
Some pics from 2 days dirtjumping


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.

Photos taken a 8 and 15th of august.

This is me during the last weekend..on sunday.. On our 4 cross /dirtjump bikespot.


Maus seqeunce

Dave Mtb freak

They did a extreme makeover at Chrissie's bike when he was away.. with all the left over stickers :lol:

This was during our Konatest days. About a month ago.

Erik doing dry exercise on trampoline.. without bike.. getting a tire trowen at his head., in back of picture.

A bikers girlfriend riding her new Azonic steelhead. Really nice

Some bikerdude en dudettes during our Kona testday.