
Some Photagraphy from throughout the year...


Feb 9, 2004

That's a link to a section of my website. It's just a little collection of pictures from throughout the year that I put together tonight.

It contains pictures from the 03 Bike Battle, my local friend's biking throughout the year, some scenery, some macro's, and a little bit of snow, along with some other stuff thrown in.

I don't own a camera right now, nor have I for about 7 months now, but I do feel I've put a good amount of time/effort into getting out and riding/getting pictures, editing them, and maintaining my website. Yes, they are all digital, but I hope to try out film in the near future.

Please let me know what you think of the picture's, the content, and the riding. I am curious to see what people have to say. Any constructive critisizm is welcome.

There are 4 pages of pictures, please take 2-3 minutes to look through them and tell me your thoughts. Thanks. My whole web-site is http://www.pbase.com/wassobe


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
you did this last time, too: http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99362&highlight=phota* (edit: "this" being spelling photo/photagraphy, this was unclear)

it's photOgraphy, you shoot photOs. anyway, you have some good shots in there, but too many would not be interesting to people who don't know the riders, or don't ride themselves. take "ethel" for instance.

get a camera and start shooting more instead of posting monthly threads asking for feedback on old pics! :D
Feb 13, 2002
Seattle, WA
Toshi said:
you did this last time, too: http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99362&highlight=phota*

it's photOgraphy, you shoot photOs. anyway, you have some good shots in there, but too many would not be interesting to people who don't know the riders, or don't ride themselves. take "ethel" for instance.

get a camera and start shooting more instead of posting monthly threads asking for feedback on old pics! :D


Feb 9, 2004
Toshi said:
you did this last time, too: http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99362&highlight=phota*

it's photOgraphy, you shoot photOs. anyway, you have some good shots in there, but too many would not be interesting to people who don't know the riders, or don't ride themselves. take "ethel" for instance.

get a camera and start shooting more instead of posting monthly threads asking for feedback on old pics! :D
To be honest with you, although I don't own a camera, on average, I get at least 75 new pic's every week. Once I edit through them, for every 75, I usually keep about 15-20. That means, in the 7 weeks I may have kept 140 new pictures... that I'd like feedback on. I'd say more than half of the pictures on my site are new since last time I posted, but I guess I can see what you're saying. Didn't think I was cluttering up the forum space all too much seeing as how I rarely ever post.

Also, I never said all the pic's were new. I said they were pic's from throughout the whole entire year, with the exception the 03 bike battle pictures.


Aug 8, 2003

I just wandered into the lounge and clicked on two threads. This one and that "respect" thread. What an incredible dose of perspective. I'd rather have Wassobe post this thread every day for a year than wade through the other thread. Thanks for doing something usefull on this board. Cool pics.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Benton said:

I just wandered into the lounge and clicked on two threads. This one and that "respect" thread. What an incredible dose of perspective. I'd rather have Wassobe post this thread every day for a year than wade through the other thread. Thanks for doing something usefull on this board. Cool pics.
You just don't understand the genious..... :p

Some good stuff in there man. i don't think Toshi was trying to dog you out so much but challenge you to take more photos and keep at it. Just like riding the more you do it the better you get. Anyways i'm kinda in the same boat as you, i have a camera but it's demonically possessed (it's on it's last legs...) hoping to get a new camera. Photography can definately be fun capturing good times. :)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ya, take more photos! feedback, keeper ratio and all that is important, but not as important as shooting and improving your own eye. going back over old pics is self-congratulatory (or masochistic, depending on how you feel), and while i'm certainly a fan of that :D , it's not the best way to progress. also, i'm certainly not complaining about you cluttering up the lounge, see "respect" thread and all that :dead: .

x-posted from hcor, to show hopefully that i'm not always a snot

about the pics themselves, i like the scenery more than the biking for the most part, altho i do find your wide framing (is that even a real term, wide framing?) on the bike shots refreshing.

farmington river/yellow flower is nice, but to really pull that effect off you need a slr (film or digi) and a fast lens, imo. having the background be sort of thrown out of focus but not completely is kind of distracting. also, a blue sky or warm evening light or somesuch would help -- there's only so much you can do with composition, and the rest is chance and how the light falls.

edit #2: come to the forums at www.cameracourage.com if you want more feedback from opinionated photo-snappers like me.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Andy - your photos are excellent in my opinion - hell you aren't even 16 yet are you? Those are some impressive shots in my book and I like how you responded to Toshi's post too - RM needs more constructive back and forth like that. Good stuff!


Feb 9, 2004
Thanks for the comments guys. Appreciate it.

Toshi, I'm gonna scroll around on those camera courage forums a bit, thanks for the link.