
Songs of the Day (06Jun06)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
not a typo...i was gonna finish off my bad metal covers (although there are still more songs from that particular bin), and also had to give a nod to the national day of slayer (06/06/06), and i'm gonna be gone for a while so SotD will go on temporary hiatus (i can hear the yousendit office quietly cheer...).

so, 1st things first. Luna was formed when Dean Wareham split from rhythm section and partners Damon and Naomi, effectively dissolving 80s pop band galaxie 500, and started his own band. they were pretty successful until he packed it in a year or so ago. the shadow of the velvet underground casts formidably over Dean's work, but the lighter side (ie, no "black angel's death song" type dirges).

here they rework the MTV classic.

sweet child o' mine

ok, onto the satanic business...just playing a Slayer song would be a copout, so i figured i'd dig a bit deeper...i did a database search for songs containing 'devil', 'satan' and 'hell' - i found some good candidates but nothing really enough over the top evil enough until i stumbled across the Brainbombs. probably the most misanthropic band ever to come from Sweden...these guys mean business, and are not afraid of distortion or dark themes. the singles were collected into a handy dandy cd, and today i bring you one of their 'classics':

It's A Burning Hell

maybe i shouldn't have posted the sole picture i found, it might have ruined the buildup...

ok, lastly is a real metal tune you can make dents in yr forehead to. these guys (Boris) played last week, but i was too lame to get out of the house. like most things japanese, they combine a slavish devotion to getting the details right (usually from non-endemic sources) but add their own flavor and twist so it's not a rote rip-off. they can do the grind / drone thing a la Sunn O)))) and have also colloborated w/ noisemeister Merzbow, but this song (3rd of 5 parts) should make the people concerned w/ concepts like 'riffs' and 'recording quality' a bit happier than the other stuff i was gonna throw on here.

Feedbacker, pt 3



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
sweet child o' mine: would have worked better with more inventive playing on the bass and drums imo. nothing really exceptional here, although i do like the relaxed tempo.

the other ones aren't in my playlist so i must have deleted them immediately upon first listen. :D