
South Seatac Wed/thurs

Sep 8, 2004

I'll be out there on wed/thurs to get some riding/photography in. Probably 11am/noon - 4-7pm on wed, depending on how bad I crash. And on thurs I'll probably get out there around 3pm and ride till dark. I'll be bringing my camera gear, so if anybody wants to get some photos taken off of drops/gaps/whatever, I'll be there.

I'll be on the green Haro.

That is.... as long as I don't get called into work.



Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
Ill be out there riding wednesday morn around 10
Just a heads-up - the landing side of the table is a little soft. We smoothed it out and tried to do the same for the takeoff for that gapper.
I think I'm going to get some TNT to break up some of that slab under there.:mad:

I'd join you if...
A) I had my bike (should be by tomorrow afternoon)
B) I didn't have to go to my unemployment audit at 9:30am and
C) Wasn't so tired from 6hrs. of working out there today.
Sep 8, 2004
Looks like I'll probably be off next wed/thurs too, if anybody wants to get some riding in next week as well.
If you guys need any help building or doing maintainence out there let me know and I'll bring a shovel and stuff. I ride there pretty much weekly, so I might as well help with the upkeep a bit.



Turbo Monkey
jimbo_the_biker said:
Looks like I'll probably be off next wed/thurs too, if anybody wants to get some riding in next week as well.
If you guys need any help building or doing maintainence out there let me know and I'll bring a shovel and stuff. I ride there pretty much weekly, so I might as well help with the upkeep a bit.

I'll be down there in a riding capacity as much as possible over the next week - have to get my skills back before Whistler the weekend after next.
We keep shovels and a rake on-hand. If you can keep a 'secret', I'll let you know where they are - not that it's a HUGE secret or anything:)
edit - it you have a stamper/packer, that could be helpful though. I need to get one, but food, rent/bills and lift tix for Whistler take priority at this moment.

Captain Crunch said:
An-dizzle, wouldn't a sledgehammer work almost as well and twice as quietly?

You're scaring me. :eek:
Yeah, I know - I meant to say sledgehammer. But TNT is sooo much fun!
An-dizzle? Shizzle!!
Sep 8, 2004
We had a lot of bikers out there tonight. Lots of people going big and having tons of fun. I'll have the photos posted sometime by tomorrow, probably within a few hours.

Sep 8, 2004
Ok, just finished editting. I took 135 photos, and have put 56 of em on the web for your viewing pleasure. There were some excellent riders, and pretty minimal crashes. It was quite nifty to see people hit that trail gap, and all the other funn stuff out there.

The photos are at: http://home.comcast.net/~jimbo_the_biker/bikin-9-23/ I just whipped together a weak little html index for em, nothing fancy. If you happen to recognize yourself in the photos, and want to get prints, just let me know and I'll send you full resolution copies.



Turbo Monkey
Nice shots, James!:thumb: You obviously have a good flash...most of my twilight pics aren't even worth saving onto my hard-drive.:o
Killer shots of the man-train on that gap at the end of the trail.

I need to spend a good amount of time on the tree drop (which I've done plenty of times) so that I feel better about the trail-gap around the corner - that thing is still a mind-f*ck for me.


Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
daaaammmmmnnn!!!! wish i could have been there to throw the new gap. looks fun, and looks like a lot of people tried it. i can't wait. i'll be out there next week if its nice enough. i need some video footage for my senior project anyway!!
Sep 8, 2004
I'm supposed to be off next wed/thurs as well, I'm gonna try to be out there again. There was a killer group of riders out there, the most I've ever seen out there at one time.

DBR - Thanks! Its actually just the builtin flash on my Canon EOS 10D, I'm gonna have to get a nice external flash though, the builtin one is definately not fast enough. It gets the job done for now though.

BIGHIT - Let me know if you want to get some photos for your Sr. project. I think if you showed up with any photos/film footage of the trail gap, they'd have to Ace ya on the spot.


Turbo Monkey
thesacrifice said:
dudes on the bighits and turner were ripping it up, nice pics, the little man on the Dirtbag... priceless
I think that's Norm (little ripper on Dirtbag)...he would come out there w/ his
mom most of the summer.
Ran into them a few times later in summer when I got back into the shovel thing.
He's going to be (well, already is) quite the ripper.

p.s. - did somebody forget that honking huge bottle of water last night? (seen in pic to right of gap);)
Sep 8, 2004
Norm, the little ripper, was hitting the middle jump on the table top, but didn't do the new gap. That there is another talented young ripper, only 14yrs old and is already hitting that new gap (rides a kona stinky deluxe, I think).

Did the water jug get left out there? I'm not sure who brought it, but I started noticing it when I was going through the photos later.



Turbo Monkey
Hahahaha - I just happened to see it (water-bottle) when I got there and remember seeing it in a few pics. New signage will help alleviate those things - just giving a good-natured rash-o-sh*t...I take pride in being the occaisional wise-arse. Chances are, it was there before you folks even showed up.:p
Yeah, the young-uns are definitely coming out of the woodwork out there lately. I can't wait to see the family w/ the 16" bmx rigs out there again popping the drops on the lower right line.:eek: