
Some pictures from our new skinny in the woods.


Sep 28, 2003
Boone, NC/N. Greenville county, SC
We hadn't worked on or really ridden this trail for a few weeks, mainly because we had lost interest in it and had been dirt jumping all the time. We decided to pool some money to get some wood to build something at it, so a day later we have this badass skinny connecting our two logrides. The first logride is about 10 feet long, then 30 feet of the skinny, then another 20 foot logride, its a long time off the ground. Its a ton of fun though, even though it was quite wet today. Its cool though, the wood is treated and the logs are chicken wired. Its 6 inches wide, and not real high off the ground.

here are some pics.

Then a couple of artsy ones of the skinny itself. This one is the entrance, its a real tight turn, lots of derailler action going on for the first few attempts.

Last one.

and for reference this is the log the skinny leads to, this is an old pic before the skinny existed though.

Hope you like these.


Dec 9, 2003
G-Vegas SC
Sweet. Getting your back wheel on that skinny is tough work, even with our little bridge. Now we just need some people to come out and ride it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
When are guys going to come to windrock? I have seen pics of you guys for months riding all kinds of stuff and I think you all would dig what we got.