
Some pics from Monkey Fest 2


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Though I wasn't able to ride, I had a great time hangin' with my fellow monkeys. I met some great people, had some good laughs and ate excellent food. I have to say that Tree Saw is a talented cook and a gracious hostess. Thanks to her and Earl for bringing and preparing a delicious dinner, and two awesome breakfasts. Thanks to everyone else who was there for good company, and a great time. I can't wait to do it next year, with my bike. Check out the pics bellow.



Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Thanks Tree. I should be back in action for some winter riding, when we have 3 feet of snow. But I will definitely be back next year, no matter what disability I develop over the winter. My title fits me perfectly by the way.:biggrin:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Sweet pics, burly! And an especially sweet story you have trying to find us Friday. :D :D I guess persistency paid off, eh? Bummer that you couldn't ride, but it's nice that you decided to come anyway.


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Sweet pics, burly! And an especially sweet story you have trying to find us Friday. :D :D I guess persistency paid off, eh? Bummer that you couldn't ride, but it's nice that you decided to come anyway.
Yeah, it was definitely worth the extra effort. Unfortunately for me, there is a similar story to go with every trip I take, so next year should be no different.:banghead: I will just be sure to verify the whereabouts of our lodging prior to setting sail next time.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Yeah, it was definitely worth the extra effort. Unfortunately for me, there is a similar story to go with every trip I take, so next year should be no different.:banghead: I will just be sure to verify the whereabouts of our lodging prior to setting sail next time.
well then, it seems your new title is perfect


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
I'd love to hear the story behind this custom title.
Well, I guess I'm not getting off that easy. Here 'goes.

It all started when I realized that, due to my surgery, I would not be working for a long time. Basically, I would not be doing much of any thing at all. I was reading up on the Monkey Fest thread, getting a feel for what type of weekend it would be, what types of people would be there etc. It was starting to sound interesting. I was having doubts about it, being so new here, and not really knowing anyone who would be there. Then I thought to myself that it would be a great change of pace for me, since I don't really ever meet new and interesting people. That is mostly my own doing, because I have a good bit of anti-social tendencies. Probably due to the fact that I really hate living where I do, I am set in my ways, I don't usually adapt to new people and new personalities very well. Any way, I decided it was a go. I asked to make sure that there would still be room for me, and that it would be ok that I am not able to ride. All checked out ok, so I committed to the trip.

I didn't sleep all night, due to lack of physical activity partnered with a moderate distaste for actually going to sleep on a normal schedule. So, at 7:30 am on Friday, I got directions from the KT web site, locked down the final details on Map Quest, did a quick bag pack, grabbed my camera and split. Over all, the drive up was great. Although it was raining pretty steady, there was very little traffic. I hate traffic. I normally will make a solo 6 hour drive with out stopping. I decided to take it easy, stopped a few times for food, snacks, bathroom breaks. It was a nice leisurely drive through the North East country side.

So I roll into East Burke, just as Map Quest had promised, found the parking lot behind The Pub Outback, just as the KT directions had informed me, parked my truck, shut it off. It was at this very moment that I had a very empty feeling inside. What was it? Camera? Check. Clothes? Check. I know I didn't forget to bring any thing. When I got out of my truck it hit me like a grand piano dropped from the top of a 50 story building. WHERE ARE WE STAYING!!!!!!????????

I collected myself. I began to think. A visit to the KT Info shack should solve this problem right quick. Upon entering the info station, I was met by a rough looking young fellow. His look was common for this area, so I was un-phased. I began to explain my dilemma to the man, who looked on in eager anticipation. That look changed suddenly when I told him the name of the group I was trying to find. "Ride Monkey", I said to the man, who looked stunned at this point. His reply, "what the hell is a Ride Monkey?" It was at this very point that I realized, I am in serious trouble. Upon further description of our community, I could tell by the look on the man's face that I had lost him. I decide try else where. As I left the info station, I spied a robust looking bike shop across the street. Surely my troubles are over now I thought. I crossed the rain soaked street and entered the shop. Immediately distracted by the Santa Cruz Nomad occupying the entrance, I wished that I had more room on my credit card. God, what a work of art. Curved top tube, stout head tube welds, beautiful... Wait, I have more pressing issues at hand. I asked the same question of the bike store folks that I had of the Info Shack man. I promptly received the same bewildered, almost offended look. Now I am screwed.

