
sooo..I just hit a mexican on a bike..

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Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Dear Ridemonkey,

I have been a member of this community for a few years now. I am have bought the t-shirt, the sticker, heck I kicked a five spot from my PayPal account your way. I seek no reward from you, but I simply want to illustrate that all though my post count is rather low compared to those others who have been here while, I do have some time invested in participating in Ridemonkey.com.

I see you have entered into agreements with other biking websites to possibly increase advertising revenue. I feel like that is a smart economic move, there are many companies that owe you debt of gratitude for providing a forum where their niche products can be disscused by their intended consumers.

I am concerned frankly that by the time these agreements begin to generate the desired advertising revenue that the very audience you can sell them will no longer be one worthy of selling to.

I have privately contacted mods, and yourself in regards to the few people on this site who feel it appropriate to exhibit their racial biases in this forum. I have to say that the responses have been appropriate, moderation of threads, warnings issued publicly, and perhaps P.M.'s sent to offenders.

I offer this advise to you, clean house, make it clear that race relations on Ridemonkey mean discussing what happened during the weekend NORBA and grassroots DH and XC events, not why it is okay to hate Latinos and Homosexuals.

I wish you the very best in the business of Ridemonkey, and am hopefull this will continue to be place where I can gather the information I need to make bike related purchases and connect with the many excellent people I have met because of this website.


Armondo Galaviz


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
ummbikes said:
Dear Ridemonkey,

I have been a member of this community for a few years now. I am have bought the t-shirt, the sticker, heck I kicked a five spot from my PayPal account your way. I seek no reward from you, but I simply want to illustrate that all though my post count is rather low compared to those others who have been here while, I do have some time invested in participating in Ridemonkey.com.

I see you have entered into agreements with other biking websites to possibly increase advertising revenue. I feel like that is a smart economic move, there are many companies that owe you debt of gratitude for providing a forum where their niche products can be disscused by their intended consumers.

I am concerned frankly that by the time these agreements begin to generate the desired advertising revenue that the very audience you can sell them will no longer be one worthy of selling to.

I have privately contacted mods, and yourself in regards to the few people on this site who feel it appropriate to exhibit their racial biases in this forum. I have to say that the responses have been appropriate, moderation of threads, warnings issued publicly, and perhaps P.M.'s sent to offenders.

I offer this advise to you, clean house, make it clear that race relations on Ridemonkey mean discussing what happened during the weekend NORBA and grassroots DH and XC events, not why it is okay to hate Latinos and Homosexuals.

I wish you the very best in the business of Ridemonkey, and am hopefull this will continue to be place where I can gather the information I need to make bike related purchases and connect with the many excellent people I have met because of this website.


Armondo Galaviz
First of all, I dislike racism and I hate stupidity. Some of the posts on this particular thread have been both, and probably should have been moved to the Political Forum.

Lets keep in mind it is a few teenagers who expressed some immature opinions about racism. And for 2 or 3 racists posts, there have been 50 responses which have been condemning.

I would have no problem if this thread was deleted immediately. However, I enjoy discussing race and racism, and I firmly believe open discussion is the key.

Possibly a Biking Forum, which The Longue is supposed to be, is inappropriate for this kind of topic. However, I firmly support everyone's right to speak their opinion, as I support the right to speak these opinions.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
so, i'm gone for 5 hours to drive to Pepperdine and this turns thread takes a complete U-Turn into the way of a Race issue. I was just trying to tell a story about getting into an accident with a biker who happened to be mexican. Those from around here would realize that there are mexicans who bike all over this city to work, wherever. By no means is this a "turn manziman into a biggot asshole dumbass thread". But you guys being the perfect "PC" people that you are found a way to make me look like a tool. Especially those I know personally are stabbing knives into my back making me look like the bad guy. (montashu, with those pictures. I mean, wtf? you asked me "what's some good n***** music to listen to?" you're more racist than I and you want to better yourself?).
Where did I post any racist or derrogatory comments towards any race in this thread? If you guys are going to be judgemental ass-hats, then go F- yourselves. It's insane how being e-bullies is making you feel better about yourself over a couple misguided comments I have made. Yea, I said some wrong things, but i'm only human and most of you want to jump straight to conclusions that i'm an evil ass-holio of a person? pfft, i can't believe you guys.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
manziman said:
so, i'm gone for 5 hours to drive to Pepperdine and this turns thread takes a complete U-Turn into the way of a Race issue. I was just trying to tell a story about getting into an accident with a biker who happened to be mexican. Those from around here would realize that there are mexicans who bike all over this city to work, wherever. By no means is this a "turn manziman into a biggot asshole dumbass thread". But you guys being the perfect "PC" people that you are found a way to make me look like a tool. Especially those I know personally are stabbing knives into my back making me look like the bad guy. (montashu, with those pictures. I mean, wtf? you asked me "what's some good n***** music to listen to?" you're more racist than I and you want to better yourself?).
Where did I post any racist or derrogatory comments towards any race in this thread? If you guys are going to be judgemental ass-hats, then go F- yourselves. It's insane how being e-bullies is making you feel better about yourself over a couple misguided comments I have made. Yea, I said some wrong things, but i'm only human and most of you want to jump straight to conclusions that i'm an evil ass-holio of a person? pfft, i can't believe you guys.
The fact that you sling around racial slurs like everyday words in regular conversation might have something to do with it.

Sean, I really do think you're a cool guy, but you've got some major problems when it comes to issues like these.


Dec 23, 2004
manziman said:
so, i'm gone for 5 hours to drive to Pepperdine and this turns thread takes a complete U-Turn into the way of a Race issue. I was just trying to tell a story about getting into an accident with a biker who happened to be mexican....
When the title of your thread is "sooo..I just hit a mexican on a bike.." people are lead to believe that his/her race was important to you in telling your story. I don't get how you can spell Pepperdine with a capital P, and Mexican with a lower case m in the one post?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Here's the E! backdoor inside scoop on Manzi's thinking:

pedallenain: sorry i'm not a POS liberal like you who respects all and has equality for one another
Xblu3 thund3rX: whats wrong with treating other people as equals?
pedallenain: because not all people are equal, some people are better than me some people aren't. i'm not saying i'm top of the food chain here, but that's how capitalism works
pedallenain: you work your way up the ladder, we don't share everything
Xblu3 thund3rX: you're honestly deluded enough to base a person's worth on their wealth? that's pretty damned sad


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
im a noob look at my post count. But I dont know if i should laugh or cry. Actually I laughed so hard i cried on a couple of these posts.

Manzi stop defending yourself...just making it worse. Iron buy a frigging dictionary or better yet type your posts in word, spellcheck, cut and paste.

Hopefully with time both of you will "outgrow" you mindset and realize skin color has nothing to do with it. Anyone can be a POS.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
you guys have no lives to sit here for 4 hrs and bitch about racism
half of y'all are racist anyway, esp if they think only blacks can have corn rows.
i mean, c'mon, thats racism right there, at the very least sterotyping.
its just rediculous that you people bitch about crap you dont understand
i hardly believe that any of you guys dont descriminate

like you think you're so much better than me

you cant say you've never done/said/thought anything racist
and its just the way we are
we judge
its not right but its what we do
and you're a-holes if you think you don't


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
manziman said:
so, i'm gone for 5 hours to drive to Pepperdine and this turns thread takes a complete U-Turn into the way of a Race issue. I was just trying to tell a story about getting into an accident with a biker who happened to be mexican. Those from around here would realize that there are mexicans who bike all over this city to work, wherever. By no means is this a "turn manziman into a biggot asshole dumbass thread". But you guys being the perfect "PC" people that you are found a way to make me look like a tool. Especially those I know personally are stabbing knives into my back making me look like the bad guy. (montashu, with those pictures. I mean, wtf? you asked me "what's some good n***** music to listen to?" you're more racist than I and you want to better yourself?).
Where did I post any racist or derrogatory comments towards any race in this thread? If you guys are going to be judgemental ass-hats, then go F- yourselves. It's insane how being e-bullies is making you feel better about yourself over a couple misguided comments I have made. Yea, I said some wrong things, but i'm only human and most of you want to jump straight to conclusions that i'm an evil ass-holio of a person? pfft, i can't believe you guys.
Firstly, TheMontashu, who has posted some dumbass opinions about Mexicans (have you started picking your own fruit yet?) is not a racist. I work with him and I enjoy our friendship, and he has done nothing I consider racist except for having a very conservative viewpoint.

Let me tell you a story about "reverse-racism". I like basketball and I have played it on many courts. Being the only Asian most of time, I have been called some pretty racist terms (the funniest: Don Ho).

One guy who liked calling me Jackie Chan did not think he was racist (his reason: he was a black man married to a white woman). It took a while to convince him, but I finally gave him a hypothetical situation of him playing basketball with only Asians and they called him Monkey (like Drunken Monkey).

I don't think you are a bad guy, but you made yourself looked racist when introduced race into your commentary. You hit a guy riding a bike and it sucked. That is all you had to say.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
manziman said:
you guys have no lives to sit here for 4 hrs and bitch about racism
half of y'all are racist anyway, esp if they think only blacks can have corn rows.
i mean, c'mon, thats racism right there, at the very least sterotyping.
its just rediculous that you people bitch about crap you dont understand
i hardly believe that any of you guys dont descriminate

like you think you're so much better than me

you cant say you've never done/said/thought anything racist
and its just the way we are
we judge
its not right but its what we do
and you're a-holes if you think you don't
You are absolutely right about everyone is racist. I have racist opinions and I have said objectionable things.

But despite my opinions I try to act with respect towards everyone. I think that is what keeps one from being a racist.


Dec 23, 2004
manziman said:
you guys have no lives to sit here for 4 hrs and bitch about racism
half of y'all are racist anyway, esp if they think only blacks can have corn rows.
i mean, c'mon, thats racism right there, at the very least sterotyping.
its just rediculous that you people bitch about crap you dont understand
i hardly believe that any of you guys dont descriminate

like you think you're so much better than me

you cant say you've never done/said/thought anything racist
and its just the way we are
we judge
its not right but its what we do
and you're a-holes if you think you don't
I'm sure if you spoken the story instead of written it, no one would have focused on you mentioning that it was a Mexican guy you hit. 7 pages!


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I didn't want to chime in but I will...........as I've had my fair share of mexican encounters....I'm white.....but being white doesn't matter or black or brown or whatever.

I do not hate mexican's at all. Hate is too strong of a word. But I'd say I dislike some, and not just mexicans, but white people, black people, asian people, pretty much everyone. The race thing is way out of control. There will always be many different classes of people in every race, some which you might dislike, and some that are OK.

We had an accident out in the street a while ago. Night time, biker was not wearing a helmet or light of any sort, weaving down the middle of the street......he got hit. I heard the car hit their brakes so we went outside to see him laying in the street probably close to death. Yes he was hispanic, yes he rode a BMX bike, yes he had no helmet or lights....point? His riding got him hit, and it had nothing to do with his race or anything else. I thought to myself....his fault for no light or no helmet. The driver probably didn't even see him. I don't dislike hispanic people because of a accident like this but there's just as stupid white/black/asian whatever out there that are doing the same thing. You know what I mean?

Growing up in southern cali, and still living here in a town that's slowly growing with a hispanic population, dealing with the local wannabe's as far as gangs go, and living/growing up in the part of town that is considered to be "middle class" with lots of "lower class" around. I've had my share of inconsiderate people, mainly hispanic people possibly due to the language barrier, or just their sheer lack of caring in some situations but not all are the same. I've seen everything from littering (like poop diapers tossed in the river, trash, clothes, engine fluids etc.....) in my area. I say "them as hispanic people" because that's what's in my area. I've seen the un-necessary comments mostly race in content directed at me. If you grow up in a area like this you realize how your family might not hate another race but the same doesn't always go the other way. I've been called more names, taunted more, basicly bothered more by hispanic kids growing up then I ever want to remember. It's more of a kids thing then an adults though, but it still is out there.

In school, for instance, when I was in elementry school there were classes that were 100% hispanic, teaching them in spanish........when we're in America. I had been placed in some of the "mixed" classes to find out that instructions were both in english and spanish. After my grades and marks dropped I was pulled and placed into the normal english classes. In junior high there was no seperate classes for spanish speaking kids and the regulars. Thank god, finally it was just like a normal school experience. All our classes were mixed about half and half with hispanics and everyone else. High school was high school......nothing exciting or different there. My brother who is 9 years younger has gone through the same school system except this time, he's the minority no matter where he goes. In elementry, he was the only white kid (or possibly out of 2 or 3) in his class. Junior high is no different. Hispanic's are not the minority anymore, rather "everyone" else is. Next year he starts high school where I hope that he meets and gets to know that not all hispanic kids are like the ones he grew up with. The ones that taunted him for being white or for having a penny to his name, or the fact that they had to voice themselfs thinking they were better. Unlike him, he doesn't stand up for himself and got walked on. I didn't allow that to happen to me. I could tell when things were being said in spanish and what they ment. I could tell when a fight was going to happen. I'm not the aggro type but just like anyone, you push their buttons long enough and somethings gotta give.

I'd be stupid to say that I hate hispanics or any other race. I play basketball 2 times a week and I'm the only white person playing out of about 20 people. All hispanic, all range in age from probably 16 to 60. I can honestly say that in the last few years of playing sports with them I've learned alot. That they treat you the same way you treat them. Growing up with some of them as kids it might not have been that way. Ex gangmembers, crooks, whatever........I don't think you have near the same respect as kids as you do when your an adult. Hell even a few don't speak english yet somehow we all manage. If you give it some time things will work, no matter what race or color.

So yes, manzi might have been wrong to title the post "I hit a mexican" because in all that is what flammed this whole thing. In some ways, depending on where you're from, I wouldn't expect a person in Utah to understand. It's a different lifestyle that some have grown up with. As an adult you learn from your mistakes (hopefully) and think to yourself how race really isn't the issue. I'd be the first to admit that I'm not perfect and have done some stupid things. I bet if you thought about it you could think the same too. Race has nothing to do with this.

Next time though think about what you post. Not everyone on ridemonkey is in the high class, rich, WHITE, drives SUVS, lives in million dollar homes. Hell most don't even own a home, make alot of money, have nothing but their passions and their bikes.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Spunger said:
I wouldn't expect a person in Utah to understand. It's a different lifestyle that some have grown up with.
I went to elementary at an inner city school where I was one of 6 white kids out of about 25 in the last class I remember. I know things are different all over, but situations like that still give a person perspective on things like race and cultural differences. I've always thought that growing up amongst kids with such differing backgrounds helped me in life. Too bad that ended when I was carted off into the depths of suburbia ;)


Dec 23, 2004
blue said:
The fact that you sling around racial slurs like everyday words in regular conversation might have something to do with it.

Sean, I really do think you're a cool guy, but you've got some major problems when it comes to issues like these.
Is calling someone a Mexican now considered to be a racial slur? I'm just wondering.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Is calling someone a Mexican now considered to be a racial slur? I'm just wondering.
No...I was referring to past experiences with Manzi, as I've hung out with him...IN REAL LIFE!!! :eek:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Your not expecting any more than ridicule are you? Coming onto a quite diverse bike froum saying that you hit a "Mexican" on a "bike".

Still, it doesnt beat the line you threw up that went something like this :think: "I didnt steal the TV, I'm not that black" :rolleyes:

Keep em coming man. Eventually I'll get some good sig material. Its going to take work though to beat out knuck.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
sanjuro said:
I would have no problem if this thread was deleted immediately. However, I enjoy discussing race and racism, and I firmly believe open discussion is the key.
:stupid: I actually think that it's *valuable* to see that there are still racists around. No point sweeping it under the rug. Who knows, maybe some of the condemnation will prompt the posters to reexamine and analyze why they believe the way they do and maybe even modify their stance. Maybe they'll come to the realization that people are individuals, regardless of what they look like. That people speak loudest with their actions and how they treat others.....

Possibly a Biking Forum, which The Longue is supposed to be, is inappropriate for this kind of topic. However, I firmly support everyone's right to speak their opinion, as I support the right to speak these opinions.
:stupid: I'll tell them when I think that they're being idiots, but I'll continue support their right to publically *be* an idiot. :D



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
manziman said:
<snip>By no means is this a "turn manziman into a biggot asshole dumbass thread". But you guys being the perfect "PC" people that you are found a way to make me look like a tool.
I hate to break it to you, but nobody is "turning" or "making you out to look" like *anything* - you have done that all on your own. :rolleyes:

<snip>Where did I post any racist or derrogatory comments towards any race in this thread? If you guys are going to be judgemental ass-hats, then go F- yourselves.
Are you *really* this stupid?

