
southeast monkey gathering:report


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well. i got there friday early and visited the campsite of loonatic and the mtb_Rob_FL for a while. the weather was pretty crappy. Severe thunderstorms and whatnot. I decide to go after a few minutes up to the main campsite to see if anyone had arrived and they had not. i set up a tarp and my tent and begin waiting. The greensboro crew showed up and the drinking began.

We decided that motomike is gay so we lashed out at him with gay jokes all night long.

saturday we wake up and burly shirley is there with his girl leslie (who has a nice ass) and we begin assembling to go on the saturday death march. it ends up being about 20 or so on the saturday ride and it didnt rain at all that day so that was cool and the group that stuck with me had the most fun with about 15 or 16 full on river crossings. My seat snapped off the seat post and Chase got a flat and those were the only 2 mechanical issues we had. Some people definately went in up to their necks. there are no pictures of the trail ride from saturday. most people in the group (before it got split) would not have even considered the notion of stopped for 2 seconds to wait for people at intersections much less wait for someone to set up a photo.

saturday night we went to the chinese buffet after sorting through the worst shuttle massacre ever. it was absurd how lame the shuttle ended up but whatever. people were soaked it was cold so we just wanted to get back. wooglin showed up which was cool although he forgot some important things which set his arrival time back by about 4 hours.

the buffet was good, motomike ate lobster balls and i crop dusted the buffet line.

at the campsite we decide that chris (motomikes tent buddy) is gay so the pressure is off mike and onto chris so the gay jokes are flying again as well as beer and toxic fumes from my ass. The greenville crew shows up which is cool even though they are hippies. there was an unsuccessful attempt to duct tape motomike to a tree as well but apparently that lil guy kicks pretty damn hard.

sunday we shuttle Perry Cove after a few guys huck the drop at the back of the campsite and burly shirleys girlfriend gets loonatics truck stuck then i take the greensboro crew over to the local dirt jumps and they are a little bit mushy but those guys still go off.

enough jibber jabber though. here are the facts:

miles covered-i have no idea
gay jokes-at least 250
beer drank-a ton
monkeys in attendance-10 or 11
non monkeys-10 or 11
broken frames-1
broken seat-1
amount of food consumed at buffet-at least 20 pounds
stuck trucks-1
farts-a lot

here are some pics:
base camp

greensboro crew tents

chase on the campsite drop

motomike on the campsite drop

loonatic on the campsite drop

will trying to keep warm while soaking wet

a truck full of bikes

a broken banshee

wheelie mert


motomike gettin himself some breakfast


all in all i think most everyone had a good time. next year it will be in june and there will be several things done differently that i will not go in to. it was good meeting everyone and hopefully i will see you guys again soon. feel free to post amongst yourselves now.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I got a report from some local Knoxville guys who were riding Perry on Sunday that they saw a crew shuttling and having fun. Loo is on his way here to ride Windrock this coming weekend, so it should be a good time.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
WKC said:
Hey Biggins, can you e-mail me the file of my campsite drop pic?
it would be easier for me to just send a complete cd and let you guys make copies to give to each other.

i found a cool present in my car that someone left. i wont tell you what it is and i am not planning on giving it back either.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
MudGrrl said:
Lovin' the pic of will with gloves on his feet....... or is he really a monkey? :think:

yeah he has hands for feet. he doesnt ride clipless because he can just wrap his foot fingers around the pedal and grab on.


Feb 23, 2005
Down in the G-Spot
Sweet! I''ll definitely be there. Just gotta hook up a new rear derail on the G-Mini and i'll be set to roll out. Maybe some urban tires too. HIGH ROLLERS SUCK A*S!!!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
WKC said:
OK. U just gonna mail da CD? I bet you got a hold of my Re:Cycles t-shirt, huh? I can't seem to find mine!
i can not divulge any information about the prize found in the back of my car. all i know is that i wanted one and now i have one. :thumb:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
biggins said:
i can not divulge any information about the prize found in the back of my car. all i know is that i wanted one and now i have one. :thumb:

:drool: :eek: :drool: :drool: :eek: :drool: :drool: :eek: :drool: :drool: :eek: :drool:

:::::::::resisting the urge to make wildly inappropriate jokes :mumble:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
What about the broken Banshee. Details? Was it bottomed out hard?

not horribly and the guy riding it is a very smooth and good rider. its funny the tube didnt break the whole weld seperated. he did case a couple of small jumps but nothing that should kill that bike.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
ok I am kinda lazy, so I am just copying a post I made on my local forum with some slight editing...

