
Something to think about...



Do people crash because they're pushing themselves to go bigger/faster or are people that don't crash pushing their skill level, but just seem to end right side up all the time?

Let's see what you guys/gals think...


nope, I'm just looking for what different people think about crashing, trying to stay away from simple stuff...like a stick that gets stuck in someone's spokes, forcing them to eject over the bars, or landing a jump/drop many times, only to hit it at the wrong angle that one time...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I ate doo doo today because I was riding with a badly bruised shoulder. I hesitated on rolling down a little rocky turn thing trying to go slow even though I've done it many many times. I now have a bruise on my hip that makes me forget about my shoulder.

crashing is a good distraction from previous crashes.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by dexterq20
If you're not crashing, you're not learning.
I completely disagree...but I'm a lot older than you...I don't think you have to always end up crashing in order to learn...learning happens all the time whether you crash or not...well unless you're Stoney;).....D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Originally posted by BMXman
I completely disagree...but I'm a lot older than you...I don't think you have to always end up crashing in order to learn...learning happens all the time whether you crash or not...well unless you're Stoney;).....D
no kidding, if you crashed, its probably because you didnt learn something you should of. Clearing stuff is when you figure things out, not by getting your body crushed into the ground lol


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Crashing forces you to analyze what you did wrong, and, at least in my case, if I didn't clear a section the first time, I'll hike my ass back up the hill and ride it until I stick it clean. When I crash, I force myself to try it again until I get it right. Therefore, I'm learning.

And yes, that's kind of a crappy argument, but I'm a little bit drunk right now, so... go easy on me, ok?


Mar 5, 2003
So if you are not crashing, you are not learning?

and therefore: crashing = learning

so now learning = crashing.

if I learn a lot, without crashing, does that mean I am still below my 'learning ability level'? or is that luck?

its luck, aint it.:p


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
hey, leave him alone....he's got drunken logic right now!

i ride to relax or get some aggression out, not to progress or get the fastest lap times. So constantly redoing a section that consistantly kicks my ass is not exactly what i ride for. Dont have the patience or interest anyways.

Originally posted by draco
crashing = learning

learning = crashing.
so now when i see a guy crash alot, i'll just say 'gee, that guys well learnt!'


Turbo Monkey
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by draco
So if you are not crashing, you are not learning?

and therefore: crashing = learning

so now learning = crashing.:p
So what is it that Bender, oh I mean "THE BENDER" is learning when he rides, oh I mean drops, or does what he does?

All you big Bender fans out there relax, go watch some rastlin' or something.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
I crash when:

A) I'm really tired and I'm not paying attention

B) I try to go too fast and I miss something somewhere and I end up on the ground...you learn from this one.

C) I try to do a section that I know I can't do...so I crash. I learn from that one too.


Dec 4, 2003
PEI, Canada
I crash when im hungover. I also crash alot when i'm sober. It's usually trying to go too big for my skill level. Or i'm just going to fast on a trail I don't know. I don't think that because you eat it alot you suck. Or that if you don't eat it alot you don't suck.

Apparantly I can't make sense when i'm hung over either. Damm sunday's. Oh well, least I made it work :confused:
May 9, 2003
Burien at Crappiss' House
I agree with the school of thought that says you need to be willing to crash in order to learn, that said, I do not go out of my way to ride all haywire and get my sh!t wrecked. I try to be very calculating and make the move I want the first time, whenever possible. This is of course not a perfect system, which is where the willingness to eat doo doo comes in. I've been seriously injured before, and it's always hovering in the back of my head somewhere, which keeps me sane and prevents me from getting too stupid, but I try not to let my history of injuries stop me from riding my best. I jkust don't want to go to hospitals any more!

Sometimes though, my methodology forces me to go home without having tried something I really want to do, only so that I might return on a future occasion and hopefully throw it down. I feel like a chump sometimes not trying things, but I usually always feel better about it later when I'm holding a cold brewski instead of an icepack.......;)

Keep riding Dwight! How's the P.2 treatin' ya?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by Mitch
I crash when im hungover.
The last time I went riding hungover like a trooper, I didn't crash...I just went really REALLY slow. Of course, I couldn't do much because I thought I was going to puke inside my helmet! I just sat on my seat and cruised during the run, took a 2 hour break, then did another run. That was my riding hungover day.


Originally posted by Captain Crunch
Keep riding Dwight! How's the P.2 treatin' ya?
It's great, Steve...I'm just in need of a bigger fork, hopefully to make me ride smoother and crash less!


Dec 4, 2003
PEI, Canada
Originally posted by bigjumper820
It's great, Steve...I'm just in need of a bigger fork, hopefully to make me ride smoother and crash less!
That a 2004 P2? I have my eye on the p2 or p3. Whats your over all thoughts on the rig? Got any pictures? You say you need a bigger fork. Whats your height/weight?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by dexterq20
If you're not crashing, you're not learning.
That's a nice cliche, but the fact is that when you get better, you don't crash as much, and it's not necessarily because you aren't pushing yourself and learning.


Turbo Monkey
May 20, 2002
Somewhere dark, cold & wet....
Originally posted by bigjumper820
Do people crash because they're pushing themselves to go bigger/faster or are people that don't crash pushing their skill level, but just seem to end right side up all the time?

