
Some Tires with an Attitude


Nam I am
So I have a Pair of IRC snow mad's for Winter riding . the 266 studs make for some great fun on fronzen ponds and other icy surfaces Well a couple weeks ago my son said he wanted to ride on a pond with me. But Hew would need tires for this , and Studded tires are expensive!! so I decided to make him a set .

First I needed a set of old tires , well what a perfect candidtae ! an old set of IRC blizzards that I bought 10 years ago , but retired when I relized the 56 studs in them ( way too few ) we worn down to Knubs , I guess the years of commuting on them did them in. so I take them and what is funny is there were only 56 studs in these tires but every knob was set up to be able to accept a stud had they put them in.

so I took My handy power drill and drilled a small hole inb each of the outer most studs and from the in side screwed in 112 1/2 inch self tapping screw through, then took an old inner tube to line it and here they are !

now if only we could find a clear pond we could use them , But we will before winter is over !

you can still see the orignal studs in the center pattern



Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Ive always wondered, do those homemade ones really work? Dont the studs push in against the tire? Or do you have to run like a 65 psi for the studs to work?

And you might have some problems with brake arch clearance on that front tire.


Aug 29, 2002
Soquel, Cali
mack said:
Ive always wondered, do those homemade ones really work? Dont the studs push in against the tire? Or do you have to run like a 65 psi for the studs to work?

I've had good luck using more screw-type screws (like sheet metal screws) -- no backing out there.

Two problems:

1. All the screw heads tend to get all snaggletoothed from driving the screws in, giving them little teeth for the gnashing on the tube. Lots and lots and lots of duct tape, and Mr Tuffys, and other stuff later leads to...

2. Damn they're heavy.

But yeah, they definitely work.


Dec 13, 2001
Hebron, ohio
i made a set bout 3 yrs ago and i used a tire liner and some duct tape and never had any problems with gett'n a flat and they still are good but i jus never installed them this year

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
I made a set out of Specialized Storm Controls back in 1994 when we (MD) had a string of bad ice storms. I used some 3/8" sheet metal screws for mine and two layers of duct tape.

They're terribly heavy and picked up soooo many leaves until i cut the tips off the screws. They're sitting in my old tire pile in the basement right now, but they still work.