
Song of the Day (08Apr06)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Nick Saloman has been recording as The Bevis Frond for almost 20 years, but the fact that despite a gift for writing songs which can either toe the line of pure pop bliss from the likes of The Hollies, or the massive guitar freakouts of Jimi Hendrix (quite a range if you ask me), not many have paid attention.

this song is kinda between the two, and talks about the ennui of breathing air on a daily basis; i'm sure everyone can relate at some point. he's not got the most conventional voice, so that may play against him. his back catalog of 15 some-odd records is worth plundering, though. today's song is from Valedictory Songs

Can't Feel It

trying something new today, as i've heard that direct linking to YSI can either shorten the life of the link or do other nondesirable things. so here's the link you need to fetch the file (i've also seen people use 'hxxp' instead of 'http' in the link, so you have to cut and paste that. any preference? or go back to the old, direct link, if that was working fine)?



Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good licks... hard to beat that Fender tone. What's he playing, a Jaguar? Vocals work well for me. Much better suited than the whiney Plantesque stuff.

As my British friend says- I'll be havin' some more of that. Keeper. :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
yeah, nick rocks the jaguar. i've seen him play twice, good stuff. friendly chap, too. they are reissuing a lot of his stuff, so i would recommend _New River Head_ or _North Circular_ if you are looking for a starting point in his intimidating discography.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i haven't had a problem with the other links within a week of their posting, with just one exception... i've been downloading the files but haven't played any in about a week btw.