Ok so I am having slight issues getting all the photos loaded up. So here are a few

Our group at the top of the Eastern SlickRock Trail

Teresa(non-Monkey), trying to make it up a steep section

Jason (non-Monkey) walking up the same section

Me coming back from a 30mile ride It was a LITTLE muddy. BUT DAMN, can you tell I just had FUN?

Lou (LooNatic) coming back from riding Thrift Cove to Black Mountain

RideMonkies loading up for a day at of Shuttling in N Mills

The view from the Shuttle drop-in Point

After the first short descent we regroup at the Trace/Spencer intersection

Some minor adjustments to the Yeti

Just after the first short climb to the top of Trace, its all downhill from here

The gap at the end of Trace

Lots of waiting for the Shuttle vehicles to return

And why you all had to wait SO long
Telling us what we already knew! That we had to freaking WALK 1.5 miles from the locked gate on the Parkway to our vehicles, then drive ALL the way back to Asheville and around to N Mills. At least it wasnt snowing, oh wait YES IT WAS

And finally me checking to make sure the luggage cart goes downhill good :blah:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
mtnbiker66 said:
just got word that perry cove is closed (seasonal). They are talking about making it year round but for now it's closed, you bunch of poachers!!! :nope:
no it is not. i checked at the ranger station as well as confered with the newest version of the pisgah trail map and it certainly is not seasonal. bennett however is seasonal.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
bennett and perry share a trail head. i think as long as you turn onto perry then you are ok because that is the only way to get to perry. If you look on the National Geographic map that has all the trails and the list of all the trails and their designation then you will see that bennett has the "s" for seasonal and perry does not. i wanted to make sure and at the ranger station they said it was not seasonal or it would be listed as seasonal on the map.

dont hit girlscouts, unless they have cookies to steal.

ya'll are still coming to the comp right?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
mtnbiker66 said:
Fer sure, we'll be there.Herndon told me yesterday that Lenoski will be there for sure.
lenosky always seems to be there. he is a nice fella.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
biggins said:
bennett and perry share a trail head. i think as long as you turn onto perry then you are ok because that is the only way to get to perry. If you look on the National Geographic map that has all the trails and the list of all the trails and their designation then you will see that bennett has the "s" for seasonal and perry does not. i wanted to make sure and at the ranger station they said it was not seasonal or it would be listed as seasonal on the map.

dont hit girlscouts, unless they have cookies to steal.

ya'll are still coming to the comp right?

Yep, Perry is not seasonal.
But Bennett is, and you can't get to Perry without riding Bennett.
So basically that whole shuttle is seasonal.
I used to hate the fact it is seasonal, but it gets too much use now.
Too many goobers have been dragging their brakes all the way down Perry.
That trail had braking bumps like a national course the last time I rode it.
If it gets too bad, the trail will get shut down.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Jeremy R said:
Yep, Perry is not seasonal.
But Bennett is, and you can't get to Perry without riding Bennett.
So basically that whole shuttle is seasonal.
I used to hate the fact it is seasonal, but it gets too much use now.
Too many goobers have been dragging their brakes all the way down Perry.
That trail had braking bumps like a national course the last time I rode it.
If it gets too bad, the trail will get shut down.
you had no idea how prophetic those words were when you typed them did you?


Dec 5, 2001
Asheville, NC
Hate I didn't make down over the weekend! The wagon was loaded and the bike was ready to ride on top. Unfortunately, I had some personal issues come up that would have put me in the late-night-lurker-at-the-fire-possible-icy-roadtrip category and decided to stay home.

It did not involve “gastro issues”.

I wish I’d had a better networking system going on – especially for MTB Rob. I live about a mile from your 191 exit point off the Parkway. I had a warm house, full tank of gas, anything goes attitude and an unopened case of Smith's Oatmeal Stout. Large bottles. Such is life…

Crazy Camye checked in on her way home to give me her ride report. Sounded as if they got their “distance from Raleigh” worth over the weekend. God, how I envy you “youngsters”. Looking forward to tomorrows Mtn. Sports Fest!!!

Time to start planning an early Fall Monkey Fest?


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Lwac said:
I wish I’d had a better networking system going on – especially for MTB Rob. I live about a mile from your 191 exit point off the Parkway. I had a warm house, full tank of gas, anything goes attitude and an unopened case of Smith's Oatmeal Stout. Large bottles. Such is life…
aww man an Oatmeal Stout would of hit the spot, thanks for the offer

Lwac said:
Crazy Camye checked in on her way home to give me her ride report. Sounded as if they got their “distance from Raleigh” worth over the weekend.
That girl had a freaking motor.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
My buddy from Tampa just sent me this picture of Me and Loo at Dupont just prior to the gathering.

edit.. just noticed

I am in front on the blue bike in blue. Loo is in the back on his gold bike in Yellow (its close to gold). We are some color coordinated peeps.