Oh yeah, and morons on cell phones.

Hit and runs suck, but at least you have some way to ID the guy. Hopefully he will get ticketed/charged with something.


Aug 14, 2001

When you go to file the report, make sure you say "I want to report a hit and run", not "I want to report an accident".


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Happened to me last weekend.......Driving home from a friends birthday party. I was coming through an intersection where I had right of way. Guy stopped at the stopsign to my right just steps on the gas for no apparent reason, and I plow into the rear of his Dodge Ram quad cab. As soon as his car had stopped, he ran like Ben Johnson in the 400 sprint. He had a crack-whore passenger who tried to run, but was caught by police a short time later. He still hasn't been found. He wasn't the owner of the truck, and the actual owner didn't have the truck properly titled, wrong plates, and no insurance coverage to boot. The short of it is, even though I did nothing wrong, because he has no insurance, I gotta pay the $500 deductable. Is that not fooked, or what? Of course my insurance co. will sue him for the deductable, but will the ever get it? Most likely not. Luckily, I have a good mechanic that thinks he can salvage my radiator even though the insurance has estimated in a new replacement ---- which should make up the difference on that deductable. It's the one shining moment I've had out of this whole mess. So, even though it's going to be fixed, and my insurance company has been really good about the whole thing, I'm going to sell the vehicle anyways for a killer deal and just start over again with the 05 model.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
That sucks man. I HATE idiot drivers!

A few weeks ago, My girlfriend and I almost got seriously injured. We were in my NEW Pathfinder going 45-50 on a street where the speed limit I think is 45. Came to an intersection, I had the green light. Some guy decided he didnt want to wait for the red light crossing the street and I almost T-Boned him. He was probably going 30ish. 50ish+30ish = NOT GOOD.

Thankfully though, I reacted quick enough, and got around him.

I say, screw over this guy as much as possible!


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Buck Fever said:
I'm about responsibility of one's actions too. Luckily, I'm not injured and won't be claiming that I was. As it happens, failure to furnish proof of insurance in MD equates to a hit and run. So when I file the police report an a few hours, that's how it'll be written up.
Your are nice guy than me. Keep in mind about what I said about the value of your vehicle claim. Because when you sell it the first thing they're going to ask is has it been wrecked.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
BigMike said:
That sucks man. I HATE idiot drivers!

A few weeks ago, My girlfriend and I almost got seriously injured. We were in my NEW Pathfinder going 45-50 on a street where the speed limit I think is 45. Came to an intersection, I had the green light. Some guy decided he didnt want to wait for the red light crossing the street and I almost T-Boned him. He was probably going 30ish. 50ish+30ish = NOT GOOD.

Thankfully though, I reacted quick enough, and got around him.

I say, screw over this guy as much as possible!
Let me guess....in Richmond?


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
SkaredShtles said:
Well, you know, if the car/SUV isn't moving then it really isn't any difference than if you were in your living room. :thumb:


Last accident I had was in 5 mph traffic (stop and go) in the interstate. I was inching forward and my cell rang. I looked down for a second and rear-ended the car in from of me. :dead:

No damage and the other guy was cool about it. I never thought I'd be glad about driving a Saturn. Now I avoid doing anything that takes my eyes off the road.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
HedgeHog said:
Last accident I had was in 5 mph traffic (stop and go) in the interstate. I was inching forward and my cell rang. I looked down for a second and rear-ended the car in from of me. :dead:
Well, to be fair, you weren't stopped. The only safe time to talk in the car on a phone is when you're stopped. Not stopping and going, not at a red light, etc.

Sitting on the shoulder would be ok - sitting in a parking lot.......... etc.

I'd have been furious with you if you a$$-packed me 'cause your phone rang. Of course, I have alot of pent-up anger. :D



Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
SkaredShtles said:
Well, to be fair, you weren't stopped. The only safe time to talk in the car on a phone is when you're stopped. Not stopping and going, not at a red light, etc.

Sitting on the shoulder would be ok - sitting in a parking lot.......... etc.

I'd have been furious with you if you a$$-packed me 'cause your phone rang. Of course, I have alot of pent-up anger. :D


Yeah, I couldn't believe how cool he was about it. Basically I just bumped him. I gave him my info in case he needed it, but never heard anything.

I felt like a real dumb@ss. That has been my only accident in over 10 years of commuting 35 miles (one way) to work. If I plan to talk on my cell in the car now, I put in my ear piece and dial before I start the car.

It is amazing what I've seen people doing in the car on the way to work. Reading the paper, writing in their Palm Pilot, one guy was eating a bowl of Ramman noodles.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
HedgeHog said:
<snip>If I plan to talk on my cell in the car now, I put in my ear piece and dial before I start the car.
Do the rest of the public a favor and don't. The *main* problem isn't with the distraction of the hand-held phone, the problem is with the fact that the driver is actively distracted.

It is amazing what I've seen people doing in the car on the way to work. Reading the paper, writing in their Palm Pilot, one guy was eating a bowl of Ramman noodles.

All of which are actively distracting the driver. Just like talking on the phone. Hell, even conversations with the driver by a passenger are actively distracting........

Now if only I could convince my wife that's why I don't hear anything she says in the car. :think: :eek:



Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
SkaredShtles said:
Do the rest of the public a favor and don't. The *main* problem isn't with the distraction of the hand-held phone, the problem is with the fact that the driver is actively distracted.

Better take the radio out of my car too. :rolleyes:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
HedgeHog said:
Better take the radio out of my car too. :rolleyes:
Ah, grasshopper, but the radio is not *actively* distracting you. At least it shouldn't be. :think:

Every listen to the news on the way home and then realize you have *no* idea what they reported? :p

Radio is not in the same league.........



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Some idiot hit me in the snow here in SoCal (shocking, eh?) Crossed a double-yellow and skidded into my lane (for full story, see my "snowble canyon" thread in SoCal), did a nice amount of cosmetic damage to my subaru behind the rear wheel. He exchanged info, but took off before I could get any witnesses or anything...I was really worried he'd try to say it was my fault somehow.

Anyhow, his insurance took care of it all, including my deductible and $30/day for a rental car, so things can work out in the end. His failure to exchange information puts him in the suspected light, and an experienced adjuster can look at the damage on both cars and see how something happened (ie, the impact between his bumper and your car slid forward as he tried to get past you, so you were either braking to avoid him cutting you off, he was accelerating to try to shoot the gap in front of you, or it was a combo of both.) Jackasses can lie, but physics can't. Hope it all works out.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
You guys see how DC got 1 inch of snow, and there was MASS PANICK. 40 car pile ups, school canceled and the governor declared a state emergency. All because of 1 inch of stupid snow and bad drivers.

That reminds me of that video of the this lady sliding on ice into a car pileup and decides that it would be safe to exit the car, and in doing so she almost got ran over by her own car. Oh man so funny.