
Song of the Day (27Jun06)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
ok, my holidays are done for a while, so there shouldn't be any interrupted service for SotD...

Squirrel Bait stormed out of Louisville (a relative backwater at the time, musically speaking anyway) in the mid eighties, and got on my radar screen via Homestead's Wailing Ultimate compilation, a pretty decent cross-section of the indie/punk roster which label head Gerard Cosloy put together (who would go on to much more recognized efforts via Matador). This song crackles w/ energy and electricity, a juggernaut as it leads into the chorus. the band could only manage a couple of EPs along that same punk/hardcore/rock sound before firing away, but a few went on to form noted icon Slint.

Sun God



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the recording or transfer quality really kills this one for me. could be good but sounds like it was wrapped in cellophane. :dead: