I took those pictures. All bolts were there, just 1 missing the head after the stem twisted.Apparently missing a bolt or something. I wonder if my forks would fail if I took 1/4 of the bolts out of the crowns, or axle.
Pics of failed stems please that aren't from poor set up, or maintenence(bolt tension), and ideally tell us if they're crash related failures, or have been in big crashes in the past. And how old they are.
His setup was fine, the bolts were the supplied steel bolts. The guy is good with maintenance and only had the stem a week prior to its failure.
The problem was the rider. Guppy was and still is a fearless rider, I rode with him a couple of weeks ago at his local hill and whilst I was there I asked him to show me where he broke his stem. So he did, it was a 3 hit line all with landings as flat as can be. Starting at about 10 foot and ending with a good 16 foot, to a angled landing. It was the last drop that the stem failed on, and I don't blame it.
The funny thing was when I met him he was on what he calls a cross country ride. And I set out intending to go on a huck/drop mission. It turns out they're the same thing to Guppy...