Hungry and wet and cold, but not broken, I went back across the street to the deli/beer store/trinket shop to get some brain fuel and to warm my bones. Low and behold, a public internet work station. Now I'm set. All I have to do is check the MF thread on RM and find the page that contains the lodging info that I so desperately need. 27 pages of bla bla bla, but not one reference to the name of the lodge. I walked to the counter, ordered, and asked the requisite question to which I received the expected answer.

Refueled, I decided to go to the only lodge that I know of in town. The ski lodge on top of Burke Mountain. Half way up the mountain, I saw a sign for the base lodge to the right, and the upper lodge straight ahead. To the top I went, only to find out that there were no cars at all up there. Back to the base I went. There seemed to be some kind of activity scheduled for the weekend so I thought I was finally in business. As I approached the information desk, I was greeted by a gorgeous young woman, who smiled and asked "how can I help you?" After the initial ideas made their way through my diseased mind, I gathered my thoughts and began to ask my question. Half way through, I realized that I would have to say the words ride and monkey in the same sentence to this beautiful and charming woman. Though difficult, I managed the say it with a straight face, choking back the juvenile, childish, idiotic thoughts that were plaguing my mind at this point. When she was done laughing at me for being such a moron, she informed me that the only group staying there this weekend was a wedding party. But, she did offer me a glimmer of hope. She said anyone renting any thing in town would have to go through the only real estate agent in said town.

Back down the mountain I went, wet, cold and now wilting. Keep in mind that I arrived in town at about 2:00 pm. It was fast approaching 5:00 pm (closing time) by the time I got to the real estate office. I screeched into the parking lot, parked crooked occupying 2 spaces more than my allowance, fell out of my truck, and burst through the door. I blurted out "RIDE MONKEY, WHERE?" This got the most impressive look I had received all day. Instead of calling the police, which at that point, I wouldn't have faulted her for, the lady was kind enough to give me a chance to collect myself and ask one more time. I took a deep breath, formed a complete sentence in my head, and slowly repeated it aloud. "Could you please tell me where the Ride Monkey group would be staying this weekend"? To which, yet again, I got the look. But, she did ask her boss, who was happy to inform me that the Ride Monkey group was staying at a small lodge just a few tenths of a mile passed the road to the ski lodge.

I left the office relieved, yet, in disbelief. This couldn't possibly be the end to my suffering. It can't be over. I drove the few tenths of a mile out the other side of town to a beautiful stretch of road flanked on both sides by fields and trees. Into the lodge driveway I went. I saw a sight I had been longing to see all day. Some thing that I had prayed for several times that day. The most beautiful sight ever to be seen that day. I saw this

on every vehicle in the lot. The first person I met out side was Tigg. When I exited my truck, worn down, mentally strained, I looked at Tigg and mumbled for the last time of the weekend, "Ride Monkey?" To which Tigg replied, "sure is, come on in." I am reminded of Tim Robins in The Shawshank Redemption. After he tunneled his way out of prison, through that 500 yard long, active sewer pipe, puking all the way. He exited the pipe and crashed down into a pool of God knows what, but his relief was so great, so overwhelming to be free from the torturous life he had led in prison, that all he could do was cry. As he sat there, slumped down in that sludge, crying, he raised his hands up to the heavens and screamed in relief. That was me when I heard Tigg's welcoming words.

I can only hope that others are able to learn from my story. Such anguish and pain should never be experienced by another human being for the rest of eternity. Though I suffered such an unbearable agony, the new friends I made this weekend made it all worth it.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Burly50 -- LMAO! Well written...some of the most entertaining writing I have had the pleasure of reading (at your expense ---sorry about that). We're glad you found us! Next time, I will be sure to post up the name of the lodge (Algonquin Lodge).


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Burly50 -- LMAO! Well written...some of the most entertaining writing I have had the pleasure of reading (at your expense ---sorry about that). We're glad you found us! Next time, I will be sure to post up the name of the lodge (Algonquin Lodge).
Thanks Tree. The best stories I have ever told have always been at my expense, and true. I have developed a great talent for being able to laugh at myself.:biggrin:


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Great story burly, I had no idea you'd gone to all those places actually asking for "ride monkey", I can't imagine the looks you must've got. I'm glad you finally found us. :cheers: