
Song of the Day (31Aug05) [SST #5]


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Dinosaur Jr was the first of the bigger name indies to be pulled in by SST's allure...after seeing their punk heroes and established label veterans like Black Flag, Minutemen and Husker Du get joined by Sonic Youth, they followed SY's lead and left Homestead for the greener pastures of SST. this was a crushing blow for Homestead label Gerard Cosloy (who later founded Matador), as their 2nd record was already in the can and ready for release.

instead, their masterpiece You're Living All Over Me came out on SST and put their name firmly on the map.

so what's Dinosaur like? (the jr was added after some old farts who'd already used Dinosaur threatened to sue). LOUD. pin you to the back of the club loud. all three members (laconic, passive/aggressive dentist's son J Mascis; misunderstood and sensitive Lou Barlow; man in the middle (well, actually behind the kit) Murph)) came from hardcore backgrounds; i saw J and Lou's band Deep Wound play at least once during my high school years, and Murph played drums for a band called All White Jury which i'd see a few times. but along the way, J decided to drop the forbidden 1-2-3-4 tempo of HC, add in some over-amped classic rock guitar solos, and tried to melt the solid state components of any amp or PA he was plugged into.

these selections are taken from the mighty YLAOM and 2nd SST record _Bug_; since they unceremoniously tossed Lou out of the band after _Bug_ and he spent the next ~6 years working in Sebadoh, writing songs about how much he hated J, last year's reunion of the 3 was very unexpected. i've not seen the lineup but there are far worse things to do. btw, J is also drummer in the metal outfit Witch, also featured as a SotD selection.



They Always Come



Aug 16, 2006
That was pretty informative, I must say. I listened to sludgefeast and have to say it was a good song. Even though I've never heard of the band it is damn good.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
'raisans' has a great pop line...i think that juliana hatfield has covered it.

i could have also tossed up the D Jr covers of "show me the way" (frampton) or "just like heaven" (cure) :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
cool. i was waiting for this one.
Yeah loud doesn't quite do it justice. They will make your ears bleed.

I read an interview with J who said he never liked playing guitar and ironically enough became a guitar "anti-hero".

He saw guitar as a percussion instrument and his style reflects that. He wanted to crank his amp up loud enough to get that initial attack as his pick hit the string.

Bug was probably my favorite album. After the split I never got into their later albums and began checking out Sebadoh stuff. I'm pretty sure you did a post on Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock.

Ever listen to Sentridoh or the Folk Implosion?



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
cool. i was waiting for this one.
Yeah loud doesn't quite do it justice. They will make your ears bleed.

I read an interview with J who said he never liked playing guitar and ironically enough became a guitar "anti-hero".

He saw guitar as a percussion instrument and his style reflects that. He wanted to crank his amp up loud enough to get that initial attack as his pick hit the string.
anyone whoever saw the Dino Jr/My Bloody Valentine shows probably have craters where their ear holes used to be.

Bug was probably my favorite album. After the split I never got into their later albums and began checking out Sebadoh stuff. I'm pretty sure you did a post on Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock.

Ever listen to Sentridoh or the Folk Implosion?
i've got a fair bit of Sentridoh, and a little of folk implosion. prefer the former to the latter. another decent side project was jason lowenstein's Sparkalepsy

i only recently got a copy of _Bug_ (yeah, i'm a lame-o) so i am definitely more familiar w/ and fond of the 1st two Dinosaur records.


Feb 12, 2006
That was pretty informative, I must say. I listened to sludgefeast and have to say it was a good song. Even though I've never heard of the band it is damn good.

Wow, that is awesome. I didn't think anyone hadn't heard of DinoJr. These threads kick ass! Turning on new people to new tunes is what it is all about.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
If you haven't already checked it out I'd try to find a copy of.

Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991

It's a really cool book with some great interviews.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Narlus wrote it. (???)

It covers pretty much your past 2 weeks of SOTD,
Black Flag, Minutemen, Minor Threat, Big Black, Butthole Surfers, Dino Jr., Fugazi, Sonic Youth, Husker Du and Mudhunny plus more....

The Butthole Surfers was obvioulsy the best section.

Here's a good quote from the Dino Jr. Not to derail this great thread.
So while Barlow was so idealistic about music that he wrote a song specifically to get himself a girlfriend (Poledo, and it worked too good story there you'll have to buy the book..) Mascis just wrote songs because "that's what he's supposed to do". "And that was why his songs were ****in' amazing and why he had such an amazing grasp of the guitar," says Barlow "He wasn't idealistic he was just insanely pragmatic."........
Mascis told Spin's Erik Davis that he found the guitar to be a "wimpy instrument." "You really don't like guitar?"
"no," Mascis replied.
Why do you do it?"
Anyway it's a great book, buy it.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
definitely a great read, and i've had a lot of the bands from the book featured as SotD so far:

big black
black flag
dino Jr
husker du
fugazi (did their single of the month on sub pop)

plus i've had a mission of burma song; can you tell i dig that book? ;)

mike azerrad did a good job w/ it. he was briefly on the Guided By Voices email list.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
can you tell i dig that book? ;)

mike azerrad did a good job w/ it. he was briefly on the Guided By Voices email list.
Seriously for a while I thought you wrote it.
Did you ever work for any of the music mags?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i did some 'zine writing (the big takeover; popwatch) but haven't done any in a while. i'm trying to work an angle now w/ photos but haven't gotten any bites yet.