Let's see what you guys/gals think...
well i'm sitting here typing one handed because i have a cracked shoulder blade, a hole in my shoulder blade and a collar bone that isn't properly connected to my shoulder anymore................ yes i was pushing my skills, but then again it was also the 1st run of the day!

does this count as learning? very much doubt it...................only thing i learned (again!) is that trees dont move :rolleyes: :)


Originally posted by Mitch
That a 2004 P2? I have my eye on the p2 or p3. Whats your over all thoughts on the rig? Got any pictures? You say you need a bigger fork. Whats your height/weight?
Ya, it's an '04...I'm 6'2'', about 180 geared up...I'll get some pics once I get a new fork. Check your pm's...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Most of the time, when I crash, it's because it's hard to type while I'm riding, or because I'm trying to deal with my OS freezing in the middle of a killer DH run. But those are the risks I choose to take as an Internet Mountain Biker...I know the odds and am willing to chance them.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
i dont really remember the last time i crashed. id say probly like the only place i crash is when i go dhing. but id say ive gotten ALOT better and i havent gotten injured or crashed hard.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Originally posted by TWISTED
So what is it that Bender, oh I mean "THE BENDER" is learning when he rides, oh I mean drops, or does what he does?

All you big Bender fans out there relax, go watch some rastlin' or something.
I think "THE BENDER" needs to learn to ride, and Jan Karpiel needs to learn to quit giving him bikes!!!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Originally posted by Mitch
I crash when im hungover. I also crash alot when i'm sober. It's usually trying to go too big for my skill level. Or i'm just going to fast on a trail I don't know. I don't think that because you eat it alot you suck. Or that if you don't eat it alot you don't suck.

Apparantly I can't make sense when i'm hung over either. Damm sunday's. Oh well, least I made it work :confused:
another islander gone drunkard!

I can say this, i lived in stanhope every summer for 10 years.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Ok...I thought about it.

I crash when I am not thinking..sometimes the brain shuts off;
"why didn't I pull up off that drop at sedona???!!", or like how a few minutes before that happened I was doing a gap there...I started going progressively bigger untill I hit the ground hard enough that I bounced up and over the bars after hitting the ground. Those two really really hurt since I wasn't wearing armor then. Those were pretty hard falls. I think I fractured my pinky and now (about 1.5 months later) it is not swollen or anything anymore :D I know at the time that I didn't break it cause I had perfect movement, but it swelled up and hurt for a while.

But apart from that, I don't blame the bike much at all, even though I've ran some lousy setups, and even right now both of my bikes are pretty crappy, one has a bent derailer, one needs new linkage plates. Both items are on order, and I've been riding both bikes even still. This is just an example, but for me it is just a continuous "cycle" where stuff works better during some periods, and like absolute crap during others. I ride through it entirely though and rarely do I just comment about it being "crap", except for here. Secretly I may lust for things (like the new foes frame that I just got) and I've run some stuff that I knew to be completely inferior to what I was used to, but it's a pretty rare occassion that I blame "my bike" when I am out there riding it. I was either going to fast, lost control, didnt make the right movement, etc-even though if I was to change out my bike or certain parts that may have avoided the "loosing control" issue...

Last time I fell was a little while ago when we were doing the monster-descents in Globe, AZ. We went down a super-steep trail called Ice-House, and while it was ultra-steep, it was real soft dirt up that high so it was pretty neat even though we all went over the bars several times trying to negotiate this stuff. The next time that I had any issues was on the 2nd day when we went down a diff trail. Not as steep or tech, but still lots of fun (how can you not have fun on a 4300' descent?)-I was stopped, and I was going to lead the rest of the descent down, tried to pedal...stalled cause my fork was kind of "caught" in a rut, flipped over the bars and took my rear brake line with me....that definitly sucked, but I still had fun on the remaining 3500'.:D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Originally posted by Jm_

I crash when I am not thinking..sometimes the brain shuts off...
i crash when i am thinking...if i have to think about what i'm doing, i'm already a step behind. The best riding is purely instinctual, which is also the main reason i ride.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by zedro
i crash when i am thinking...if i have to think about what i'm doing, i'm already a step behind. The best riding is purely instinctual, which is also the main reason i ride.
Hmm...but see when I am "not thinking" I really "AM" thinking, but it is like the subconcious type of thinking, where it's like pure "reaction", my body and inputs are changing to match the changing situation as I deem necessary...it seems like I am "not thinking" but due to all the little inputs and movements it is....but if that shuts off...then i'm focked.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Originally posted by Jm_
Hmm...but see when I am "not thinking" I really "AM" thinking, but it is like the subconcious type of thinking, where it's like pure "reaction", my body and inputs are changing to match the changing situation as I deem necessary...it seems like I am "not thinking" but due to all the little inputs and movements it is....but if that shuts off...then i'm focked.
sooo....what type of thinking were you doing when you typed all this?


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
Originally posted by stoney98
I take mild ofense to that...
I haven't crashed in a while! Most of the "tricks" i can do dj'ing I have never crashed doing. When I crash it's for 2-3 reasons.
1: Riding over my head and being afraid. - riding stiff, instead of relaxed
2. Pushing sections fast (usuall turns) where i over burn and blow the corner.
3. Fatigue, not reacting properly/quickly enough.
These are the same three reasons I go down, although in the opposite order, 3,2, 1. Fatigue is the big one for me, if I just got off the bike when I got too tired I'd almost never crash but I'd also never get to ride with my friends unless we were at Whistler (where I never get tired).

563 740

Jul 23, 2002
North of Albany
I'd say fatigue and just "Holy crap, that rock didn't look that loose. My personal philosophy has always been "You can't get any faster sitting on the couch with a broken limb" I wouldn't say that "crashing is learning", it's just that crashes can result from expanding your limits, skill set, etc. "Crashing is learning" sounds like a lame excuse for when you're riding over your head. I'd say I learn more from near-crashes.