It's insane how being e-bullies is making you feel better about yourself over a couple misguided comments I have made. Yea, I said some wrong things, but i'm only human and most of you want to jump straight to conclusions that i'm an evil ass-holio of a person?
How about this - immediately after realizing that race had nothing to do with anything in your anecdote, you edit your post to reflect that and then admit that you were a dumbass? All of a sudden everyone gets off your case and the thread trails off into obscurity, where it belongs.

Internet forums are *NOT* rocket science, after all. :rolleyes:



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
blue said:
Here's the E! backdoor inside scoop on Manzi's thinking:

pedallenain: sorry i'm not a POS liberal like you who respects all and has equality for one another
Xblu3 thund3rX: whats wrong with treating other people as equals?
pedallenain: because not all people are equal, some people are better than me some people aren't. i'm not saying i'm top of the food chain here, but that's how capitalism works
pedallenain: you work your way up the ladder, we don't share everything
Xblu3 thund3rX: you're honestly deluded enough to base a person's worth on their wealth? that's pretty damned sad
Dude - if this is a private IM quip, that's pretty uncool. Kind of akin to posting private email to a message board without the other party's consent. Keep the private chit private. :rolleyes:



manziman said:
you guys have no lives to sit here for 4 hrs and bitch about racism
half of y'all are racist anyway, esp if they think only blacks can have corn rows.
i mean, c'mon, thats racism right there, at the very least sterotyping.
its just rediculous that you people bitch about crap you dont understand
i hardly believe that any of you guys dont descriminate

like you think you're so much better than me

you cant say you've never done/said/thought anything racist
and its just the way we are
we judge
its not right but its what we do
and you're a-holes if you think you don't
You're right. The corn row references are out of line. The fact that you look like a stupid ass with them is enough. I am sure the peeps that see them in real life criticize you enough. No need in me to carry on. I am through with the corn rows jokes. Sorry I hurt your feelings, bro.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
sanjuro said:
<snip> he has done nothing I consider racist except for having a very conservative viewpoint.
WTF? Is there something inherently racist about having a conservative viewpoint? :confused:

<snip>I don't think you are a bad guy, but you made yourself looked racist when introduced race into your commentary. You hit a guy riding a bike and it sucked. That is all you had to say.
Yup. He could've simply made good and the post would've gone away. Now he desperately tries to defend himself as "not a racist" then says "we're all racists"........ it's like a mouse caught in a blender.

Except the mouse is probably smarter.



Mar 27, 2003
Toronto, Ont. Canada

u as$hats should let it go... it was a description. whether the mexican or you like it or not... HES STILL MEXICAN!

now if he had said 'i hit a dirty mexican' than maybe you would have something to bit$h about...

screw this pc talk all the time... we're not in the 90s anymore

btw... corn rows are ONLY FOR BLACK PEEPS... (maybe hispanics.... crackers cant pull that off... sorry)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Holy %&#$. Someone, take this thread out back and shoot it before it becomes any stupider (if that's even possible). Please.


Lennox said:

u as$hats should let it go... it was a description. whether the mexican or you like it or not... HES STILL MEXICAN!

now if he had said 'i hit a dirty mexican' than maybe you would have something to bit$h about...

screw this pc talk all the time... we're not in the 90s anymore

btw... corn rows are ONLY FOR BLACK PEEPS... (maybe hispanics.... crackers cant pull that off... sorry)
:nuts: you should be hit my "anyone".


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Lennox said:
<snip>u as$hats should let it go... it was a description. whether the mexican or you like it or not... HES STILL MEXICAN!
And how, pray tell, do *you* know he was a Mexican? STFU.

<snip>btw... corn rows are ONLY FOR BLACK PEEPS... (maybe hispanics.... crackers cant pull that off... sorry)
It's enlightening to see that there are racists amongst our Canadian brethren. :rolleyes:



Mar 27, 2003
Toronto, Ont. Canada
man what a boy scout ... go suck ur thumb or something...

just because i call someone something there are... doesnt make me a racist... i love everyone... but im not gonna AVOID their race.. thats stupid...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Lennox said:
man what a boy scout ... go suck ur thumb or something...

just because i call someone something there are... doesnt make me a racist... i love everyone... but im not gonna AVOID their race.. thats stupid...
Hope the chair is nice and comfy there in your state of denial. :rolleyes:

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